


Function Describe
Index.values 返回索引的值
Index.is_monotonic_increasing 是否是单调升的
Index.is_monotonic_decreasing 是否是单调减的
Index.is_unique 是否是唯一的
Index.dtype 索引类型
Index.shape 索引的形状
Index.nbytes 返回字节数
Index.ndim 返回维度
Index.size 返回元素的个数
Index.strides return the strides of the underlying data
Index.itemsize return the size of the dtype of the item of the underlying data
Index.base return the base object if the memory of the underlying data is
Index.T return the transpose, which is by definition self
Index.memory_usage([deep]) Memory usage of my values

修改和计算(Modifying and Computations)

Function Describe
Index.all(*args,?**kwargs) Return whether all elements are True
Index.any(*args,?**kwargs) Return whether any element is True
Index.argmin([axis]) return a ndarray of the minimum argument indexer
Index.argmax([axis]) return a ndarray of the maximum argument indexer
Index.copy([name,?deep,?dtype]) 复制
Index.delete(loc) Make new Index with passed location(-s) deleted
Index.drop(labels[,?errors]) Make new Index with passed list of labels deleted
Index.drop_duplicates(*args,?**kwargs) Return Index with duplicate values removed
Index.duplicated(*args,?**kwargs) Return boolean np.ndarray denoting duplicate values
Index.equals(other) 是否含有相同的元素
Index.factorize([sort,?na_sentinel]) Encode the object as an enumerated type or categorical variable
Index.identical(other) Similar to equals, but check that other comparable attributes are
Index.insert(loc,?item) Make new Index inserting new item at location.
Index.min() 最小值
Index.max() 最大值
Index.reindex(target[,?method,?level,?…]) Create index with target’s values (move/add/delete values as necessary)
Index.repeat(n,?*args,?**kwargs) Repeat elements of an Index.
Index.where(cond[,?other]) 条件选取
Index.take(indices[, axis, allow_fill, …]) return a new %(klass)s of the values selected by the indices
Index.putmask(mask, value) return a new Index of the values set with the mask
Index.set_names(names[, level, inplace]) Set new names on index.
Index.unique() 返回唯一值
Index.nunique([dropna]) Return number of unique elements in the object.
Index.value_counts([normalize, sort, …]) 返回唯一值计数
Index.fillna([value, downcast]) 填充缺省值
Index.dropna([how]) Return Index without NA/NaN values


Function Describe
Index.astype(dtype[,?copy]) Create an Index with values cast to dtypes.
Index.tolist() 转变为list
Index.to_series(**kwargs) Create a Series with both index and values equal to the index keys


Function Describe
Index.argsort(*args, **kwargs) Returns the indices that would sort the index and its underlying data.
Index.sort_values([return_indexer, ascending]) Return sorted copy of Index

时间处理(Time-specific operations)

Function Describe
Index.shift([periods,?freq]) Shift Index containing datetime objects by input number of periods and

联表(Combining / joining / set operations)

Function Describe
Index.append(other) Append a collection of Index options together
Index.join(other[, how, level, return_indexers]) this is an internal non-public method
Index.intersection(other) Form the intersection of two Index objects.
Index.union(other) Form the union of two Index objects and sorts if possible.
Index.difference(other) Return a new Index with elements from the index that are not in other.
Index.symmetric_difference(other[, result_name]) Compute the symmetric difference of two Index objects.


Function Describe
Index.get_indexer(target[, method, limit, …]) Compute indexer and mask for new index given the current index.
Index.get_indexer_non_unique(target) return an indexer suitable for taking from a non unique index
Index.get_level_values(level) Return vector of label values for requested level, equal to the length
Index.get_loc(key[, method, tolerance]) Get integer location for requested label
Index.get_value(series, key) Fast lookup of value from 1-dimensional ndarray.
Index.isin(values[, level]) Compute boolean array of whether each index value is found in the passed set of values.
Index.slice_indexer([start, end, step, kind]) For an ordered Index, compute the slice indexer for input labels and
Index.slice_locs([start, end, step, kind]) Compute slice locations for input labels.


