Lotka–Volterra equation

The Lotka–Volterra equations, also known as the predator–prey equations, are a pair of first-order, non-linear, differential equations frequently used to describe the dynamics of biological systems in which two species interact, one as a predator and the other as prey. The populations change through time according to the pair of equations:
  • x is the number of prey (for example, rabbits);
  • y is the number of some predator (for example, foxes);
  •  and  represent the growth rates of the two populations over time;
  • t represents time; and
  • , ,  and  are parameters describing the interaction of the two species.

Competitive Lotka–Volterra equations

The competitive Lotka–Volterra equations are a simple model of the population dynamics of species competing for some common resource. They can be furthergeneralised to include trophic interactions.
The form is similar to the Lotka–Volterra equations for predation in that the equation for each species has one term for self-interaction and one term for the interaction with other species. In the equations for predation, the base population model is exponential. For the competition equations, the logistic equationis the basis.
Given two populations, x1 and x2, with logistic dynamics, the Lotka–Volterra formulation adds an additional term to account for the species' interactions. Thus the competitive Lotka–Volterra equations are:



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