
  • 点云数据。
    • 相关原理
    • 第一步
    • 第二步
    • 第三步就是最小二乘拟合啦
    • 拟合部分的代码



第一排为点的数量,其下为三位点数据(X Y Z)

nx ny nx is the integer number of grid lines along the X axis (columns)
ny is the integer number of grid lines along the Y axis (rows)
xlo xhi xlo is the minimum X value of the grid
xhi is the maximum X value of the grid
ylo yhi ylo is the minimum Y value of the grid
yhi is the maximum Y value of the grid
zlo zhi zlo is the minimum Z value of the grid
zhi is the maximum Z value of the grid
grid row 1
grid row 2
grid row 3
� these are the rows of Z values of the grid, organized in row order. Each row has a constant Y coordinate. Grid row 1 corresponds to ylo and the last grid row corresponds to yhi. Within each row, the Z values are arranged from xlo to xhi.


10 10

0.0 9.0

0.0 7.0

25.00 97.19

91.03 77.21 60.55 46.67 52.73 64.05 41.19 54.99 44.30 25.00

96.04 81.10 62.38 48.74 57.50 63.27 48.67 60.81 51.78 33.63

92.10 85.05 65.09 53.01 64.44 65.64 52.53 66.54 59.29 41.33

94.04 85.63 65.56 55.32 73.18 70.88 55.35 76.27 67.20 45.78

97.19 82.00 64.21 61.97 82.99 80.34 58.55 86.28 75.02 48.75

91.36 78.73 64.05 65.60 82.58 81.37 61.16 89.09 81.36 54.87

86.31 77.58 67.71 68.50 73.37 74.84 65.35 95.55 85.92 55.76

80.88 75.56 74.35 72.47 66.93 75.49 86.39 92.10 84.41 55.00

74.77 66.02 70.29 75.16 60.56 65.56 85.07 89.81 74.53 51.69

70.00 54.19 62.27 74.51 55.95 55.42 71.21 74.63 63.14 44.99




Like this:







struct pointrgb
double X, Y, Z;
int R, G, B;

bool compX(const pointrgb& a, const pointrgb& b)
{return a.X < b.X;
bool compY(const pointrgb& a, const pointrgb& b)
{return a.Y < b.Y;
bool compZ(const pointrgb& a, const pointrgb& b)
{return a.Z < b.Z;
bool compx(const Point3d& a, const Point3d& b)
{return a.x < b.x;


insert();CString tmpstr;/*if (Txt.IsEmpty())AfxMessageBox(_T("AD"));*/sort(lob.begin(), lob.end(), compX);xlo = lob.at(0).X;xhi = lob[count-1].X;double dx = xhi - xlo;cols = ceil(dx);sort(lob.begin(), lob.end(), compY);ylo = lob.at(0).Y;yhi = lob[count-1].Y;double dy = yhi - ylo;rows = ceil(dy);//losX.resize(cols);losY.resize(rows);vector<pointrgb>  ptz;ptz.resize(size_t(rows*cols));for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){losY.at(i).resize(cols);}for (int i = 0; i < (int)lob.size(); i++){int locateY1 = int(int(lob.at(i).Y - ylo+0.5));int locateX1 = int(int(lob.at(i).X - xlo+0.5));pointrgb YP1;YP1.X = lob.at(i).X;YP1.Y = lob.at(i).Y;YP1.Z = lob.at(i).Z;YP1.R = lob.at(i).R;YP1.G = lob.at(i).G;YP1.B = lob.at(i).B;if (locateY1 < int(rows)&&locateX1 < int(cols)){losY.at(locateY1).at(locateX1).push_back(YP1);ptz.at(size_t(locateY1) * cols + locateX1).R = YP1.R;ptz.at(size_t(locateY1) * cols + locateX1).G = YP1.G;ptz.at(size_t(locateY1) * cols + locateX1).B = YP1.B;}}//四舍五入预处理点位数据//存放计算出的高程Mat Hmatrix,Hmatrixres;Hmatrix.create(rows, cols, CV_64F);Hmatrix.copyTo(Hmatrixres);tmpstr.Format(_T("%s\n"),_T("DSAA"));Txt += tmpstr;//Txt += _T("\n");tmpstr.Format(_T("%d %d\n"), cols, rows);Txt += tmpstr;tmpstr.Format(_T("%lf %lf\n"), xlo, xhi);Txt += tmpstr;tmpstr.Format(_T("%lf %lf\n"), ylo, yhi);Txt += tmpstr;sort(lob.begin(), lob.end(), compZ);double zlo, zhi;zlo = lob[0].Z;zhi=lob[count-1].Z;//sort(ptz.begin(), ptz.end());tmpstr.Format(_T("%lf %lf\n"), lob[0].Z, lob[count - 1].Z);Txt += tmpstr;tmpstr.Format(_T("%d\n"), rows * cols);CCdata += tmpstr;//文件头for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){int num1=0;int size = 4;vector<Point3d>  Ptvec;while (num1 <= 6){num1 = getnum(i, j, size, Ptvec);size = size + 2;}Point2d pt2dtmp;double x = xlo + j;double y = ylo + i;pt2dtmp.x = x;pt2dtmp.y = y;//double meanX = 0, meanY = 0;//for (int i = 0; i < (int)Ptvec.size(); i++)//{//    meanX += Ptvec.at(i).x;// meanY += Ptvec.at(i).y;//}//meanX /= Ptvec.size();//meanY /= Ptvec.size();//double erry = i - meanY + ylo;//double errx = j - meanX + xlo;计算选点重心与格网点的偏移量Hmatrix.at<double>(i, j) = interplation2(i,j,Ptvec);if ((i<rows / 5 || i>(rows * 4) / 5) || ((j<cols / 5 || j>(cols * 4) / 5))||size>4)Hmatrix.at<double>(i, j) = interplation(Ptvec);//拟合ptz.at(size_t(i)* cols + j).Z = interplation(Ptvec);ptz.at(size_t(i)* cols + j).X = xlo + j;ptz.at(size_t(i)* cols + j).Y = ylo + i;tmpstr.Format(_T("%lf %lf %lf %d %d %d\n"), ptz.at(size_t(i)* cols + j).X, ptz.at(size_t(i)* cols + j).Y, ptz.at(size_t(i)* cols + j).Z, ptz.at(size_t(i)* cols + j).R, ptz.at(size_t(i)* cols + j).G, ptz.at(size_t(i)* cols + j).B);CCdata += tmpstr;/*if ((size_t(i) * cols + j)){if ((fabs(errx) < 4 && fabs(erry) <= 4) || (ptz.at(size_t(i) * cols + j) > ptz.at(size_t(i) * cols + j - 1) + 5 || ptz.at(size_t(i) * cols + j) < ptz.at(size_t(i) * cols + j - 1) - 5)||i==0){ptz.at(size_t(i) * cols + j) = interplation(Ptvec);}if (i > 0){if (ptz.at(size_t(i) * cols + j) > ptz.at(size_t(i - 1) * cols + j) + 5 || ptz.at(size_t(i - 1) * cols + j) < ptz.at(size_t(i - 1) * cols + j) - 5){ptz.at(size_t(i) * cols + j) = interplation(Ptvec);}}}*///Hmatrix.at<double>(i, j) = ptz[size_t(i) * cols + j];Ptvec.clear();}}gaussTest(Hmatrix, Hmatrixres);for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++){for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++){tmpstr.Format(_T("%.4f"), Hmatrix.at<double>(i,j));Txt += tmpstr;Txt += _T(" ");if (j == cols - 1)Txt += _T("\n");}}AfxMessageBox(_T("计算完成!请选择文件保存路径!"));fileout();


