
Are you wondering how to add nofollow links in WordPress? When you link to an external website, search engines pass a small part of link authority from your website to the other website.

您是否想知道如何在WordPress中添加nofollow链接? 当您链接到外部网站时,搜索引擎会将一小部分链接权限从您的网站传递到另一个网站。

Since you don’t own or control those third-party websites, it is usually a SEO best practice to add nofollow attribute to those links.


In this article, we’ll explain what is nofollow links, and how you can add nofollow links in WordPress posts, pages, and navigation menus.


Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll learn in this article:


  • What is a Nofollow Link?什么是Nofollow链接?
  • When Should You Add Nofollow Links?什么时候应该添加Nofollow链接?
  • How to Add Nofollow Links in WordPress (Gutenberg)如何在WordPress(Gutenberg)中添加Nofollow链接
  • How to Add Nofollow Links in WordPress (Classic Editor)如何在WordPress中添加Nofollow链接(经典编辑器)
  • How to Manually Add Nofollow Links in WordPress如何在WordPress中手动添加Nofollow链接
  • How to Nofollow Links in WordPress Menus?如何在WordPress菜单中跟踪链接?
  • How to Automatically Make All External Links Nofollow?如何自动使所有外部链接变为Nofollow?

什么是Nofollow链接? (What is a Nofollow Link?)

A nofollow link is a type of link that tells search engines to not pass any link authority from your page to the other website that you’re linking to. You can turn any link into a nofollow link by adding the following link attribute: rel=”nofollow”.

nofollow链接是一种链接类型,它告诉搜索引擎不要将任何链接权限从您的页面传递到要链接到的其他网站。 您可以通过添加以下链接属性将任何链接变为nofollow链接:rel =“ nofollow”。

Links or backlinks are an important search engine ranking factor.


When you link to a website, search engines consider that as a ranking signal, and they will pass a small portion of your page authority (link juice) to the other website.


Some SEO experts believe that by making external links nofollow, their own website will rank higher.


How to Check if a Link is Nofollow?


All nofollow links must contain the rel=”nofollow” HTML attribute.

所有nofollow链接都必须包含rel =“ nofollow” HTML属性。

Here’s an example HTML code of a nofollow link:


<a href="https://example.com" rel="nofollow">Google</a>

To check whether a nofollow attribute is added to a link on a website, you need to take your mouse to that link, right click on it, and then select Inspect on your browser.

要检查是否将nofollow属性添加到网站上的链接,您需要将鼠标移至该链接,右键单击该链接,然后在浏览器上选择“ 检查 ”。

Your browser window will now split into two parts.


In the bottom window, you will be able to see the HTML source code of the link along with the nofollow attribute.


什么时候应该添加Nofollow链接? (When Should You Add Nofollow Links?)

As a general best practice, you should add nofollow to all external websites that you don’t trust.


It’s completely acceptable and actually recommended to link to authority websites like Wikipedia, WPBeginner, New York Times, etc without the nofollow attribute because linking to authority sites help you add credibility to your own website.

这是完全可以接受的,实际上建议您链接到不带nofollow属性的Wikipedia,WPBeginner,New York Times等权威网站,因为链接到权威网站可以帮助您增加自己网站的信誉。

However we always recommend users to nofollow less credible websites or websites that you simply don’t trust.


The following are some cases when you should always add nofollow attributes to the links:


1. Affiliate and Sponsored Links


Most bloggers make money online using affiliate marketing.

大多数博主使用联盟营销在线赚钱 。

Affiliate links are tracking links for products and services that you recommend and get referral commissions for if someone purchases your link.


Whether you’re using a direct affiliate link or cloaking it using Pretty Links, you should always add nofollow attribute to affiliate links.

无论您使用的是直接的会员链接还是使用Pretty Links伪装它,都应始终向会员链接添加nofollow属性。

Another popular way bloggers make money is by adding sponsored links. You should always add nofollow to sponsored links because otherwise search engines may consider your site as selling links / spammy.

