Filament渲染引擎剖析 之 通过图元构建几何体

  • 什么是图元
  • filament可绘制的图元类型
  • 构建图元的工具
    • VertexBuffer
    • IndexBuffer
    • Primitive



OpenGL 常见的图元类型: 点、线、条带线、循环线、三角形、三角形条带、三角形扇面。在OpenGL早期版本中多边形与四边形也是OpenGL 基本图元类型,但在OpenGL3.0 后被废弃了。可以看出OpenGL 图元类型越来越简单易用,OpenGL3.0版本可以看作OpenGL崛起的分水岭,逐步向DirextX 靠齐,化繁为简, 把精力重点放在了渲染上。

DirextX 基本图元类型也类似,有 点、线、条带线、循环线、三角形、三角形条带、三角形扇面这几种类型。


/*** Primitive types*/
enum class PrimitiveType : uint8_t {// don't change the enums values (made to match GL)POINTS      = 0,    //!< pointsLINES       = 1,    //!< linesTRIANGLES   = 4,    //!< trianglesNONE        = 0xFF

filament 支持 点、线、三角形这三种基础图元的绘制。


先用最简单的例子说明 OpenGL 绘制实体的过程,加深点印象,重点看设置渲数据部分,省略shader相关的代码 。虽然filament 支持多种图形API, 但内部的表示大同小异,OpenGL 也不例外。

上面的代码,首先使用glGenvertexArrays()生成 VAO 对象,然后生成跟顶点数组关联的缓存对象, 并用顶点数据初始化缓存对象, 加载并编译shader 并使之生效, 使用 glVertexAttribPointer()设置顶点属性,顶点属性可以是位置、颜色、法相等信息,最后启用顶点数组对象VAO。 使用顶点数组对象时,它会记录渲染相关的信息,比如顶点数据源在哪里,纹理设置信息等等。在绘制时不需要反复调用相关的图形API, 只需要启用顶点数据,调用绘制函数即可完成实体的绘制。

glClear()清屏,启用顶点数组对象,调用glDrawArrays() 命令绘制实体。glFlush 会刷新客户端的渲染命令队列,将命令队列拷贝至GPU服务器端的命令队列中,并立即返回。 OpenGL 还有一个函数 glFinish(), 该函数会等待GPU 直到所有绘制命令执行完毕才返回。

除了glDrawArrays() 按顶点顺序绘制的方式,为了复用顶点,OpenGL 还提供了索引形式的绘制方式:

{glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BITS);glBindVertexArray(VAO[Triangles]);glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, Buffers[IndexBuffer]);glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, NULL);glFlush();

filament 使用索引模式(第二种模式)绘制图元, 那么在filament 渲染引擎中用什么来表示以顶点数组、索引数组,图元组成的可绘制对象呢?三个关键类: VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, Primitive。

我们看看 Cube 这个基体,filament 是如何绘制的:

Cube::Cube(Engine& engine, filament::Material const* material, float3 linearColor, bool culling) :mEngine(engine),mMaterial(material) {mVertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::Builder().vertexCount(8).bufferCount(1).attribute(VertexAttribute::POSITION, 0, VertexBuffer::AttributeType::FLOAT3).build(engine);mIndexBuffer = IndexBuffer::Builder().indexCount(12*2 + 3*2*6).build(engine);if (mMaterial) {mMaterialInstanceSolid = mMaterial->createInstance();mMaterialInstanceWireFrame = mMaterial->createInstance();mMaterialInstanceSolid->setParameter("color", RgbaType::LINEAR,LinearColorA{linearColor.r, linearColor.g, linearColor.b, 0.05f});mMaterialInstanceWireFrame->setParameter("color", RgbaType::LINEAR,LinearColorA{linearColor.r, linearColor.g, linearColor.b, 0.25f});}mVertexBuffer->setBufferAt(engine, 0,VertexBuffer::BufferDescriptor(mVertices, mVertexBuffer->getVertexCount() * sizeof(mVertices[0])));mIndexBuffer->setBuffer(engine,IndexBuffer::BufferDescriptor(mIndices, mIndexBuffer->getIndexCount() * sizeof(uint32_t)));utils::EntityManager& em = utils::EntityManager::get();mSolidRenderable = em.create();RenderableManager::Builder(1).boundingBox({{ 0, 0, 0 },{ 1, 1, 1 }}).material(0, mMaterialInstanceSolid).geometry(0, RenderableManager::PrimitiveType::TRIANGLES, mVertexBuffer, mIndexBuffer, 0, 3*2*6).priority(7).culling(culling).build(engine, mSolidRenderable);mWireFrameRenderable = em.create();RenderableManager::Builder(1).boundingBox({{ 0, 0, 0 },{ 1, 1, 1 }}).material(0, mMaterialInstanceWireFrame).geometry(0, RenderableManager::PrimitiveType::LINES, mVertexBuffer, mIndexBuffer, WIREFRAME_OFFSET, 24).priority(6).culling(culling).build(engine, mWireFrameRenderable);