double CDem::getnum(int row, int col, int size, vector<Point3d>& Ptvec)
{int countpt = 0;for (int i = row - size; i < row + size + 1; i++){for (int j = col - size; j < col + size + 1; j++){if (i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < rows && j < cols){countpt += losY.at(i).at(j).size();for (int k = 0; k < (int)losY.at(i).at(j).size(); k++){Point3d tmp;tmp.x = losY.at(i).at(j).at(k).X;tmp.y = losY.at(i).at(j).at(k).Y;tmp.z = losY.at(i).at(j).at(k).Z;Ptvec.push_back(tmp);}}}}return countpt;
void CDem::fileout()
{CFileDialog dlgFile(TRUE, _T("grd"), NULL, OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_EXPLORER, _T("(文本文件)|*.grd"));if (dlgFile.DoModal() == IDCANCEL)return;CString strFileName = dlgFile.GetPathName();setlocale(LC_ALL, "");CStdioFile sf;if (!sf.Open(strFileName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite))return;sf.WriteString(Txt);sf.Close();
double CDem::interplation(int row, int col, vector<Point3d>ptvec)
{//1 重心化Mat M;Mat P = Mat::zeros(Size(ptvec.size(), ptvec.size()), CV_64F);Mat Z;M.create(ptvec.size(), 6, CV_64F);Z.create(ptvec.size(), 1, CV_64F);point3d* pt3d = new point3d[ptvec.size()];double* d = new double[ptvec.size()];for (int i = 0; i < (int)ptvec.size(); i++){pt3d[i].x = (double)(ptvec.at(i).x) - col-xlo;pt3d[i].y = (double)(ptvec.at(i).y) - row-ylo;d[i] = double(pt3d[i].x * pt3d[i].x + pt3d[i].y * pt3d[i].y);d[i] = 1 / d[i];M.at<double>(i, 0) = pt3d[i].x * pt3d[i].x;M.at<double>(i, 1) = pt3d[i].x * pt3d[i].y;M.at<double>(i, 2) = pt3d[i].y * pt3d[i].y;M.at<double>(i, 3) = pt3d[i].x;M.at<double>(i, 4) = pt3d[i].y;M.at<double>(i, 5) = 1;Z.at<double>(i, 0) = ptvec.at(i).z;P.at<double>(i, i) = d[i];}Mat M_ = M.t();Mat mpm;mpm.create(6, 6, CV_64F);mpm = (M_ * P) * M;Mat mpm1;mpm1.create(6, 6, CV_64F);mpm1 = mpm.inv();Mat X;X.create(6, 1, CV_64F);X = mpm1 * M_ * P * Z;delete[] pt3d;delete[] d;return X.at<double>(5, 0);

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