
Facebook is the world’s most popular social network, and with that comes a load of problems. Not only do you have to deal with all the regular trolls you find online, but crazy exes, stalkers, and fake profiles looking to con you are all permanent fixtures.

Facebook是世界上最受欢迎的社交网络,随之而来的是很多问题。 不仅要处理您在网上找到的所有常规巨魔,而且疯狂的exe,缠扰者和伪造的个人资料还会使您成为永久性的拥护者。

Thankfully, you can block these kinds of users. Let’s look at how.

幸运的是,您可以阻止此类用户。 让我们看看如何。

块做什么? (What Does a Block Do?)

When you block someone on Facebook:


  • They are no longer to see your posts or visit your profile.他们不再能看到您的信息或访问您的个人资料。
  • They can’t find your profile in search.他们在搜索中找不到您的个人资料。
  • They can’t message you with Facebook Messenger.他们无法通过Facebook Messenger向您发送消息。
  • They can’t add you as a friend.他们无法将您加为好友。
  • They can’t poke you, tag you, invite you to events or otherwise interact with you.他们无法戳您,为您添加标签,邀请您参加活动或与您进行互动。
  • You automatically unfriend and unfollow them.您会自动取消对他们的关注并取消关注。

If that sounds like what you want, read on.


如何在Facebook上阻止某人 (How to Block Someone on Facebook)

To block someone on Facebook from your web browser, go to their profile page and tap the three dots on the bottom right corner of their Cover Photo.


Click Block.


And then click Confirm.


You can also block someone by clicking on the padlock icon in the top right and then selecting How Do I Stop Someone Bothering Me?


Enter their name and then click Block.


To block someone from the Facebook mobile app, the process is similar. Go to their profile and tap More. Tap Block and then Block again.

要阻止某人访问Facebook移动应用程序,过程类似。 转到他们的个人资料,然后点击更多。 点击阻止,然后再次阻止。

You can also go to the Options screen and tap Privacy Shortcuts.


Again select, How Do I Stop Someone Bothering Me?, enter the name of the person you want to block and tap Block.


如何在Facebook上解除封锁 (How to Unblock Someone on Facebook)

To unblock someone on Facebook, go to Privacy Shortcuts > How Do I stop Someone from Bothering Me? on either the website or mobile app.

要解除对Facebook上某人的阻止,请转到“隐私快捷键”>“如何阻止某人打扰我”? 在网站或移动应用上。

On the website, select View All Blocked Users.


On the mobile app, tap Blocked Users.


You’ll see a list of all the users you’ve blocked. Select the Unblock button next to the person you want to unblock.

您会看到已阻止的所有用户的列表。 选择您要取消阻止的人旁边的“取消阻止”按钮。

Finally, click Confirm.


Now they’ll be unblocked. To reconnect with them, you will need to add them as a friend again.

现在,它们将被解除阻止。 要与他们重新连接,您需要再次将他们添加为朋友。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/292867/how-to-block-someone-on-facebook/



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