FPGA学习: Verilog刷题记录(14-1)

刷题网站 : HDLBits

第三章 : Circuits

第二节 :Sequential Logic

第一节:Finite State Machines(2)
  • Lemmings1

    • 题目描述:The game Lemmings involves critters with fairly simple brains. So simple that we are going to model it using a finite state machine.

      In the Lemmings’ 2D world, Lemmings can be in one of two states: walking left or walking right. It will switch directions if it hits an obstacle. In particular, if a Lemming is bumped on the left, it will walk right. If it’s bumped on the right, it will walk left. If it’s bumped on both sides at the same time, it will still switch directions.

      Implement a Moore state machine with two states, two inputs, and one output that models this behaviour.

    • 题目分析:其实官网也给出了提示如下图,这样一来状态图已经有啦,只需要按步骤编写即可

    • 解答:

      module top_module(input clk,input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.input bump_left,input bump_right,output walk_left,output walk_right); reg     c_state     ;    //current statereg     n_state     ;    //next stateparameter LEFT  = 1'b0  ,    //LEFTRIGHT = 1'b1  ;    //RIGHTalways @(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif (areset == 1'b1)c_state <= LEFT ;elsec_state <= n_state;end always @(*) begincase(c_state)LEFT : begin       //向左走if(bump_left == 1'b1)n_state = RIGHT;else if(bump_left == 1'b0)n_state = LEFT;elsen_state = n_state;endRIGHT : begin     //向右走if(bump_right == 1'b1)n_state = LEFT;else if (bump_right == 1'b0)n_state = RIGHT;elsen_state = n_state;enddefault: n_state = LEFT;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif(areset == 1'b1) beginwalk_left <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;endelse begincase(n_state)LEFT : beginwalk_left <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;endRIGHT : beginwalk_left <= 1'b0;walk_right <= 1'b1; enddefault: beginwalk_left <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;                endendcaseendendendmodule
      module top_module (input clk,input areset,input bump_left,input bump_right,output walk_left,output walk_right
      );// Give state names and assignments. I'm lazy, so I like to use decimal numbers.// It doesn't really matter what assignment is used, as long as they're unique.parameter WL=0, WR=1;reg state;reg next;// Combinational always block for state transition logic. Given the current state and inputs,// what should be next state be?// Combinational always block: Use blocking assignments.    always@(*) begincase (state)WL: next = bump_left  ? WR : WL;WR: next = bump_right ? WL : WR;endcaseend// Combinational always block for state transition logic. Given the current state and inputs,// what should be next state be?// Combinational always block: Use blocking assignments.    always @(posedge clk, posedge areset) beginif (areset) state <= WL;else state <= next;end// Combinational output logic. In this problem, an assign statement are the simplest.// In more complex circuits, a combinational always block may be more suitable.     assign walk_left = (state==WL);assign walk_right = (state==WR);endmodule
  • Lemmings2

    • 题目描述:In addition to walking left and right, Lemmings will fall (and presumably go “aaah!”) if the ground disappears underneath them.

      In addition to walking left and right and changing direction when bumped, when ground=0, the Lemming will fall and say “aaah!”. When the ground reappears (ground=1), the Lemming will resume walking in the same direction as before the fall. Being bumped while falling does not affect the walking direction, and being bumped in the same cycle as ground disappears (but not yet falling), or when the ground reappears while still falling, also does not affect the walking direction.

      Build a finite state machine that models this behaviour.

    • 题目分析:这题是在前一题基础上的扩展,添加了一个ground信号,当ground=0时表明地面塌陷,aaah此时置1,当ground=1时表明地面恢复原状,此时行进的方向应当是地面塌陷前的行进方向,即如果塌陷前是向左走的,那恢复后也应该是向左走。另外官网也给出了响应的提示,如下状态图