博主赚钱的另一种流行方式是添加赞助商链接。 您应始终在赞助商链接中添加nofollow,否则搜索引擎可能会将您的网站视为销售链接/垃圾邮件。

2. External Links


Sometimes, you may link to an external source to provide a reference to your statement. Since you don’t control the content on those websites, you should consider adding nofollow to them.

有时,您可以链接到外部资源以提供对您的陈述的引用。 由于您无法控制这些网站上的内容,因此应考虑向它们添加nofollow。

In simple words, you are telling the search engines that you are linking to a source, but it is not something you can vouch for.


Note: You don’t need to nofollow a link to an authority website.


3. Sidebar Links


Some bloggers add a list of external or affiliate links to the sidebar of their WordPress blog. These external links can be from authority sites or websites that they trust.

一些博客作者在其WordPress博客的侧边栏中添加了外部链接或联盟链接的列表。 这些外部链接可以来自他们信任的授权网站或网站。

The problem is every time a new page is created on your site, you are creating a new backlink for those websites from your sidebar.


It is important to make these links nofollow and make sure that you are not passing the SEO juice from every page to certain links.


如何在WordPress(Gutenberg)中添加Nofollow链接 (How to Add Nofollow Links in WordPress (Gutenberg))

Since Gutenberg is a new WordPress content editor, the old nofollow plugins for WordPress are not yet compatible with it.


Currently, the only way to add nofollow links in Gutenberg is to do it manually.


Let’s take a look at the step by step process on how to add nofollow links in WordPress posts or pages with Gutenberg.


First, you need to go to Posts » Add New from the left sidebar of your admin panel.

首先,您需要从管理面板的左侧栏中转到帖子 » 添加新内容

On this page, you need to select the text that you want to add a link to, and then click on the “anchor / link” icon.


This will open a text field just below the selected text. You can paste the external link directly in the box.

这将在所选文本下方打开一个文本字段。 您可以直接在框中粘贴外部链接。

If you want the link to open in a new tab, then you need to click on the down arrow icon. This will open a menu where you have to click on the “Open in New Tab” toggle box.

如果要在新选项卡中打开链接,则需要单击向下箭头图标。 这将打开一个菜单,您必须在其中单击“在新选项卡中打开”切换框。

Once done, you can click on the apply or Enter icon to add the link.


To add the nofollow attribute to your link, you need to select the block containing your link and then click on the 3 vertical dots icon present at the top bar.


This will open a menu where you need to click on the Edit as HTML option.

这将打开一个菜单,您需要单击“ 另存为HTML”选项。

You will now see the HTML code of your link. Go ahead to add the rel=”nofollow” attribute to the link element.

现在,您将看到链接HTML代码。 继续将rel =“ nofollow”属性添加到链接元素。

If you see the rel=”noopener noreferrer” attribute in the HTML code, then add a space after noreferrer and paste nofollow after that.

如果您在HTML代码中看到rel =“ noopener noreferrer”属性,则在noreferrer之后添加一个空格,并在其后粘贴nofollow

Once done, you can click on the 3 vertical dots icon again and select the Edit visually option to go back to the visual format.

完成后,您可以再次单击3个垂直点图标,然后选择“ 视觉编辑”选项以返回到视觉格式。

This will convert your normal link to a nofollow link. You can follow the same process for adding nofollow attribute to all other external links.

这会将您的普通链接转换为nofollow链接。 您可以按照相同的过程将nofollow属性添加到所有其他外部链接。

如何在WordPress中添加Nofollow链接(经典编辑器) (How to Add Nofollow Links in WordPress (Classic Editor))

Although it is recommended to upgrade to the newer version of WordPress, some users still prefer to use the Classic Editor for writing their posts.


Unlike the default editor, you can easily add nofollow links in the Classic Editor with the help of a plugin.


