1. We are by far and away Oracle's biggest customer and produce the single most significant application that runs on the Oracle database.


2. PRO C/C + + under ORACLE environment is used to develop general report system. The technique of temporary view, base table and dynamic SQL are used to enhance generality and flexibility, which can make report system preferably adapt the change of applied environment.


3. In this article you will explore the following aspects of backup and recovery for both Oracle and DB2 UDB


4. When you improve the efficiency of Oracle database processing, you improve the performance of all the systems and software that rely on the database.


5. Both Oracle and BEA customers will benefit from this increase in engineering investment as they migrate to modern SOA technologies.


6. Based on a plenty of papers, technology reports and dissertations, this dissertations make some research work on the field of secure theory and technology and study on secure enhancement based on Oracle database system. At last, a practical database application is realized.


7. Object sound the biggest, another becomes a source, he does source ERP, it is administrative software, it is Oralce all along this kind of big plant, calculate China to a few domains enter this field, also base the compositive business that is financial software and medium and small businesses originally is waited a moment, this Mr Liu Youtao made software of ten years, do source ERP now, before paragraph technology of application of technology of software of time Internet popularity, software serves, he returns the begin to crop up of in spirits, feel the spring that opens source software eventually came.



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