
  • 把Pytorch的版本升级到1.0.1.post2。


  • 升级Pycharm到版本2019.1.1。

  • site-packages/torch/__init__.pyi中增加两行代码。

    from typing import Tuple, Optional, Union
    import pickleclass Tensor:def abs(self, *, out: Optional['Tensor']=None) -> 'Tensor': ......


    from typing import Tuple, Optional, Union
    import pickle
    from torch import nn, cuda, ops, functional, optim, autograd, onnx, utils
    from torch import contrib, distributions, for_onnx, jit, multiprocessingclass Tensor:def abs(self, *, out: Optional['Tensor']=None) -> 'Tensor': ......

又遇到了“class Tensor does not define __sub__, so the ‘-’ cannot be used in its instances”这样的错误,翻译过来就是Tensor类没有定义__sub__, ‘-’ 就不能用在实例之间。同样的还有加减乘除大于小于等符号都有类似的提示。于是继续修改__init__.pyi

class Tensor:def abs(self, *, out: Optional['Tensor']=None) -> 'Tensor': ......


class Tensor:def __add__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __radd__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __iadd__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __sub__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __rsub__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __isub__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __mul__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __rmul__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __imul__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __truediv__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __rtruediv__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __itruediv__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __pow__(self, power: 'int', modulo=None) -> 'Tensor': ...def __rpow__(self, power: 'int', modulo=None) -> 'Tensor': ...def __ipow__(self, power: 'int', modulo=None) -> 'Tensor': ...def __ge__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __gt__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __le__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __lt__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __ne__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __eq__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __neg__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __and__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __rand__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __iand__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __or__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __ror__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __ior__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __xor__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __rxor__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __ixor__(self, other: Union['Tensor', 'int', 'float']): ...def __getitem__(self, item) -> 'Tensor': ...def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> 'Tensor': ...def __abs__(self): ...def __ceil__(self): ...def __floor__(self): ...def __bool__(self) -> 'Tensor': ...def size(self) -> 'torch.Size': ...def cpu(self) -> 'Tensor': ...def cuda(self, device:Optional['torch.device']=None, non_blocking: Optional['bool']=False) -> 'Tensor': ...@propertydef device(self): ...def numpy(self) -> 'numpy.ndarray': ...def dim(self) -> 'int': ...def ndimension(self)  -> 'int': ...def double(self) -> 'Tensor': ...def float(self) -> 'Tensor': ...def half(self) -> 'Tensor': ...def int(self) -> 'Tensor': ...def long(self) -> 'Tensor': ...def short(self) -> 'Tensor': ...def abs(self, *, out: Optional['Tensor']=None) -> 'Tensor': ......





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