    • 解答:

      module top_module(input clk,input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.input bump_left,input bump_right,input ground,output reg  walk_left,output reg  walk_right,output reg  aaah
      ); reg   [1:0]  c_state     ;reg   [1:0]  n_state     ;parameter LEFT   = 2'b00  ,    RIGHT  = 2'b01  ,    FALL_L = 2'b10  ,    FALL_R = 2'b11  ;    always @(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif (areset == 1'b1)c_state <= LEFT ;elsec_state <= n_state;endalways @(*) begincase(c_state)LEFT : begin       //向左走if(ground == 1'b0)     //ground的优先级最高n_state = FALL_L;else if(bump_left == 1'b1)n_state = RIGHT;elsen_state = LEFT;endRIGHT : begin     //向右走if(ground == 1'b0)    //ground的优先级最高n_state = FALL_R;else if(bump_right == 1'b1)n_state = LEFT;elsen_state = RIGHT;endFALL_R : beginif(ground == 1'b1)n_state = RIGHT;elsen_state = FALL_R;endFALL_L : beginif(ground == 1'b1)n_state = LEFT;elsen_state = FALL_L;enddefault: n_state = LEFT;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif(areset == 1'b1) beginwalk_left  <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;aaah       <= 1'b0;endelse begincase(n_state)LEFT : beginwalk_left  <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;aaah       <= 1'b0;endRIGHT : beginwalk_left  <= 1'b0;walk_right <= 1'b1;aaah       <= 1'b0; endFALL_R : beginaaah <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;endFALL_L : beginaaah <= 1'b1;walk_left <= 1'b0; enddefault: beginwalk_left  <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;  aaah       <= 1'b0;              endendcaseendendendmodule
  • Lemmings3

    • 题目描述:In addition to walking and falling, Lemmings can sometimes be told to do useful things, like dig (it starts digging when dig=1). A Lemming can dig if it is currently walking on ground (ground=1 and not falling), and will continue digging until it reaches the other side (ground=0). At that point, since there is no ground, it will fall (aaah!), then continue walking in its original direction once it hits ground again. As with falling, being bumped while digging has no effect, and being told to dig when falling or when there is no ground is ignored.

      (In other words, a walking Lemming can fall, dig, or switch directions. If more than one of these conditions are satisfied, fall has higher precedence than dig, which has higher precedence than switching directions.)

      Extend your finite state machine to model this behaviour.

    • 题目分析:如果上一题弄清楚了,这一题也是依葫芦画瓢,仅是多了一个dig信号,状态转换图如下


    • 解答:

      module top_module(input clk,input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.input bump_left,input bump_right,input ground,input dig,output reg  walk_left,output reg  walk_right,output reg  aaah,output reg  digging
      );reg   [5:0]  c_state     ;reg   [5:0]  n_state     ;parameter LEFT   = 6'b000001  ,    //LEFTRIGHT  = 6'b000010  ,    //RIGHTFALL_L = 6'b000100  ,    //FALL_LFALL_R = 6'b001000  ,    //FALL_RDIG_L  = 6'b010000  ,    //DIG_LDIG_R  = 6'b100000  ;always @(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif (areset == 1'b1)c_state <= LEFT ;elsec_state <= n_state;endalways @(*) begincase(c_state)LEFT : begin       //向左走if(ground == 1'b0)n_state = FALL_L;else if(dig == 1'b1)n_state = DIG_L;else if(bump_left == 1'b1)n_state = RIGHT;elsen_state = LEFT;endRIGHT : begin     //向右走if(ground == 1'b0)n_state = FALL_R;else if(dig == 1'b1)n_state = DIG_R;else if(bump_right == 1'b1)n_state = LEFT;elsen_state = RIGHT;endFALL_R : beginif(ground == 1'b1)n_state = RIGHT;elsen_state = FALL_R;endFALL_L : beginif(ground == 1'b1)n_state = LEFT;elsen_state = FALL_L;endDIG_R : beginif(ground == 1'b0)n_state = FALL_R;elsen_state = DIG_R;endDIG_L : beginif(ground == 1'b0)n_state = FALL_L;elsen_state = DIG_L;enddefault: n_state = LEFT;endcaseendalways @(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif(areset == 1'b1) beginwalk_left  <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;aaah       <= 1'b0;digging    <= 1'b0;endelse begincase(n_state)LEFT : beginwalk_left  <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;aaah       <= 1'b0;digging    <= 1'b0;endRIGHT : beginwalk_left  <= 1'b0;walk_right <= 1'b1;aaah       <= 1'b0; digging    <= 1'b0;endFALL_R : beginaaah       <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;digging    <= 1'b0;endFALL_L : beginaaah      <= 1'b1;walk_left <= 1'b0;digging   <= 1'b0; endDIG_R : begindigging    <= 1'b1;aaah       <= 1'b0;walk_right <= 1'b0;endDIG_L : begindigging    <= 1'b1;aaah       <= 1'b0;walk_left  <= 1'b0;                   enddefault: beginwalk_left  <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;  aaah       <= 1'b0;   digging    <= 1'b0;           endendcaseendendendmodule
  • Lemmings4

    • 题目描述:

      Although Lemmings can walk, fall, and dig, Lemmings aren’t invulnerable. If a Lemming falls for too long then hits the ground, it can splatter. In particular, if a Lemming falls for more than 20 clock cycles then hits the ground, it will splatter and cease walking, falling, or digging (all 4 outputs become 0), forever (Or until the FSM gets reset). There is no upper limit on how far a Lemming can fall before hitting the ground. Lemmings only splatter when hitting the ground; they do not splatter in mid-air.

