计算机的现状和未来计算机发展(The status quo of computers and future computer development)

计算机的现状和未来计算机发展(The status quo of computers and future computer development)

The article is divided into two parts, the status of the computer and the future development of the computer and the status quo, computer network is a combination of computer technology and communication technology, which involves two fields of communication and computer. Its birth has made great changes in the computer architecture, and plays a very important role in today's social economy. It has made great contributions to the progress of human society. In a sense, the level of development of computer networks not only reflects the level of computer science and communication technology of a country, but also has become one of the important symbols to measure its national strength and modernization. Since 50s, people and organizations have been using computers to manage their information rapidly. Early limited to technical conditions such that computers are very large and very expensive, any organization can not provide for individual employees to use the computer, the host must be shared, it is used to store and organize data, centralized control and management of the whole system. All users have terminal devices that connect the system, enter the database into the host, or process the results in the host through the centralized control output device. It is the most typical features are: most of the communication process through the host system, all communication protocols constitute the system are proprietary mainframe system, occupy a dominant role in the system, all the control and management functions are accomplished by the host. With the continuous development of computer technology, especially a large number of features of advanced personal computer, so that each person can complete control of your computer, he wanted to work, with personal computer (PC) way of calculating ability become independent platform, gave birth to a new computing structure distributed computing model. Gene

未来计算机的发展英文文章,计算机的现状和未来计算机发展(The status quo of computers and future computer development).doc...相关推荐

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