
  • Word Preparation
    • highway: 高速公路
    • arrest: 逮捕
    • drunk driving: 醉驾
    • alcohol level: 酒精值
    • above the legal limit: 超过法定值
  • Grammar
    • could have done sth.

Word Preparation

highway: 高速公路

main public road

These two cities connected by a highway are developing faster and faster.

The government will invest in a new highway in this area to promote the economy.

arrest: 逮捕

to take (sb.) away with the authority of the law

Eric was arrested for drinking and driving.

After this match, two young men were arrested for fighting against each other.

drunk driving: 醉驾

Drunk Driving is against the law.

He was arrested for drunk driving yesterday.

alcohol level: 酒精值

She needs to be tested for the alcohol level in her blood right now.

Have you seen your alcohol level on your report?

above the legal limit: 超过法定值

You should not drive above the legal limit.

The luggage you brought is above the legal limit of five kilograms.


could have done sth.

表示对过去事情的假设,意思是 “本能够做某事而没有做”。


  • You could have finished it! 你本来可以完成的!(但是事实上没有完成,是抱怨的口气。)
  • You could have told me that. 你本可以告诉我的。(但是事实上没有告诉我,是抱怨口气。)
  • He could have passed the exam, but he was too late. 他本可以通过考试,但是他迟到了。
  • She could have seen him, but she could not find the way. 她本可以见到他的,但是她迷路了。

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