      Extend your finite state machine to model this behaviour.

    • 题目分析:Lemming系列的最后一题。当下落时间超过20个周期,并且撞击地面旅鼠死亡。状态转换图如下所示,此题的要点是计数器的位宽,因为题目也说可以无限下落,为了防止位宽过小,在下落的过程中计数器溢出,所以应该把计数器设的大一点,其他部分和前三题基本一致,所以只是在上面几题的基础上做出的修改

    • 解答:

      module top_module(input clk,input areset,    // Freshly brainwashed Lemmings walk left.input bump_left,input bump_right,input ground,input dig,output reg  walk_left,output reg  walk_right,output reg  aaah,output reg  digging
      );reg   [6:0]  c_state     ;reg   [6:0]  n_state     ;reg   [7:0]  cnt_clk     ;//采用独热编码parameter LEFT   = 7'b0000001  ,    RIGHT  = 7'b0000010  ,    FALL_L = 7'b0000100  ,    FALL_R = 7'b0001000  ,    DIG_L  = 7'b0010000  ,    DIG_R  = 7'b0100000  ,    SPLAT  = 7'b1000000  ;//状态转移always @(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif (areset == 1'b1)c_state <= LEFT ;elsec_state <= n_state;end//转移条件always @(*) begincase(c_state)LEFT : begin       //向左走if(ground == 1'b0)n_state = FALL_L;else if(dig == 1'b1)n_state = DIG_L;else if(bump_left == 1'b1)n_state = RIGHT;elsen_state = LEFT;endRIGHT : begin     //向右走if(ground == 1'b0)n_state = FALL_R;else if(dig == 1'b1)n_state = DIG_R;else if(bump_right == 1'b1)n_state = LEFT;elsen_state = RIGHT;endFALL_R : beginif(ground == 1'b1) beginif(cnt_clk >= 8'd21)n_state = SPLAT;elsen_state = RIGHT;endelsen_state = FALL_R;endFALL_L : beginif(ground == 1'b1) beginif(cnt_clk >= 8'd21)n_state = SPLAT;elsen_state = LEFT;endelsen_state = FALL_L;endDIG_R : beginif(ground == 1'b0)n_state = FALL_R;elsen_state = DIG_R;endDIG_L : beginif(ground == 1'b0)n_state = FALL_L;elsen_state = DIG_L;endSPLAT : beginn_state = SPLAT;enddefault: n_state = LEFT;endcaseend//状态输出always @(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif(areset == 1'b1) beginwalk_left  <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;aaah       <= 1'b0;digging    <= 1'b0;cnt_clk    <= 8'd0;endelse begincase(n_state)LEFT : beginwalk_left  <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;aaah       <= 1'b0;digging    <= 1'b0;cnt_clk    <= 8'd0;endRIGHT : beginwalk_left  <= 1'b0;walk_right <= 1'b1;aaah       <= 1'b0; digging    <= 1'b0;cnt_clk    <= 8'd0;endFALL_R : beginaaah       <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;digging    <= 1'b0;cnt_clk    <= cnt_clk + 1'b1;endFALL_L : beginaaah      <= 1'b1;walk_left <= 1'b0;digging   <= 1'b0; cnt_clk   <= cnt_clk + 1'b1;endDIG_R : begindigging    <= 1'b1;aaah       <= 1'b0;walk_right <= 1'b0;cnt_clk    <= 8'd0;endDIG_L : begindigging    <= 1'b1;aaah       <= 1'b0;walk_left  <= 1'b0;    cnt_clk    <= 8'd0;               endSPLAT : beginwalk_left  <= 1'b0;walk_right <= 1'b0;aaah       <= 1'b0;digging    <= 1'b0;enddefault: beginwalk_left  <= 1'b1;walk_right <= 1'b0;  aaah       <= 1'b0;   digging    <= 1'b0;    cnt_clk    <= 8'd0;       endendcaseendendendmodule

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