
#define outb(value,port)
asm (“outb %%al,%%dx”::“a” (value),“d” (port))

#define inb(port) ({
unsigned char _v;
asm volatile (“inb %%dx,%%al”:"=a" (_v):“d” (port));

#define outb_p(value,port)
asm (“outb %%al,%%dx\n”
“\tjmp 1f\n”
“1:\tjmp 1f\n”
“1:”::“a” (value),“d” (port))

#define inb_p(port) ({
unsigned char _v;
asm volatile (“inb %%dx,%%al\n”
“\tjmp 1f\n”
“1:\tjmp 1f\n”
“1:”:"=a" (_v):“d” (port));


  • NOTE!!! memcpy(dest,src,n) assumes ds=es=normal data segment. This
  • goes for all kernel functions (ds=es=kernel space, fs=local data,
  • gs=null), as well as for all well-behaving user programs (ds=es=
  • user data space). This is NOT a bug, as any user program that changes
  • es deserves to die if it isn’t careful.
    #define memcpy(dest,src,n) ({
    void * _res = dest;
    asm (“cld;rep;movsb”
    ::“D” ((long)(_res)),“S” ((long)(src)),“c” ((long) (n))

extern inline unsigned char get_fs_byte(const char * addr)
unsigned register char _v;

__asm__ ("movb %%fs:%1,%0":"=r" (_v):"m" (*addr));
return _v;


extern inline unsigned short get_fs_word(const unsigned short *addr)
unsigned short _v;

__asm__ ("movw %%fs:%1,%0":"=r" (_v):"m" (*addr));
return _v;


extern inline unsigned long get_fs_long(const unsigned long *addr)
unsigned long _v;

__asm__ ("movl %%fs:%1,%0":"=r" (_v):"m" (*addr)); \
return _v;


extern inline void put_fs_byte(char val,char *addr)
asm (“movb %0,%%fs:%1”::“r” (val),“m” (*addr));

extern inline void put_fs_word(short val,short * addr)
asm (“movw %0,%%fs:%1”::“r” (val),“m” (*addr));

extern inline void put_fs_long(unsigned long val,unsigned long * addr)
asm (“movl %0,%%fs:%1”::“r” (val),“m” (*addr));

#define move_to_user_mode()
asm (“movl %%esp,%%eax\n\t”
“pushl $0x17\n\t”
“pushl %%eax\n\t”
“pushl $0x0f\n\t”
“pushl $1f\n\t”
“1:\tmovl $0x17,%%eax\n\t”
“movw %%ax,%%ds\n\t”
“movw %%ax,%%es\n\t”
“movw %%ax,%%fs\n\t”
“movw %%ax,%%gs”

#define sti() asm (“sti”:


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