我在尝试使用scipy.odeint整合毕达哥拉斯三体问题时遇到了困难。经过一番检查和网络搜索,我在这个非常有趣的集成中发现了以下内容discussion/tutorial:"After a discussion of the unit scaling in the next section many different integration algorithms are described in following sections. The author recommends, after writing your own integration program according to one of these algorithms, to begin the integration exercises with the figure “eight”, since it is easy to integrate due to its stability and the fact, that close encounters do not occur at all. Afterwards, you may try to solve the Pythagorean problem. The Pythagorean problem is difficult to integrate. A very accurate integrator must be used which is able to cope with the numerous close encounters."





def deriv(X, t):

Y[:6] = X[6:]

r34, r35, r45 = X[2:4]-X[0:2], X[4:6]-X[0:2], X[4:6]-X[2:4]

thing34 = ((r34**2).sum())**-1.5

thing35 = ((r35**2).sum())**-1.5

thing45 = ((r45**2).sum())**-1.5

Y[6:8] = r34*thing34*m4 + r35*thing35*m5

Y[8:10] = r45*thing45*m5 - r34*thing34*m3

Y[10:12] = -r35*thing35*m3 - r45*thing45*m4

return Y

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy.integrate import odeint as ODEint

# Pythagorean Three Body Problem

# This script WILL NOT solve it yet, just for illustration of the problem

m3, m4, m5 = 3.0, 4.0, 5.0

x0 = [1.0, 3.0] + [-2.0, -1.0] + [1.0, -1.0]

v0 = [0.0, 0.0] + [ 0.0, 0.0] + [0.0, 0.0]

X0 = np.array(x0 + v0)

t = np.linspace(0, 60, 50001)

Y = np.zeros_like(X0)

tol = 1E-9 # with default method higher precision causes failure

hmax = 1E-04

answer, info = ODEint(deriv, X0, t, rtol=tol, atol=tol,

hmax=hmax, full_output=True)

xy3, xy4, xy5 = answer.T[:6].reshape(3,2,-1)

paths = [xy3, xy4, xy5]


plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)

for x, y in paths:

plt.plot(x, y)

for x, y in paths:

plt.plot(x[:1], y[:1], 'ok')

plt.xlim(-6, 6)

plt.ylim(-4, 4)

plt.title("This result is WRONG!", fontsize=16)


for x, y in paths:

plt.plot(t, x)

plt.ylim(-6, 4)


for x, y in paths:

plt.plot(t, y)

plt.ylim(-6, 4)


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