从以上代码可以看出,使用构建者模式创建 VertexBuffer 和 IndexBuffer 缓存,再通过RenderableManager 的 geometry 方法构建 primitive, 一个geometry 对应一个primitive 对象。

VertexBuffer 类的接口,关键是看构造器类:


class UTILS_PUBLIC VertexBuffer : public FilamentAPI {struct BuilderDetails;public:using AttributeType = backend::ElementType;using BufferDescriptor = backend::BufferDescriptor;class Builder : public BuilderBase<BuilderDetails> {friend struct BuilderDetails;public:Builder() noexcept;Builder(Builder const& rhs) noexcept;Builder(Builder&& rhs) noexcept;~Builder() noexcept;Builder& operator=(Builder const& rhs) noexcept;Builder& operator=(Builder&& rhs) noexcept;/*** Defines how many buffers will be created in this vertex buffer set. These buffers are* later referenced by index from 0 to \p bufferCount - 1.** This call is mandatory. The default is 0.** @param bufferCount Number of buffers in this vertex buffer set. The maximum value is 8.* @return A reference to this Builder for chaining calls.*/Builder& bufferCount(uint8_t bufferCount) noexcept;/*** Size of each buffer in the set in vertex.** @param vertexCount Number of vertices in each buffer in this set.* @return A reference to this Builder for chaining calls.*/Builder& vertexCount(uint32_t vertexCount) noexcept;/*** Sets up an attribute for this vertex buffer set.** Using \p byteOffset and \p byteStride, attributes can be interleaved in the same buffer.** @param attribute The attribute to set up.* @param bufferIndex  The index of the buffer containing the data for this attribute. Must*                     be between 0 and bufferCount() - 1.* @param attributeType The type of the attribute data (e.g. byte, float3, etc...)* @param byteOffset Offset in *bytes* into the buffer \p bufferIndex* @param byteStride Stride in *bytes* to the next element of this attribute. When set to*                   zero the attribute size, as defined by \p attributeType is used.** @return A reference to this Builder for chaining calls.** @warning VertexAttribute::TANGENTS must be specified as a quaternion and is how normals*          are specified.** @see VertexAttribute** This is a no-op if the \p attribute is an invalid enum.* This is a no-op if the \p bufferIndex is out of bounds.**/Builder& attribute(VertexAttribute attribute, uint8_t bufferIndex,AttributeType attributeType,uint32_t byteOffset = 0, uint8_t byteStride = 0) noexcept;/*** Sets whether a given attribute should be normalized. By default attributes are not* normalized. A normalized attribute is mapped between 0 and 1 in the shader. This applies* only to integer types.** @param attribute Enum of the attribute to set the normalization flag to.* @param normalize true to automatically normalize the given attribute.* @return A reference to this Builder for chaining calls.** This is a no-op if the \p attribute is an invalid enum.*/Builder& normalized(VertexAttribute attribute, bool normalize = true) noexcept;/*** Creates the VertexBuffer object and returns a pointer to it.** @param engine Reference to the filament::Engine to associate this VertexBuffer with.** @return pointer to the newly created object or nullptr if exceptions are disabled and*         an error occurred.** @exception utils::PostConditionPanic if a runtime error occurred, such as running out of*            memory or other resources.* @exception utils::PreConditionPanic if a parameter to a builder function was invalid.*/VertexBuffer* build(Engine& engine);private:friend class details::FVertexBuffer;};/*** Returns the vertex count.* @return Number of vertices in this vertex buffer set.*/size_t getVertexCount() const noexcept;/*** Asynchronously copy-initializes the specified buffer from the given buffer data.** @param engine Reference to the filament::Engine to associate this VertexBuffer with.* @param bufferIndex Index of the buffer to initialize. Must be between 0*                    and Builder::bufferCount() - 1.* @param buffer A BufferDescriptor representing the data used to initialize the buffer at*               index \p bufferIndex. BufferDescriptor points to raw, untyped data that will*               be copied as-is into the buffer.* @param byteOffset Offset in *bytes* into the buffer at index \p bufferIndex of this vertex*                   buffer set.*/void setBufferAt(Engine& engine, uint8_t bufferIndex, BufferDescriptor&& buffer,uint32_t byteOffset = 0);/*** Specifies the quaternion type for the "populateTangentQuaternions" utility.*/enum QuatType {HALF4,  //!< 2 bytes per component as half-floats (8 bytes per quat)SHORT4, //!< 2 bytes per component as normalized integers (8 bytes per quat)FLOAT4, //!< 4 bytes per component as floats (16 bytes per quat)};/*** Specifies the parameters for the "populateTangentQuaternions" utility.*/struct QuatTangentContext {QuatType quatType;                      //!< desired quaternion type (required)size_t quatCount;                       //!< number of quaternions (required)void* outBuffer;                        //!< pre-allocated output buffer (required)size_t outStride;                       //!< desired stride in bytes (optional)const math::float3* normals;  //!< source normals (required)size_t normalsStride;                   //!< normals stride in bytes (optional)const math::float4* tangents; //!< source tangents (optional)size_t tangentsStride;                  //!< tangents stride in bytes (optional)};/*** Convenience function that consumes normal vectors (and, optionally, tangent vectors) and* produces quaternions that can be passed into a TANGENTS buffer.** The given output buffer must be preallocated with at least quatCount * outStride bytes.** Normals are required but tangents are optional, in which case this function tries to generate* reasonable tangents. The given normals should be unit length.** If supplied, the tangent vectors should be unit length and should be orthogonal to the* normals. The w component of the tangent is a sign (-1 or +1) indicating handedness of the* basis.** @param ctx An initialized QuatTangentContext structure.** @deprecated Instead please use filament::geometry::SurfaceOrientation from libgeometry, it* has additional capabilities and a daisy-chain API. Be sure to explicitly link libgeometry* since its dependency might be removed in future versions of libfilament.*/static void populateTangentQuaternions(const QuatTangentContext& ctx);
};} // namespace filament

