
% Demo for PCNN in image processing
% ---------
% Author:  Qu Xiao-Bo    <qxb_xmu [at] yahoo.com.cn>    Aug.28,2008
%          Postal address:
% Rom 509, Scientific Research Building # 2,Haiyun Campus, Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian, P. R. China, 361005
% Website:https://csrc.xmu.edu.cn/
% References:
% [1]Qu Xiao-Bo, YAN Jing-Wen, XIAO Hong-Zhi, ZHU Zi-Qian. Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Spatial Frequency-Motivated Pulse Coupled Neural Networks in Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform Domain. Acta Automatica Sinica, Vol.34, No.12, pp: 1508-1514.Dec.2008.
% [2]Xiao-Bo Qu,Jingwen Yan.Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Features Motivated Multi-channel Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering-iCBBE2008,Shanghai, China, 16-18 May 2008, pp. 2103-2106
% [3]Xiaobo Qu, Changwei Hu, Jingwen Yan, Image Fusion Algorithm Based On Orientation Information Motivated Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, The seventh World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation-WCICA 2008,Chongqing, China,25-27 June 2008, pp.2437-2441
% [4]Xiaobo Qu, Jingwen Yan, Ziqian Zhu, et al. Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on regional firing characteristic of Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, Conference Pre-proceedings of The Second International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, pp:563-565,2007
% [5]Yan Jingwen, QU Xiaobo. Beyond Wavelets and Its Applications [M].Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, June 2008.(In Chinese)%=============================================================
clear all;
close all;
function [normalized_matrix,cmin,cmax]=Normalized(matrix)
% function [normalized_matrix,cmin,cmax]=Normalized(matrix)
% Computes the normalized form of matrix
% Input: matrix, denotes an image
% Output: normalized_matrix,normalized form of matrix
%         cmin, is the is the smallest element in matrix
%         cman is the is the largest  element in matrix
% ---------
% Author:  Qu Xiao-Bo    <qxb_xmu [at] yahoo.com.cn>    Aug.28,2008
%          Postal address:
% Rom 509, Scientific Research Building # 2,Haiyun Campus, Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian, P. R. China, 361005
% Website: http://quxiaobo.go.8866.org
% References:
% [1]Qu Xiao-Bo, YAN Jing-Wen, XIAO Hong-Zhi, ZHU Zi-Qian. Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Spatial Frequency-Motivated Pulse Coupled Neural Networks in Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform Domain. Acta Automatica Sinica, Vol.34, No.12, pp: 1508-1514.Dec.2008.
% [2]Xiao-Bo Qu,Jingwen Yan.Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Features Motivated Multi-channel Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering-iCBBE2008,Shanghai, China, 16-18 May 2008, pp. 2103-2106
% [3]Xiaobo Qu, Changwei Hu, Jingwen Yan, Image Fusion Algorithm Based On Orientation Information Motivated Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, The seventh World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation-WCICA 2008,Chongqing, China,25-27 June 2008, pp.2437-2441
% [4]Xiaobo Qu, Jingwen Yan, Ziqian Zhu, et al. Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on regional firing characteristic of Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, Conference Pre-proceedings of The Second International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, pp:563-565,2007
% [5]Yan Jingwen, QU Xiaobo. Beyond Wavelets and Its Applications [M].Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, June 2008.(In Chinese)%=============================================================
% Get absolute value of matrix
function R=PCNN_large_arrange(matrix,link_arrange,np,pre_flag)
% R=PCNN_large_arrange(matrix,link_arrange,np,pre_flag)
% compute the fire times of each pixel in the PCNN
% np is the iterative times
% R is the fire times of coefficients of wavelet decomposition
% ---------
% Author:  Qu Xiao-Bo    <qxb_xmu [at] yahoo.com.cn>    Aug.28,2008
%          Postal address:
% Rom 509, Scientific Research Building # 2,Haiyun Campus, Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian, P. R. China, 361005
% Website: https://csrc.xmu.edu.cn/
% References:
% [1]Qu Xiao-Bo, YAN Jing-Wen, XIAO Hong-Zhi, ZHU Zi-Qian. Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Spatial Frequency-Motivated Pulse Coupled Neural Networks in Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform Domain. Acta Automatica Sinica, Vol.34, No.12, pp: 1508-1514.Dec.2008.
% [2]Xiao-Bo Qu,Jingwen Yan.Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Features Motivated Multi-channel Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering-iCBBE2008,Shanghai, China, 16-18 May 2008, pp. 2103-2106
% [3]Xiaobo Qu, Changwei Hu, Jingwen Yan, Image Fusion Algorithm Based On Orientation Information Motivated Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, The seventh World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation-WCICA 2008,Chongqing, China,25-27 June 2008, pp.2437-2441
% [4]Xiaobo Qu, Jingwen Yan, Ziqian Zhu, et al. Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on regional firing characteristic of Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, Conference Pre-proceedings of The Second International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, pp:563-565,2007
% [5]Yan Jingwen, QU Xiaobo. Beyond Wavelets and Its Applications [M].Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, June 2008.(In Chinese)%=============================================================
disp('PCNN is processing...')
% computes the normalized matrix of the matrixA and  matrixB
% Initialize the parameters.
% You'd better change them according to your applications
% Generate the null matrix that could be used
% Compute the linking strength.
for i=1:link_arrangefor j=1:link_arrangeif (i==center_x)&&(j==center_y)W(i,j)=0;elseW(i,j)=1./sqrt((i-center_x).^2+(j-center_y).^2);endend
for n=1:npK=conv2(Y,W,'same');L=exp(-alpha_L)*L+vL*K;Theta=exp(-alpha_Theta)*Theta+vTheta*Y;U=F.*(1+beta*L);Y=im2double(U>Theta);Y0=Y0+Y;




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