Function Describe
CategoricalIndex Immutable Index implementing an ordered, sliceable set.
CategoricalIndex.rename_categories(*args, …) Renames categories.
CategoricalIndex.reorder_categories(*args, …) Reorders categories as specified in new_categories.
CategoricalIndex.add_categories(*args, **kwargs) Add new categories.
CategoricalIndex.remove_categories(*args, …) Removes the specified categories.
CategoricalIndex.remove_unused_categories(…) Removes categories which are not used.
CategoricalIndex.set_categories(*args, **kwargs) Sets the categories to the specified new_categories.
CategoricalIndex.as_ordered(*args, **kwargs) Sets the Categorical to be ordered
CategoricalIndex.as_unordered(*args, **kwargs) Sets the Categorical to be unordered


Function Describe
MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays[, sortorder, …]) Convert arrays to MultiIndex
MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples[, sortorder, …]) Convert list of tuples to MultiIndex
MultiIndex.from_product(iterables[, …]) Make a MultiIndex from the cartesian product of multiple iterables
MultiIndex.set_levels(levels[, level, …]) Set new levels on MultiIndex.
MultiIndex.set_labels(labels[, level, …]) Set new labels on MultiIndex.
MultiIndex.to_hierarchical(n_repeat[, n_shuffle]) Return a MultiIndex reshaped to conform to the shapes given by n_repeat and n_shuffle.
MultiIndex.is_lexsorted() Return True if the labels are lexicographically sorted
MultiIndex.droplevel([level]) Return Index with requested level removed.
MultiIndex.swaplevel([i, j]) Swap level i with level j.
MultiIndex.reorder_levels(order) Rearrange levels using input order.



“2011/01/01” 搜索某一天

Function Describe
DatetimeIndex.year The year of the datetime
DatetimeIndex.month The month as January=1, December=12 The days of the datetime
DatetimeIndex.hour The hours of the datetime
DatetimeIndex.minute The minutes of the datetime
DatetimeIndex.second The seconds of the datetime
DatetimeIndex.microsecond The microseconds of the datetime
DatetimeIndex.nanosecond The nanoseconds of the datetime Returns numpy array of python objects (namely, the date part of Timestamps without timezone information).
DatetimeIndex.time Returns numpy array of datetime.time.
DatetimeIndex.dayofyear The ordinal day of the year
DatetimeIndex.weekofyear The week ordinal of the year
DatetimeIndex.week The week ordinal of the year
DatetimeIndex.dayofweek The day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6
DatetimeIndex.weekday The day of the week with Monday=0, Sunday=6
DatetimeIndex.weekday_name The name of day in a week (ex: Friday)
DatetimeIndex.quarter The quarter of the date
DatetimeIndex.freq get/set the frequncy of the Index
DatetimeIndex.freqstr Return the frequency object as a string if its set, otherwise None
DatetimeIndex.is_month_start Logical indicating if first day of month (defined by frequency)
DatetimeIndex.is_month_end Logical indicating if last day of month (defined by frequency)
DatetimeIndex.is_quarter_start Logical indicating if first day of quarter (defined by frequency)
DatetimeIndex.is_quarter_end Logical indicating if last day of quarter (defined by frequency)
DatetimeIndex.is_year_start Logical indicating if first day of year (defined by frequency)
DatetimeIndex.is_year_end Logical indicating if last day of year (defined by frequency)
DatetimeIndex.is_leap_year Logical indicating if the date belongs to a leap year


Function Describe
DatetimeIndex.indexer_at_time(time[, asof]) Select values at particular time of day (e.g.
DatetimeIndex.indexer_between_time(…[, …]) Select values between particular times of day (e.g., 9:00-9:30AM).


Function Describe
DatetimeIndex.normalize() Return DatetimeIndex with times to midnight.
DatetimeIndex.strftime(date_format) Return an array of formatted strings specified by date_format, which supports the same string format as the python standard library.
DatetimeIndex.snap([freq]) Snap time stamps to nearest occurring frequency
DatetimeIndex.tz_convert(tz) Convert tz-aware DatetimeIndex from one time zone to another (using
DatetimeIndex.tz_localize(*args, **kwargs) Localize tz-naive DatetimeIndex to given time zone (using
DatetimeIndex.round(freq, *args, **kwargs) round the index to the specified freq
DatetimeIndex.floor(freq) floor the index to the specified freq
DatetimeIndex.ceil(freq) ceil the index to the specified freq


Function Describe
DatetimeIndex.to_period([freq]) Cast to PeriodIndex at a particular frequency
DatetimeIndex.to_perioddelta(freq) Calcuates TimedeltaIndex of difference between index values and index converted to PeriodIndex at specified freq.
DatetimeIndex.to_pydatetime() Return DatetimeIndex as object ndarray of datetime.datetime objects
DatetimeIndex.to_series([keep_tz]) Create a Series with both index and values equal to the index keys

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