bufferCount(), vertexCount() , attribute() … ,下面说明这些接口表示的含义。
首先,我们看创建一个cube 顶点应该有哪些属性:
Vertex 属性:
Position0, Position1,Position2 … PositionN;
Color0, Color1, Color2 … ColorN;
Normal0, Normal1, Normal2… NormalN;

如果不考虑优化, 每个顶点属性可以关联一个VBO 缓存对象,按这种形式, 当我们创建 VertexBuffer 对象时,bufferCount(3) , 顶点个数为 VertexCount(N), 使用 attribute 接口描述顶点属性:

enum VertexAttribute : uint8_t {// Update hasIntegerTarget() in VertexBuffer when adding an attribute that will// be read as integers in the shadersPOSITION        = 0, //!< XYZ position (float3)TANGENTS        = 1, //!< tangent, bitangent and normal, encoded as a quaternion (float4)COLOR           = 2, //!< vertex color (float4)UV0             = 3, //!< texture coordinates (float2)UV1             = 4, //!< texture coordinates (float2)BONE_INDICES    = 5, //!< indices of 4 bones, as unsigned integers (uvec4)BONE_WEIGHTS    = 6, //!< weights of the 4 bones (normalized float4)// -- we have 1 unused slot here --CUSTOM0         = 8,CUSTOM1         = 9,CUSTOM2         = 10,CUSTOM3         = 11,CUSTOM4         = 12,CUSTOM5         = 13,CUSTOM6         = 14,CUSTOM7         = 15,// Aliases for vertex morphing.MORPH_POSITION_0 = CUSTOM0,MORPH_POSITION_1 = CUSTOM1,MORPH_POSITION_2 = CUSTOM2,MORPH_POSITION_3 = CUSTOM3,MORPH_TANGENTS_0 = CUSTOM4,MORPH_TANGENTS_1 = CUSTOM5,MORPH_TANGENTS_2 = CUSTOM6,MORPH_TANGENTS_3 = CUSTOM7,// this is limited by driver::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT
};Builder& attribute(VertexAttribute attribute, uint8_t bufferIndex,ElementType attributeType,uint32_t byteOffset = 0, uint8_t byteStride = 0) noexcept;

