
Buyers beware: the global housing boom


Part Ⅰ


Many Americans are worried about rising consumer-price inflation.


⊙ 句子主干

Many Americans are worried about …


⊙ 重点词汇

★ consumer-price inflation

n. 消费价格通胀(经济学名词)

→相关名词:consumer Price Index 消费者物价指数,即CPI。


But should they be more worried about property prices going through the roof?


⊙ 句子主干

Should they be more worried about …


⊙ 重点词汇

★ property price

n. 房价。property 在这里是指房产。


On May 29, nine cabinet departments jointly issued an announcement to curb the property price hikes in many cities, reports said.


★ go through the roof

v. 飞涨。这里用了比喻的手法,形容房价快窜上天了。

Buoyed by ultra-low interest rates, American house prices rose by 11%—even when adjusted for consumer-price inflation—in the 12 months to May.

在超低利率的推动下,截至 5 月,美国房价 12 个月内上涨了 11%——即使考虑到消费价格通胀。

⊙ 句子主干

American house prices rose by 11%.

美国房价上涨了 11%。

⊙ 重点词汇

★ buoy

/bɔɪ/ 音标附上。和 boy 的发音一样。v. 推动,促使


Share prices were buoyed up by the news.


★ interest rate

n. 利率(经济学名词)。这里的 interest 是指利息,而不是我们通常理解的“兴趣”。

The Economist’s global house-price index, tracking 26 countries, finds real values to have increased by 7.1% on average over the latest year of data available.

《经济学人》的全球房价指数显示,在最近一年的可用数据中,其中 26 个国家的实际房价平均上涨了 7.1%。

⊙ 句子主干

The Economist’s global house-price index finds …



Part Ⅱ


Central bankers, including at America’s Federal Reserve, feel uneasy about this dizzying rise, which threatens a boom, a bubble and then a bust that could damage financial stability.


⊙ 句子主干

Central bankers feel uneasy about this dizzying rise.


⊙ 重点词汇

★ dizzying

adj. 过快的


The dizzying pace of political change in the country caught many people by surprise.


★ boom

n. 繁荣


The insurance business suffered from a vicious cycle of boom and bust.


★ bust

n. 萧条。是 boom 的反义词。

In June the Bank for International Settlements, the central bankers’ bank, said that since the beginning of the pandemic, house prices have risen more than fundamentals, such as borrowing costs and rents, would imply.

今年 6 月,中央银行国际清算银行表示,自疫情开始以来,房价的涨幅远超出借贷成本和租金等根本要素的预估范围。

⊙ 句子主干

the Bank for International Settlements said that …


⊙ 重点词汇

★ the Bank for International Settlements

BIS 的全称,国际清算银行


Prices are more than 20% above their long-run average when compared with rents in 15 of the 25 markets that The Economist has data for; and in 10 of 23 markets against household incomes.

与《经济学人》15 个市场的租金(总共统计了 25 个市场的数据)以及 10 个市场的家庭收入(总共统计了 23 个市场的数据)相比,房价高出租金长期平均水平和家庭收入长期平均水平的 20% 以上。

⊙ 句子主干

Prices are more than 20% above their long-run average.

房价高出租金长期平均水平和家庭收入长期平均水平的 20% 以上。

⊙ 重点词汇

★ household incomes

n. 家庭收入

为了佐证全球房价上涨幅度之大,这篇新闻列举了很多数据。关于数据的翻译不是很到位,但是希望大家领会到 the global housing boom 这个主旨。

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