Verilog刷题HDLBits——Exams/ece241 2014 q7a

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Design a 1-12 counter with the following inputs and outputs:

Reset Synchronous active-high reset that forces the counter to 1
Enable Set high for the counter to run
Clk Positive edge-triggered clock input
Q[3:0] The output of the counter
c_enable, c_load, c_d[3:0] Control signals going to the provided 4-bit counter, so correct operation can be verified.
You have the following components available:

the 4-bit binary counter (count4) below, which has Enable and synchronous parallel-load inputs (load has higher priority than enable). The count4 module is provided to you. Instantiate it in your circuit.
logic gates

module count4(input clk,input enable,input load,input [3:0] d,output reg [3:0] Q

The c_enable, c_load, and c_d outputs are the signals that go to the internal counter’s enable, load, and d inputs, respectively. Their purpose is to allow these signals to be checked for correctness.


module top_module (input clk,input reset,input enable,output [3:0] Q,output c_enable,output c_load,output [3:0] c_d
); //always@(posedge clk)beginif(reset||(enable&&Q==12))Q<=1;elseif(enable)Q<=Q+1;endassign c_enable = enable;assign c_load = reset||(enable&&Q==12);assign c_d = c_load?1:0;count4 the_counter (clk, c_enable, c_load, c_d /*, ... */ );endmodule


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