可以看到VertexAttribute 是顶点属性的索引, bufferIndex 是 VBO 的索引,attributeType 是数据类型, byteOffset 是取数据的偏移量, byteStride 是相邻顶点数据的偏移量。 那么针对上面三个顶点属性,

attribute 属性可以这样设置:

attribute(POSITION, 0, FLOAT3, 0, 0);
attribute(COLOR, 1,FLOAT3, 0, 0);
attribute(TANGENTS, 2, FLOAT3, 0, 0);

filament 在创建VertexBuffer 时 如何解析并生成VBO :

FVertexBuffer::FVertexBuffer(FEngine& engine, const VertexBuffer::Builder& builder): mVertexCount(builder->mVertexCount), mBufferCount(builder->mBufferCount) {std::copy(std::begin(builder->mAttributes), std::end(builder->mAttributes), mAttributes.begin());mDeclaredAttributes = builder->mDeclaredAttributes;uint8_t attributeCount = (uint8_t) mDeclaredAttributes.count();AttributeArray attributeArray;static_assert(attributeArray.size() == MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT,"Attribute and Builder::Attribute arrays must match");static_assert(sizeof(Attribute) == sizeof(AttributeData),"Attribute and Builder::Attribute must match");auto const& declaredAttributes = mDeclaredAttributes;auto const& attributes = mAttributes;#pragma nounrollfor (size_t i = 0, n = attributeArray.size(); i < n; ++i) {if (declaredAttributes[i]) {attributeArray[i].offset = attributes[i].offset;attributeArray[i].stride = attributes[i].stride;attributeArray[i].buffer = attributes[i].buffer;attributeArray[i].type   = attributes[i].type;attributeArray[i].flags  = attributes[i].flags;}}// Backends do not (and should not) know the semantics of each vertex attribute, but they// need to know whether the vertex shader consumes them as integers or as floats.// NOTE: This flag needs to be set regardless of whether the attribute is actually declared.attributeArray[BONE_INDICES].flags |= Attribute::FLAG_INTEGER_TARGET;FEngine::DriverApi& driver = engine.getDriverApi();mHandle = driver.createVertexBuffer(mBufferCount, attributeCount, mVertexCount, attributeArray, backend::BufferUsage::STATIC);
void OpenGLDriver::createVertexBufferR(Handle<HwVertexBuffer> vbh,uint8_t bufferCount,uint8_t attributeCount,uint32_t elementCount,AttributeArray attributes,BufferUsage usage) {DEBUG_MARKER()auto& gl = mContext;GLVertexBuffer* vb = construct<GLVertexBuffer>(vbh,bufferCount, attributeCount, elementCount, attributes);GLsizei n = GLsizei(vb->bufferCount);assert(n <= (GLsizei)vb->gl.buffers.size());glGenBuffers(n, vb->;for (GLsizei i = 0; i < n; i++) {// figure out the size needed for each buffersize_t size = 0;for (auto const& item : attributes) {if (item.buffer == i) {size_t end = item.offset + elementCount * item.stride;size = std::max(size, end);}}gl.bindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vb->gl.buffers[i]);glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, size, nullptr, getBufferUsage(usage));}CHECK_GL_ERROR(utils::slog.e)

可以看到createVertexBufferR 根据attribute偏移属性,大小, 累加VBO 数组的大小,最终创建符合真正大小的VBO 数组。

每个 VertexBuffer 、 IndexBuffer 最终实例化的时候都会生成一个驱动相关的硬件资源。filament 为了实现并行渲染,解耦了渲染逻辑部分与调用图形API具体绘制部分,在CPU端调用的绘制函数时,只是生成硬件资源句柄,在渲染线程中才真正调用图形API 进行绘制。所以当你阅读代码时经常看到调用 CommandStream 做为绘制命令的转发接口。CommandStream对一般对图形API 的调用封装成两部分, 函数尾带S 只是创建并初始化硬件相关的资源,并将资源内存转换成句柄的形式返回,这一步在调用时立即执行。 当在渲染线程中执行渲染时,调用带R(reality?)的具体函数。

