
A Brief History ofComputing Technology and Related Sciences Main information sources: Introduction The Tally Stick Copper, Conductor of Choice Megalithic Structures Measuring Time The Road to Latin Letters Warfare The Cubit Imhotep, the First Engineer Hexadecimal Numbers , the First Constant Sexagesimal Numbers The Abacus Tackling Mathematical Problems Pythagorean Theorem Indian Mathematics Roman Numbers Precursor to Calculus Euclidian Geometry Archimedes & the Decimal System Feedback Control Vigesimal Numbers Binary Numbers The Differential Gear The Astrolabe Baghdad Batteries Antikythera Mechanism A Not-so-Accurate Prediction Birth of Cryptanalysis The Name Bluetooth Su Sung’s Astronomical Clock Fibonacci & Decimal Numerals Al-Jazari’s “Castle Clock” The End of a Scientific Era The Logarithm Pascal's Mechanical Calculator The Word “Computer” The Pendulum Clock The Slide Rule Earliest Data Conversion Octal Numbers Silicon Volta’s Battery Time and Frequency Domains The Arithmometer Babbage's Difference Engine Ohm’s Law Prelude to Semiconductors I Lady Ada Lovelace Wire Communication Guiding Light Boolean Logic Time Division Multiplexing Weather Forecasting Transatlantic Telegraph Cable The Pantelegraph Maxwell’s Equations The Birth of Spam The QWERTY Keyboard Prelude to Semiconductors II Feedback in Computing The Gray Code Piezoelectric Properties of Quartz The AutomaticTabulating Machine Punched Cards Liquid Crystals Electromagnetic Radiation Nomograms Prelude to Semiconductors III 1895, Year of the Radio Braun’s Cathode Ray Tube Discovery of the Electron Birth of Magnetic Recording The Ni-Cd Battery A Not-so-Accurate Prediction The Photon Prelude to Hacking The Emergence of Electronics The Triode Mobile Communication Color Photography IBM Bernstein and Bézier TEMPEST The “Flip-Flop” Circuit The Field-Effect Transistor Light Emitting Diodes The Feedback Amplifier Bandwidth & Sampling Magnetic Tape Recording Teleprinters The Turing Machine The Atanasoff-Berr

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