First thing you need to do is install and activate the Title and Nofollow For Links plugin. You can follow our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin for help.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Title and Nofollow For Links插件。 您可以按照有关如何安装WordPress插件的指南进行操作以获得帮助。

This plugin works out of the box, and there are no settings for you to configure.


Head over to Posts » Add New to create a new post. You need to add some text to the post editor and select the text that you want to link. Next, click on the Link icon present in the toolbar.

转到帖子 » 添加新内容以创建新帖子。 您需要向帖子编辑器中添加一些文本,然后选择要链接的文本。 接下来,单击工具栏中的“链接”图标。

After that you can add the external link to the textbox field below and click on the gear icon to open the Link options.


This will open up a modal window where you will see a nofollow checkbox just below the “Open link in a new tab” option.


Go ahead to select the Add rel=”nofollow” to link checkbox and then click on the Update button.

继续选择“ 添加rel =” nofollow”以链接”复选框,然后单击“ 更新”按钮。

This allows you to add a nofollow attribute to any link when writing a post. This is also useful for users who are not confident with editing HTML code.

这使您可以在编写帖子时将nofollow属性添加到任何链接。 这对于不愿意编辑HTML代码的用户也很有用。

Most bloggers select the “Open link in a new tab” checkbox as well when adding an external link. This is a great way to reduce bounce rate and keep your visitors from leaving your website.

在添加外部链接时,大多数博客作者也会选择“在新选项卡中打开链接”复选框。 这是降低跳出率并阻止访问者离开您的网站的好方法。

如何在WordPress中手动添加Nofollow链接 (How to Manually Add Nofollow Links in WordPress)

You have already learned how to add nofollow links in the Gutenberg editor manually. However, that method is only useful when you want to add the nofollow attribute to some of your links.

您已经了解了如何在Gutenberg编辑器中手动添加nofollow链接。 但是,该方法仅在要将nofollow属性添加到某些链接时才有用。

If you have a lot of external and affiliate links in your post, then you should switch to the Code Editor to add nofollow attribute faster.


Simply, click on the 3 vertical dots icon, present at the top-right corner of the page. This will open a dropdown menu where you need to select the Code Editor option.

只需单击页面右上角的3个垂直点图标。 这将打开一个下拉菜单,您需要在其中选择代码编辑器选项。

You will now see the HTML code of the page. Next, search for the external and affiliate links and then, add the nofollow attribute to all of them.

现在,您将看到页面HTML代码。 接下来,搜索外部链接和会员链接,然后将nofollow属性添加到所有链接。

Once done, you need to click on the “Exit Code Editor” link to revert to the visual editor.


If you’re using the Classic Editor, then you can easily use a plugin to add nofollow links. However, you can also add nofollow links manually.

如果您使用的是经典编辑器,则可以轻松使用插件添加nofollow链接。 但是,您也可以手动添加nofollow链接。

To do that, you need to switch to the Text Editor by clicking on the Text tab. Next, you can add rel=”nofollow” to any link you want.

为此,您需要通过单击“ 文本”选项卡切换到“文本编辑器”。 接下来,您可以将rel =“ nofollow”添加到所需的任何链接。

To go back to the visual editor, you have to click on the Visual tab, placed just beside the Text tab.

要返回可视化编辑器,您必须单击位于“文本”选项卡旁边的“ 可视”选项卡。

如何在WordPress菜单中添加Nofollow链接? (How to Add Nofollow Links in WordPress Menus?)

Some bloggers and site owners may add external links to the navigation menu of their website.


While adding a nofollow attribute to WordPress menu links is extremely simple, it is not as clearly visible.


Let’s take a look at how to add nofollow links in WordPress navigation menus.


First, you need to click on Appearance » Menus from the left sidebar of your admin panel.

首先,您需要点击管理面板左侧栏中的外观 » 菜单

Next, select the menu where you want to add the external link and then click on the Select button to open it.

接下来,选择要在其中添加外部链接的菜单,然后单击“ 选择”按钮将其打开。

After that, you need to click on the “Custom Links” tab to add the link text and external link URL. Once done, you need to click on the “Add to Menu” button to create a new menu item.