GLVertexBuffer 是 OpenGL 版本的VBO 版本:

struct HwVertexBuffer : public HwBase {AttributeArray attributes{};          //   8 * MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_COUNTuint32_t vertexCount{};               //   4uint8_t bufferCount{};                //   1uint8_t attributeCount{};             //   1uint8_t padding[2]{};                 //   2 -> total struct is 136 bytesHwVertexBuffer() noexcept = default;HwVertexBuffer(uint8_t bufferCount, uint8_t attributeCount, uint32_t elementCount,AttributeArray const& attributes) noexcept: attributes(attributes),vertexCount(elementCount),bufferCount(bufferCount),attributeCount(attributeCount) {}
};struct GLVertexBuffer : public backend::HwVertexBuffer {using HwVertexBuffer::HwVertexBuffer;struct {// 4 * MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT bytesstd::array<GLuint, backend::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT> buffers{};  // OpenGL VBOs...} gl;};
mHandle = driver.createVertexBuffer( mBufferCount, attributeCount, mVertexCount, attributeArray, backend::BufferUsage::STATIC);

以上创建多个VBO缓存对应不同的顶点属性的方式,虽然意义明确、直观,但效率不高。一般我们会通过偏移量来创建交错数组的形式来创建顶点数据,这种形式更高效,而且减少 VBO的创建个数。
用交错数组的形式定义 VertexBuffer :



按这种形式, 当我们创建 VertexBuffer 对象时,bufferCount(1) , 顶点个数为 VertexCount(N), 使用 attribute 接口描述顶点属性:

attribute(POSITION, 0, FLOAT3, 0, sizeof(FLOAT3)*3);
attribute(COLOR, 0,FLOAT3, sizeof(FLOAT3), sizeof(FLOAT3)*3);
attribute(TANGENTS, 0, FLOAT3, sizeof(FLOAT3)*2, sizeof(FLOAT3)*3);

或者 做成分段数据的形式存储为一个VBO

P0, P1... PN, C0, C1... CN, N0, N1... NNattribute(POSITION, 0, FLOAT3, 0, 0);
attribute(COLOR, 0,FLOAT3, color_offset, 0);
attribute(TANGENTS, 0, FLOAT3, normal_offset, 0);


IndexBuffer 的构建相对于VertexBuffer 的构建简单的多,因为IndexBuffer 只有一个数组,只要指定绘制顶点的个数和数据类型即可计算出ElementBuffer 的大小。

class UTILS_PUBLIC IndexBuffer : public FilamentAPI {struct BuilderDetails;public:using BufferDescriptor = backend::BufferDescriptor;/*** Type of the index buffer*/enum class IndexType : uint8_t {USHORT = uint8_t(backend::ElementType::USHORT),  //!< 16-bit indicesUINT = uint8_t(backend::ElementType::UINT),      //!< 32-bit indices};class Builder : public BuilderBase<BuilderDetails> {friend struct BuilderDetails;public:Builder() noexcept;Builder(Builder const& rhs) noexcept;Builder(Builder&& rhs) noexcept;~Builder() noexcept;Builder& operator=(Builder const& rhs) noexcept;Builder& operator=(Builder&& rhs) noexcept;/*** Size of the index buffer in elements.* @param indexCount Number of indices the IndexBuffer can hold.* @return A reference to this Builder for chaining calls.*/Builder& indexCount(uint32_t indexCount) noexcept;/*** Type of the index buffer, 16-bit or 32-bit.* @param indexType Type of indices stored in the IndexBuffer.* @return A reference to this Builder for chaining calls.*/Builder& bufferType(IndexType indexType) noexcept;/*** Creates the IndexBuffer object and returns a pointer to it. After creation, the index* buffer is uninitialized. Use IndexBuffer::setBuffer() to initialized the IndexBuffer.** @param engine Reference to the filament::Engine to associate this IndexBuffer with.** @return pointer to the newly created object or nullptr if exceptions are disabled and*         an error occurred.** @exception utils::PostConditionPanic if a runtime error occurred, such as running out of*            memory or other resources.* @exception utils::PreConditionPanic if a parameter to a builder function was invalid.** @see IndexBuffer::setBuffer*/IndexBuffer* build(Engine& engine);private:friend class details::FIndexBuffer;};/*** Asynchronously copy-initializes a region of this IndexBuffer from the data provided.** @param engine Reference to the filament::Engine to associate this IndexBuffer with.* @param buffer A BufferDescriptor representing the data used to initialize the IndexBuffer.*               BufferDescriptor points to raw, untyped data that will be interpreted as*               either 16-bit or 32-bits indices based on the Type of this IndexBuffer.* @param byteOffset Offset in *bytes* into the IndexBuffer*/void setBuffer(Engine& engine, BufferDescriptor&& buffer, uint32_t byteOffset = 0);/*** Returns the size of this IndexBuffer in elements.* @return The number of indices the IndexBuffer holds.*/size_t getIndexCount() const noexcept;

