

方式 初始化 init 销毁destroy
1 @bean 注解,指定属性initMethod @bean 注解,指定属性destroyMethod
2 xml形式,指定 init-method xml形式,指定 destroy-method
3 实现InitializingBean接口,重写afterPropertiesSet方法 实现DisposableBean接口,重写destroy方法
4 注解@PostConstruct 注解@PreDestroy


  1. @bean 注解
@Bean(name="user",initMethod = "init",destroyMethod = "destroy")public User user(String name) {return new User(name);}
  1. xml形式

<bean id="user" class="com.demo.user" init-method="init" destroy-method="destroy"></bean>
  1. 接口InitializingBean和DisposableBean

public interface InitializingBean {/*** Invoked by the containing {@code BeanFactory} after it has set all bean properties* and satisfied {@link BeanFactoryAware}, {@code ApplicationContextAware} etc.* <p>This method allows the bean instance to perform validation of its overall* configuration and final initialization when all bean properties have been set.* @throws Exception in the event of misconfiguration (such as failure to set an* essential property) or if initialization fails for any other reason*/void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception;}


/*** Interface to be implemented by beans that want to release resources* on destruction. A BeanFactory is supposed to invoke the destroy* method if it disposes a cached singleton. An application context* is supposed to dispose all of its singletons on close.** <p>An alternative to implementing DisposableBean is specifying a custom* destroy-method, for example in an XML bean definition.* For a list of all bean lifecycle methods, see the BeanFactory javadocs.** @author Juergen Hoeller* @since 12.08.2003* @see org.springframework.beans.factory.support.RootBeanDefinition#getDestroyMethodName* @see org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext#close*/
public interface DisposableBean {/*** Invoked by a BeanFactory on destruction of a singleton.* @throws Exception in case of shutdown errors.* Exceptions will get logged but not rethrown to allow* other beans to release their resources too.*/void destroy() throws Exception;}
  1. @PostConstruct和@PreDestroy

//初始化后执行的方法,必须为voidlei'xing类型@PostConstructpublic void init() {***do someThing}//bean销毁前执行的方法
public void init() {***do someThing

从Java EE 5规范开始,Servlet中增加了两个影响Servlet生命周期的注解:@PostConstruct和@PreDestroy。



  • xml和实现接口的方式是Spring最原始的方式,Spring任何版本均支持

  • @PostConstruct和@PreDestroy需要Spring2.5及以上版本

  • @bean :需要Spring 3.0以上版本支持


引自: 深究Spring中Bean的生命周期.

初始化之后执行顺序: @PostConstruct > InitializingBean > Beaninit-method(xml注解或者@Bean)

销毁之前执行顺序:@preDestroy > DisposableBean > destoryMethod(xml注解或者@Bean)


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