
-- MySQL游标只能用于存储过程和函数

-- 使用过程 声明、打开游标、使用游标、关闭游标

-- 如果未明确关闭游标,END时会自动关闭


drop PROCEDURE if exists process_user;

create procedure process_user()


-- Declare local variables

declare done boolean default true;

declare user_id int;

declare user_info varchar(50);

-- Declare the cursor

declare cursor_user cursor for select id, user_name from sys_user;

-- Declare continue handler

declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done=false;

-- Create a table to store the results;

create table if not exists process_user_result(user_id int, user_name varchar(50));

-- Open the cursor

open cursor_user;

-- Repeat through all rows


fetch cursor_user into user_id, user_info;

if done then

insert into process_user_result(user_id, user_name)

values(user_id, user_info);

end if;

until (not done) end repeat;

-- Close the cursor

close cursor_user;


call process_user();


drop PROCEDURE if exists process_user;

create procedure process_user()


-- Declare local variables

declare done boolean default true;

declare user_id int;

declare user_info varchar(50);

-- Declare the cursor

declare cursor_user cursor for select id, user_name from sys_user;

-- Declare continue handler

declare continue handler for not found set done=false;

-- Create a table to store the results;

create table if not exists process_user_result(user_id int, user_name varchar(50));

-- Open the cursor

open cursor_user;

-- Loop through all rows

fetch cursor_user into user_id, user_info;

while done do

insert into process_user_result(user_id, user_name)

values(user_id, user_info);

fetch cursor_user into user_id, user_info;

end while;

-- Close the cursor

close cursor_user;


call process_user();


drop PROCEDURE if exists process_user;

create procedure process_user()


-- Declare local variables

declare done boolean default true;

declare user_id int;

declare user_info varchar(50);

-- Declare the cursor

declare cursor_user cursor for select id, user_name from sys_user;

-- Declare continue handler

declare continue handler for not found set done=false;

-- Create a table to store the results;

create table if not exists process_user_result(user_id int, user_name varchar(50));

-- Open the cursor

open cursor_user;

-- Loop through all rows


fetch cursor_user into user_id, user_info;

if not done then

leave read_loop;

end if;

insert into process_user_result(user_id, user_name) values(user_id, user_info);

end loop;

-- Close the cursor

close cursor_user;


call process_user();

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