之后,您需要单击“自定义链接”选项卡以添加链接文本和外部链接URL。 完成后,您需要单击“添加到菜单”按钮以创建一个新菜单项。

The external link will now appear in the Menu Structure column along with the other menu items.


Next, click on the Screen Options button at the top-right corner of the screen and select the Link Relationship (XFN) and Link Target options.

接下来,单击屏幕右上角的“ 屏幕选项”按钮,然后选择“ 链接关系(XFN)”和“ 链接目标”选项。

Now scroll back down and click on the downward arrow icon of the new menu item to expand it. Here you will find the “Link Relationship” and “Open link in a new tab” options, just below the Navigation Label textbox.

现在向下滚动并单击新菜单项的向下箭头图标以将其展开。 在此处,您将在“导航标签”文本框下方找到“链接关系”和“在新选项卡中打开链接”选项。

To add the nofollow attribute, you need to write nofollow in the Link Relationship (XFN) textbox. You can also check the “Open link in a new tab” option if you want.

要添加nofollow属性,您需要在链接关系(XFN)文本框中编写nofollow 。 如果需要,您还可以选中“在新标签页中打开链接”选项。

Lastly, click on the Save Menu button to store your changes. This will add the nofollow attribute to the external link in your WordPress menu.

最后,单击“ 保存菜单”按钮以存储您的更改。 这会将nofollow属性添加到WordPress菜单中的外部链接。

如何自动使所有外部链接变为Nofollow? (How to Automatically Make All External Links Nofollow?)

Some WordPress users want to automatically add the nofollow attribute to all external links on their site.


Most solutions that offer this are done with the help of JavaScript which is not helpful for Google and the SEO of your site. Instead, you should manually nofollow the links using the above methods.

提供此功能的大多数解决方案都是在JavaScript的帮助下完成的,这对Google和您网站的SEO毫无帮助。 相反,您应该使用上述方法手动取消关注链接。

In case you are concerned about the comment section, then the good news is that WordPress already adds the nofollow attribute to all comment links by default.


If you’re still looking for a solution to automatically nofollow the external links, then you can use the External Links plugin.


It adds the rel=”nofollow” attribute to all the external links on the posts, pages, navigation menus, and the sidebar.

它将rel =“ nofollow”属性添加到帖子,页面,导航菜单和侧栏上的所有外部链接。

To install the External Links plugin, head over to Plugins » Add New from the left sidebar of your admin panel.

要安装外部链接插件,请从管理面板的左侧栏中转到“ 插件 » 新增”

Upon activation, you need to go to Settings » External Links page.

激活后,您需要转到设置 » 外部链接页面。

Here you need to select the “Add No Follow” checkbox. If you want the external links to open in a new tab, then you should select the “Open in New Windows” checkbox as well.

在这里,您需要选择“添加不关注”复选框。 如果希望外部链接在新选项卡中打开,则还应该选中“在新Windows中打开”复选框。

This plugin also allows you to add a list of domains and subdomains which should not be made nofollow.


To do that, you need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and then add the domains, separated by commas or space, to the “Domains to Exclude” textarea.


Once done, you should click on the Save Changes button to store the settings.

完成后,您应该单击“ 保存更改”按钮以存储设置。

That’s all! This plugin will now make all the external links nofollow on your site automatically.

就这样! 现在,此插件将自动使您网站上的所有外部链接变为nofollow。

We hope this guide helped you to learn how to add nofollow links to your WordPress site. You may also want to read our beginner’s guide to image SEO, and our ultimate guide for blog post SEO to help you further optimize your blog posts.

我们希望本指南能帮助您学习如何向您的WordPress网站添加nofollow链接。 您可能还需要阅读有关图像SEO的初学者指南 ,以及有关博客文章SEO的最终指南,以帮助您进一步优化博客文章。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-add-nofollow-links-in-wordpress/



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