我在一个列表中创建了一个笛卡尔积,现在我想随机取出4个不同的元组(我在文章末尾尝试过)。在shape = ['triangle' , 'square' , 'circle' , 'cross']

color = ['green' , 'red' , 'blue' , 'pink']

__cartesianPsc__ = list(itertools.product(shape , color))





第一个选择first = ('triangle', 'green')

second = ('square', 'red')

third = ('circle', 'blue')

fourth = ('cross', 'pink')

第二个first = ('circle', 'blue')

second = ('cross', 'red')

third = ('triangle', 'pink')

fourth = ('square', 'green')




我有一个问题,它总是(三角形,绿色)作为一个元组,但是其他3个元组(每次)都不同。在shape = ['triangle' , 'square' , 'circle' , 'cross']

color = ['green' , 'red' , 'blue' , 'pink']

__cartesianPsc__ = list(itertools.product(shape , color))

while True:

se1 = random.randrange(0, 4, 1)

se2 = random.randrange(5, 8, 1)

se3 = random.randrange(9, 12, 1)

se4 = random.randrange(13, 16, 1)

# safe the randomly choosen tuple of the cartesian product

first = __cartesianPsc__[se1] #triangle X color

second = __cartesianPsc__[se2] # square X color

third = __cartesianPsc__[se3] #circle X color

fourth = __cartesianPsc__[se4] #cross X color

# if statement to stop the While-LOOP only if there are 4 tuples with

# 4 different shapes and colors !

"""Problem: (triangle, green) is always a tuple, no other color with triangle

if second[1] != first[1] and second[1] != third[1] and second[1] != fourth[1] \

and third[1] != first[1] and third[1] != second[1] and third[1] != fourth[1] \

and fourth[1] != first[1] and fourth[1] != second[1] and fourth[1] != third[1] \

and first[1] != second[1] and first[1] != third[1] and first[1] != fourth[1]:




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