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  • decoct *v.* [dih-KAHKT]
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decoct podcast

decoct v. [dih-KAHKT]



1: to extract the flavor of by boiling

2: boil down, concentrate
注:boil down:浓缩,把…煮稠,简略,节略;concentrate:浓缩,专心,集中

Did You Know?

Decoct boils down to a simple Latin origin: the word decoquere, from de-, meaning “down” or “away”, and coquere, meaning “to cook” or “to ripen.” Decoct itself is somewhat rare. Its related noun decoction, which refers to either an extract obtained by decocting or the act or process of decocting, is slightly more common but still much less recognizable than some other members of the coquere family, among gastronomical words like biscuit, biscotti, cook, and kitchen. Other coquere descendants include concoct (“to prepare by combining raw materials” or "to devise or fabricate), concoction ("something concocted), and precocious (“exceptionally early in development or occurrence” or “exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age”).

词源词根演化:de- (“down”) + coquere (“to cook”) —> decoct (“to boil down”)
coquere (“to cook” or “to ripen”) —> biscuit / biscotti / cook / kitchen; concoct, concoction, precocious

简单的说,decoct起源自拉丁单词decoquere,由de-,意思“向下”或“离开”,以及coquere,意思是“烹饪”或“成熟”,组合而成。decoct单词本身比较罕见,与它相关的名词decoction,意思是“通过浓缩获得提取物”或者“浓缩行为或过程”,相对常见一点,不过依然很难识别。coquere家族的其他成员可能相对更为人熟知,例如美食方面的词,biscuit (饼干),biscotti (意大利式的脆饼),cook,和kitchen。还有其他继承自coquere的单词,例如concoct,意思是“把原材料组合在一起准备,即调制”或者“设计,捏造”;concoction,意思是“调制品”;以及precocious,意思是“异常早熟的,早发生的”或者“表现为早熟的”。



  • “Though the taste is a bonus, the real draw in this caffeine-free latte is the CBD, or cannabidiol, oil. The CBD served in the lattes is derived from Kentucky-grown hemp, decocted from the flowers and leaves with hot dairy or coconut milk.”
    Mackensy Lunsford, The Asheville (North Carolina) Citizen-Times, 2 Mar. 2018

    尽管味道可嘉,不过这种无咖啡因的拿铁咖啡真正吸引人的是它的大麻二酚油 (CBD oil, cannabidiol oil)。 拿铁咖啡中的这种CBD来自于肯塔基州生长的大麻,通过将花瓣与叶子放入热牛奶或者椰奶中浓缩提炼 而成。

    注:bonus:奖金,红利,意外所得植物,【篮球】追加罚篮;latte:拿铁咖啡;cannabidiol (CBD) [kænæ’bɪdiːəʊl]:大麻二酚,大麻二醇;hemp:大麻(植物),大麻制的麻醉药。

  • “The cooking liquor he decocts from roasted red peppers … gives surprising oomph to roasted rice purée and royal red potato.”
    Lee Tran Lam, The Gourmet Traveller, 3 Jan. 2018

    他从烤红辣椒中浓缩 出的汤汁让roasted rice purée与royal red potato具有里惊人的吸引力。

    注:cooking liquor:煮汁,汤汁;red pepper:红辣椒;oomph:<非正式>精力,吸引力,性感;puree [pjʊ’reɪ]:菜泥,果泥,浓汤;



/məˈʤɛntə/ n. [C, U]
a bright, deep purplish-red color


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