以上构建出了VBO, EBO, 图元如何构建出来呢?我们看看RenderableManger 构建器geometry 接口:


RenderableManager::Builder& RenderableManager::Builder::geometry(size_t index,PrimitiveType type, VertexBuffer* vertices, IndexBuffer* indices) noexcept {return geometry(index, type, vertices, indices,0, 0, vertices->getVertexCount() - 1, indices->getIndexCount());
}RenderableManager::Builder& RenderableManager::Builder::geometry(size_t index,PrimitiveType type, VertexBuffer* vertices, IndexBuffer* indices,size_t offset, size_t count) noexcept {return geometry(index, type, vertices, indices, offset,0, vertices->getVertexCount() - 1, count);
}RenderableManager::Builder& RenderableManager::Builder::geometry(size_t index,PrimitiveType type, VertexBuffer* vertices, IndexBuffer* indices,size_t offset, size_t minIndex, size_t maxIndex, size_t count) noexcept {std::vector<Entry>& entries = mImpl->mEntries;if (index < entries.size()) {entries[index].vertices = vertices;entries[index].indices = indices;entries[index].offset = offset;entries[index].minIndex = minIndex;entries[index].maxIndex = maxIndex;entries[index].count = count;entries[index].type = type;}return *this;

看上去比较直观,每个geometry 填充一个entry , 描述primitive 的绘制引用的vbo, ebo , 偏移量,绘制索引范围, 绘制顶点个数,绘制的图元类型。我们再看看entries 是如何展开的,那我们就去构造函数和驱动类driver 中去找具体的实现:

void FRenderPrimitive::init(backend::DriverApi& driver,const RenderableManager::Builder::Entry& entry) noexcept {assert(entry.materialInstance);mHandle = driver.createRenderPrimitive();mMaterialInstance = upcast(entry.materialInstance);mBlendOrder = entry.blendOrder;if (entry.indices && entry.vertices) {FVertexBuffer* vertexBuffer = upcast(entry.vertices);FIndexBuffer* indexBuffer = upcast(entry.indices);AttributeBitset enabledAttributes = vertexBuffer->getDeclaredAttributes();auto const& ebh = vertexBuffer->getHwHandle();auto const& ibh = indexBuffer->getHwHandle();driver.setRenderPrimitiveBuffer(mHandle, ebh, ibh, (uint32_t)enabledAttributes.getValue());driver.setRenderPrimitiveRange(mHandle, entry.type,(uint32_t)entry.offset, (uint32_t)entry.minIndex, (uint32_t)entry.maxIndex,(uint32_t)entry.count);mPrimitiveType = entry.type;mEnabledAttributes = enabledAttributes;}


