scala 线性回归

Scala | 特性线性化 (Scala | Trait Linearization)

In Scala programming language, trait linearization is a property that helps to rectify ambiguity when instances of a class that are defined using multiple inheritances from different classes and traits are created.

在Scala编程语言中, 特征线性化是一种属性,当创建使用来自不同类和特征的多个继承定义的类的实例时,该属性有助于纠正歧义。

It resolves ambiguity that may arise when class or trait inherits property from 2 different parents (they may be classes or traits).

它解决了当类或特征从2个不同的父代(它们可能是类或特征 )继承财产时可能出现的歧义。



trait t1{}
class c1{}
class main{}
object obj1 = new class main extents c1 with t1

Here linearization will make the inheritance structure clear so that no problem could arise in the future.


Here, we will consider two root classes, AnyRef root for all reference types. Any root for all classes in Scala.

在这里,我们将考虑两个根类, 所有引用类型的AnyRef根。 Scala中所有类的任何根。

线性化 (Linearization)

t1 -> AnyRef -> Any
c1 -> AnyRef -> Any
main -> AnyRef -> Any
obj1 -> main -> t1 -> c1 -> AnyRef -> Any

Here the linearization will go in the following order: main class -> t1 trait -> c1 class -> AnyRef -> Any

这里线性化将按照以下顺序进行: 主类-> t1特征-> c1类-> AnyRef-> Any

This sample program will make the concept more clear,


class vehicle
def method: String= "vehicle "
trait bike extends vehicle
override def method: String = "Bike-> "+ super.method
trait muscleBike extends vehicle
override def method: String = "Muscle Bike -> "+ super.method
trait harley extends vehicle
override def method: String ="Harley Davidson-> "+ super.method
class iron extends bike with
muscleBike with harley
override def method: String = "Iron 833 -> "+ super.method
object myObject
def main(args: Array[String])
var myBike = new iron



Iron 833 -> Harley Davidson-> Muscle Bike -> Bike-> vehicle

特征线性化的特征 (Features of trait linearization)

  • It is used to solve ambiguity in Scala which arises in the case of multiple inheritances.


  • The calling of a super method by subclasses is managed using stack.


  • Linearization comes into play when a new class instance is created.


  • Linearization may not be the same as inherited mixins because mixins are defined by the programmer.


  • Linearization avoids repeated inheritance and if we explicitly try to add a class to inheritance an error will be thrown.



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