
Instagram makes it really hard to download photos to your computer without using their mobile app. But it is possible.

Instagram使得不使用移动应用程序将照片下载到您的计算机确实非常困难。 但是有可能。

This article will show you how to do this in 3 quick steps.


步骤1:找到您要下载的Instagram照片。 (Step 1: Find the Instagram photo you want to download.)

Go to and find the specific photograph. Click on it.

转到instagram.com并找到特定的照片。 点击它。

This will bring the photo up in its preview modal, floating on top of the person's newsfeed, like this:


Notice that the URL in Chrome's address bar has changed. Instead of saying the person's Instagram username, it will now say

请注意,Chrome地址栏中的URL已更改。 现在不再说这个人的Instagram用户名,而是说

Every photo on Instagram has its own dedicated web address, and if you go directly to that address, it will just show the one photo without all the other photos in their newsfeed.


Since the photo's address is now in the address bar, you can just refresh your browser by clicking the refresh button in your browser or using the control+r keyboard shortcut (command+r on Mac).

由于照片的地址现在位于地址栏中,因此您只需单击浏览器中的刷新按钮或使用Ctrl + r键盘快捷键(在Mac上为Command + r)即可刷新浏览器。

This will show you the photo's unique page on Instagram.


步骤2:获取Instagram照片的URL,以便您可以下载它 (Step 2: Get the Instagram photo's URL so you can download it)

Right-click the photo and choose "Inspect" from the dropdown. This will open up Chrome's developer console.

右键单击照片,然后从下拉菜单中选择“检查”。 这将打开Chrome的开发者控制台。

Even though Chrome DevTools are designed for software developers, don't be intimidated. You just need to click on a few specific buttons in order to find the photo.

即使Chrome DevTools是为软件开发人员设计的,也不要被吓到。 您只需要单击一些特定的按钮即可查找照片。

First click on the "Sources" tab at the top.


Then click on the VP folder to expand its contents.


Each photo is stored within its own folder. Start expanding these folders and you'll eventually find the full-sized photo. Right click the file and click "open in new tab."

每张照片都存储在其自己的文件夹中。 开始展开这些文件夹,您将最终找到完整尺寸的照片。 右键单击该文件,然后单击“在新选项卡中打开”。

步骤3:将Instagram照片下载到您的计算机 (Step 3: Download the Instagram photo to your computer)

Now you can right-click the photo and choose the "save as" option.


This way, you will get the full-sized Instagram photo - the same photo that Instagram shows you in the Instagram mobile app. This isn't a screenshot or a thumbnail - this is the full-sized image.

这样,您将获得完整尺寸的Instagram照片-与Instagram在Instagram移动应用中向您显示的照片相同。 这不是屏幕截图或缩略图-这是全尺寸图片。

Congratulations! You got your image, and now you can do whatever you want with it.

恭喜你! 您有了自己的形象,现在您可以使用它来做任何您想做的事情。

为什么Instagram很难下载这些图像? (Why does Instagram make it so hard to download these image?)

Instagram wants for you to link back to their website instead of being able to link to the image directly. But Instagram doesn't own these images - you or whoever took the photo owns it.

Instagram希望您链接回他们的网站,而不是直接链接到该图像。 但是Instagram不拥有这些图像-您或拍摄照片的人拥有它。

It is ridiculous that Instagram doesn't just let you "right-click save as" the image like other websites (including do.


But that's what attention-greedy social media platforms do - they make it inconvenient to just download your image. They override your browser's functionality using JavaScript.

但这就是贪婪的社交媒体平台所做的-它们使仅下载您的图像变得不便。 它们使用JavaScript覆盖了浏览器的功能。

Anyway, now you can download these images. It takes a bit of work, but once you get the hang of it, you won't have to link directly to Instagram or use some screenshot tool to get these photos.

无论如何,现在您可以下载这些图像。 这需要一些工作,但是一旦掌握了窍门,就不必直接链接到Instagram或使用一些屏幕截图工具来获取这些照片。

There are tools out there to download your Instagram photos in bulk. But if you're just trying to download a specific photo, this is the fastest way to do it. You don't need to install any tools or Chrome extensions.

有一些工具可以批量下载您的Instagram照片。 但是,如果您只是想下载特定的照片,这是最快的方法。 您无需安装任何工具或Chrome扩展程序。

And remember - if you didn't take these photos, be sure to credit the photographer. Shout out to @RubenHarris for being my subject in this tutorial.

记住-如果您不拍摄这些照片,请务必将照片归功于摄影师。 喊@RubenHarris作为本教程的主题。




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