void OpenGLDriver::setRenderPrimitiveBuffer(Handle<HwRenderPrimitive> rph,Handle<HwVertexBuffer> vbh, Handle<HwIndexBuffer> ibh,uint32_t enabledAttributes) {DEBUG_MARKER()auto& gl = mContext;if (rph) {GLRenderPrimitive* const rp = handle_cast<GLRenderPrimitive*>(rph);GLVertexBuffer const* const eb = handle_cast<const GLVertexBuffer*>(vbh);GLIndexBuffer const* const ib = handle_cast<const GLIndexBuffer*>(ibh);assert(ib->elementSize == 2 || ib->elementSize == 4);gl.bindVertexArray(&rp->gl);CHECK_GL_ERROR(utils::slog.e)rp->gl.indicesType = ib->elementSize == 4 ? GL_UNSIGNED_INT : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;rp->maxVertexCount = eb->vertexCount;for (size_t i = 0, n = eb->attributes.size(); i < n; i++) {if (enabledAttributes & (1U << i)) {uint8_t bi = eb->attributes[i].buffer;assert(bi != 0xFF);gl.bindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, eb->gl.buffers[bi]);if (UTILS_UNLIKELY(eb->attributes[i].flags & Attribute::FLAG_INTEGER_TARGET)) {glVertexAttribIPointer(GLuint(i),getComponentCount(eb->attributes[i].type),getComponentType(eb->attributes[i].type),eb->attributes[i].stride,(void*) uintptr_t(eb->attributes[i].offset));} else {glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint(i),getComponentCount(eb->attributes[i].type),getComponentType(eb->attributes[i].type),getNormalization(eb->attributes[i].flags & Attribute::FLAG_NORMALIZED),eb->attributes[i].stride,(void*) uintptr_t(eb->attributes[i].offset));}gl.enableVertexAttribArray(GLuint(i));} else {// In some OpenGL implementations, we must supply a properly-typed placeholder for// every integer input that is declared in the vertex shader.if (UTILS_UNLIKELY(eb->attributes[i].flags & Attribute::FLAG_INTEGER_TARGET)) {glVertexAttribI4ui(GLuint(i), 0, 0, 0, 0);} else {glVertexAttrib4f(GLuint(i), 0, 0, 0, 0);}gl.disableVertexAttribArray(GLuint(i));}}// this records the index buffer into the currently bound VAOgl.bindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ib->gl.buffer);CHECK_GL_ERROR(utils::slog.e)}
}void OpenGLDriver::setRenderPrimitiveRange(Handle<HwRenderPrimitive> rph,PrimitiveType pt, uint32_t offset,uint32_t minIndex, uint32_t maxIndex, uint32_t count) {DEBUG_MARKER()if (rph) {GLRenderPrimitive* const rp = handle_cast<GLRenderPrimitive*>(rph);rp->type = pt;rp->offset = offset * ((rp->gl.indicesType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) ? 4 : 2);rp->count = count;rp->minIndex = minIndex;rp->maxIndex = maxIndex > minIndex ? maxIndex : rp->maxVertexCount - 1; // sanitize max index}

注意 handle_cast 这个函数的妙用, 将句柄转换成资源内存地址!

最后我们看看filament 绘制时如何利用这些信息:

void OpenGLDriver::draw(PipelineState state, Handle<HwRenderPrimitive> rph) {DEBUG_MARKER()auto& gl = mContext;OpenGLProgram* p = handle_cast<OpenGLProgram*>(state.program);// If the material debugger is enabled, avoid fatal (or cascading) errors and that can occur// during the draw call when the program is invalid. The shader compile error has already been// dumped to the console at this point, so it's fine to simply return early.if (FILAMENT_ENABLE_MATDBG && UTILS_UNLIKELY(!p->isValid())) {return;}useProgram(p);const GLRenderPrimitive* rp = handle_cast<const GLRenderPrimitive *>(rph);gl.bindVertexArray(&rp->gl);setRasterState(state.rasterState);gl.polygonOffset(state.polygonOffset.slope, state.polygonOffset.constant);setViewportScissor(state.scissor);glDrawRangeElements(GLenum(rp->type), rp->minIndex, rp->maxIndex, rp->count,rp->gl.indicesType, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(rp->offset));CHECK_GL_ERROR(utils::slog.e)

这是多么熟悉的场景, 到此filament 创建图元的整个过程剖析完毕。有了这些知识,我们再去创建几何图元就轻车熟路了。

那么我们准备的几何数据是如何装填到VBO , EBO 这些缓存对象中去呢?

  mVertexBuffer->setBufferAt(engine, 0,VertexBuffer::BufferDescriptor(mVertices, mVertexBuffer->getVertexCount() * sizeof(mVertices[0])));mIndexBuffer->setBuffer(engine,IndexBuffer::BufferDescriptor(mIndices, mIndexBuffer->getIndexCount() * sizeof(uint32_t)));

VertexBuffer 可以根据顶点属性的不同创建多个缓冲区VBO,所以更新数据时,要指定更新哪个缓冲区,调用setBufferAt()方法。 索引缓冲区只有一个,直接调用 setBuffer() 方法即可。

Filament渲染引擎剖析 之 通过图元构建几何体相关推荐

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