netfilter que

问题:问题 (QUE: Questions)

QUE is an abbreviation of "Questions".

QUE是“ Questions”的缩写

It is an expression, which is commonly used in the Gmail platform. It is written in the body or the subject of the email to tell the recipient that the sender requires an answer to the email and email is in the format of the question. It is done to inform the recipient that the email is not only to just be read by him/her but also a reply is necessary for the same. If it is written in the email QUE, it means that the recipient is required to reply as an answer to the email of the sender.

这是一个表达式,通常在Gmail平台中使用。 它写在电子邮件的正文或主题中,以告诉收件人发件人需要对电子邮件的答复,并且电子邮件采用问题的格式。 通知接收者电子邮件不仅要由他/她阅读,而且还需要对其进行回复。 如果将其写在电子邮件QUE中 ,则意味着要求收件人答复作为对发件人电子邮件的答复。

Let us take an example to make it easy to understand.


In an email, if it is written:


QUE: Why this team has been designed? What is its purpose?

问:为什么设计这个团队? 目的是什么?

This shows that the email contains question(s) and requires an answer from the other side.


Now, these days, the demands of acronyms are very high on social media online chatting or messaging, so the users usually use QUE as a replacement for Questions.


So, in this way, the abbreviation QUE is used mostly on the social media platform.


While this slang is very common in social media platforms, mainly email messaging, still many are unaware of this slang.


So, basically in emails if you want to inform the recipient that an answer is required for the email, you can simply write QUE instead of writing Question. Writing QUE is a quite professional term to be used and easily understandable as well.

因此,基本上,在电子邮件中,如果您想通知收件人电子邮件需要答案,则只需写QUE而不是写Question即可 。 编写QUE是一个非常专业的术语,易于使用和理解。


netfilter que

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