Asia’s pollution exodus: Firms struggle to woo top talent 逃离亚洲空气污染:企业难以吸引顶尖人才

From smog breaks to pollution bonuses, Asia’s businesses are promising increasingly inventive perks in a desperate bid to lure executives to a region where toxic air engulfs major cities for much of the year.

Health concerns are putting off those initially attracted by Asia’s growing economic opportunities, experts warn, so firms are struggling to recruit—and retain—people with the expertise they need.
专家们警告说, 出于对健康的担忧,那些最初被亚洲日益增多的经济机会所吸引的员工对该目的地失去了兴趣,因此,企业正千方百计招聘——并留住——那些他们所需要的专业人才。
According to the United Nations Environment Programme, some 92 percent of people in the Asia-Pacific region are exposed to levels of air pollution that pose a significant risk to health.
根据联合国环境署的数据,亚太地区约 92% 的人都置身于不同程度的,对健康有严重危害的空气污染之中。

This means that on top of large salaries, businesses are having to offer extra incentives. These include paying for smog breaks every few months, or allowing non-traditional working arrangements so people can commute from less polluted areas, says Lee Quane, Asia director for consultancy ECA International.
这意味着除了高薪之外,企业现在还必须提供额外的激励。关礼廉是 ECA 国际的亚洲区域总监,他表示这些措施包括每几个月就要放带薪雾霾假,或者允许非传统的工作(时间)安排,这样员工就能从污染较轻的区域通勤。
At “a location with a higher level of pollution, you’re likely to see us recommend allowances of anywhere between 10 to 20 percent of the person’s base salary,” he says.
关礼廉表示:“如果(员工)在一个污染较严重的地方(上班),我们推荐的补贴额度是员工基本工资的 10% 到 20%。”
This estimate, derived from a rating system his firm uses to help companies decide appropriate financial compensation for relocation, would also incorporate factors such as crime rates and access to services, he adds.
他补充说,该估计数字来自于 ECA 国际使用的一个评估系统,该系统被用来帮助公司决定合适的员工调动经济补偿。该预估区间还会纳入(当地)犯罪率和生活服务的便利

India has one of the world’s fastest growing economies, making it an appealing career option, but it is also home to seven of the most polluted cities, according to a recent report by Greenpeace and IQ Air Visual.
印度是世界上增长最快的经济体之一,这使得它成为了一个诱人的工作地点。但是近期绿色和平组织和 IQ Air Visual(联合)发布的报告显示,它也是全世界七个污染最严重城市的所在地。
“All senior executives want to have India experience on their CVs. There is however, a fear of pollution related health issues,” says Atul Vohra, managing partner of Transearch, a global recruitment firm.
Atul Vohra 是国际招聘机构 Transearch 的执行合伙人,他表示:“所有高管都希望在自己的简历上有一段在印度的工作经验。但是,他们也担心由污染所引起的健康问题。”


  1. woo 争取,努力说服,求爱,吸引
  2. perk 补贴,bonuses 津贴 allowances 津贴
  3. bid 努力,尝试,struggle to do
  4. lure 诱惑劝诱
  5. engulf 完全包围,笼罩,吞没
  6. putting off 使什么失去兴趣,是反感
  7. expertise专业知识,专门技能
  8. pose造成,引起,构成
  9. incentive 激励,动力,鼓励
  10. commute 通勤
  11. allowance 津贴
  12. derived from 源自,来源于
  13. relocation 重新安置,员工调动
  14. incorporate包含,纳入
  15. appealing有吸引力的,令人感兴趣的
  16. CV =curriculum vitae resume 简历

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