
line plotcircos中的用法比较简单,示例如下:


1. thickness

thickness 控制线条的粗细

2. color

color 控制线条的颜色

3. fill_color


4. max_gap

在直线图中,会看到如下所示的分割线,max_gap的作用就是设置分割线的间距,max_gap = 1u 代表每隔1个单位画一条分割线,其用法和ticks类似


r0r1分别设置圆环的内径和外径,maxmin设置y轴的最大值和最小值,orientation控制y轴0点的位置,orientation = in代表 y = 0 位于r1上;orientation = out表示y = 0位于r0 上;z代表优先级,数值越大,优先级越高,当两个折线图重叠时,优先级高的会有先显示。

backgrounds, axes, rules的结合使用,在scatter plot中,我们也介绍过了,今天解锁一种axes的新用法,代码如下

在之前的文章中,我们看到了用y0, y1指定范围,再用spacing参数设定间隔的用法, 这种用法可以方便的设置多条轴线;今天的这个例子中,通过position直接设置轴线的位置,适合指定单条轴线。

最后放一张line plot的示例,在下图中,除去染色体外,包括3个line plot; 最内圈的line plot有3种填充色,背景色也有3种,另外两圈的line plot中,其axes的定义就是使用了position的用法,可以看到其轴线非常少,只有2,3条;最内圈的line plot的轴线则采用spacing的用法,其轴线非常多,而且均匀分布


<<include colors_fonts_patterns.conf>><<include ideogram.conf>>
<<include ticks.conf>><image>
<<include etc/image.conf>>
</image>karyotype   = data/karyotype/karyotype.human.txtchromosomes_units = 1000000
chromosomes       = hs1 # ;hs2;hs3
chromosomes_display_default = no<plots>type      = line
thickness = 2<plot>max_gap = 1u
file    = data/6/snp.density.250kb.txt
color   = vdgrey
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 0.5r
r1      = 0.8rfill_color = vdgrey_a3<backgrounds>
color     = vvlgreen
y0        = 0.006
color     = vvlred
y1        = 0.002
color     = lgrey_a2
thickness = 1
spacing   = 0.025r
condition    = var(value) > 0.006
color        = dgreen
fill_color   = dgreen_a1
condition    = var(value) < 0.002
color        = dred
fill_color   = dred_a1
</rule></rules></plot># outside the circle, oriented out
<plot>max_gap = 1u
file    = data/6/snp.density.txt
color   = black
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 1.075r
r1      = 1.15r
thickness = 1fill_color = black_a4<axes>
color     = lgreen
thickness = 2
position  = 0.006
color     = lred
thickness = 2
position  = 0.002
z       = 5
max_gap = 1u
file    = data/6/snp.density.1mb.txt
color   = red
fill_color = red_a4
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 1.075r
r1      = 1.15r
</plot># same plot, but inside the circle, oriented in
max_gap = 1u
file    = data/6/snp.density.txt
color   = black
fill_color = black_a4
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 0.85r
r1      = 0.95r
thickness   = 1
orientation = in<axes><axis>
color     = lgreen
thickness = 2
position  = 0.01
color     = vlgreen
thickness = 2
position  = 0.008
color     = vlgreen
thickness = 2
position  = 0.006
color     = red
thickness = 2
position  = 0.002
z       = 5
max_gap = 1u
file    = data/6/snp.density.1mb.txt
color   = red
fill_color = red_a4
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 0.85r
r1      = 0.95r
orientation = in
</plot></plots><<include etc/housekeeping.conf>>


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