
1. 整体思路











using namespace std;

using namespace cv;


//*************reading image****************** Mat image;

image = imread("/home/project1/test1.jpg");


cout <

return -1;


在Opencv中,图像的数据格式是Mat,相当于一个矩阵。这个步骤虽然简单,但有两点需要注意:一是imread后面的文件地址,在linux和windows下斜线的方向可能不一样,需要注意,最好是使用全局路径,不容易出错; 二是在读入图像后,最好加一段image.empty()来判断是否正确导入了图片。原图


//***************gray image*******************

Mat image_gray;

cvtColor(image,image_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);

使用Opencv 中的cvtColor函数可以直接将RGB的图像转换成灰度图。这个函数有三个输入参数,分别是:输入图像,输出图像,格式转化类别;灰度图


Mat image_gau;

GaussianBlur(image_gray, image_gau, Size(5,5),0,0);


函数GaussianBlur的四个参数分别为:输入图像,输出图像,高斯内核,高斯内核在X方向的标准偏差,高斯内核在Y方向上的标准偏差。其中,高斯内核是由width和height两个维度构成,这两个维度可以使用不同的值,但是必须是正奇数或者为0; 高斯内核在X,Y两个方向上的标准偏差,通常设置为0(具体如何调参数暂未研究)高斯滤波



Mat image_canny;

Canny(image_gau, image_canny,100, 200, 3);

Canny边缘检测函数共有5个输入参数,分别为:输入图像,输出图像,阈值1,阈值2, sobel算子的孔径参数。阈值:低于阈值1 的像素点会被认为不是边缘,高于阈值2的像素点会被认为是边缘,在阈值1和阈值2之间的像素点,如果与高于阈值2的像素点相邻,则认为是边缘,否则认为不是边缘。soble算子孔径参数,一般默认为3, 即表示为一个3*3的矩阵。sobel算子与高斯拉普拉斯算子都是常用的边缘算子。边缘检测


Mat dstImg;

Mat mask = Mat::zeros(image_canny.size(), CV_8UC1);

Point PointArray[4];

PointArray[0] = Point(0, mask.rows);

PointArray[1] = Point(400,330);

PointArray[2] = Point(570,330);

PointArray[3] = Point(mask.cols, mask.rows);




将梯形掩模区域与原图进行bitwise_and 操作,可以只得到感兴趣区域内的边缘检测图,从途中可以看出只有车道线信息。bitwise_and 函数是将两张图片做“与”操作,共有3个输入参数,分别是:掩模图, 原图,输出图。需要注意的是,三张图的大小和颜色通道数量。掩模梯形区域感兴趣区域



霍夫变换将在迪卡尔坐标系下的线条转换到极坐标系下,迪卡尔坐标下通过一个点的所有直线的集合在极坐标系下是一条正弦曲线。正弦曲线的交点,表示这些曲线代表的点在同一条直线上。霍夫变换就通过找这些交点,确定哪些像素点是在同一条直线上。关于霍夫变换的具体讲解可以参考:经典霍夫变换(Hough Transform)​blog.csdn.net

vector lines; //包含4个int类型的结构体

int rho = 1;

double theta = CV_PI/180;

int threshold = 30;

int min_line_len = 30;

int max_line_gap = 20;


Opencv中HoughLinesP函数共有7个参数:输入原图像(单通道二进制图像,canny的结果),输出线的两个端点(x1, y1, x2, y2),rho直线搜索时的步长(单位为像素),theta直线搜索时的角度步长(单位为弧度),threshold多少个点交在一起才认为是一条直线(int),min_linelen 最低线段长度(默认为0),max_line_gap 两条直线并列多远的时候认为是两条(默认为0)。极坐标下的直线表示



Mat image_draw = Mat::zeros(image_canny.size(),CV_8UC3);

for(size_t i= 0;i

Vec4i L = lines[i];

line(image_draw, Point(L[0],L[1]),Point(L[2],L[3]),Scalar(0,0,255),3,LINE_AA);





/***************draw line update********************************

Mat image_draw = Mat::zeros(image_canny.size(),CV_8UC3);

vector right_x, right_y, left_x, left_y;

double slope_right_sum;

double b_right_sum ;

double slope_left_sum ;

double b_left_sum ;

double slope_right_mean;

double slope_left_mean;

double b_right_mean;

double b_left_mean;

vector slope_right, slope_left,b_right, b_left;

for(size_t i= 0;i

Vec4i L;

double slope,b;

L = lines[i];

slope = (L[3]-L[1])*1.0/(L[2]-L[0]);

b = L[1]-L[0]*slope;

if (slope >=0.2){









// left_x.push_back((L[0],L[2]));

// right_y.push_back((L(1),L[3]));



//accumulate 实现vector内值的累加,输出格式与最后一个参数的数据格式一致。

slope_right_sum = accumulate(slope_right.begin(), slope_right.end(),0.0);

b_right_sum = accumulate(b_right.begin(), b_right.end(),0.0);

slope_left_sum = accumulate(slope_left.begin(),slope_left.end(),0.0);

b_left_sum = accumulate(b_left.begin(),b_left.end(),0.0);

slope_right_mean = slope_right_sum/slope_right.size();

slope_left_mean = slope_left_sum/slope_left.size();

b_right_mean = b_right_sum/b_right.size();

b_left_mean = b_left_sum/b_left.size();

cout <

double x1r = 550;

double x2r = 850;

double x1l = 120;

double x2l = 425;

int y1r = slope_right_mean * x1r + b_right_mean;

int y2r = slope_right_mean * x2r + b_right_mean;

int y1l = slope_left_mean * x1l + b_left_mean;

int y2l = slope_left_mean * x2l + b_left_mean;

line(image_draw, Point(x1r,y1r),Point(x2r,y2r),Scalar(0,0,255),5,LINE_AA);

line(image_draw, Point(x1l,y1l),Point(x2l,y2l),Scalar(0,0,255),5,LINE_AA);


将画出来的直线叠加到原图像上,可以使用addWeighted函数,实现图像加权叠加。addWeighted函数共有6个参数,分别为:原图1, 图1的透明度,原图2, 图2的透明度,加权值(一般设置为0),输出图。

//*************mix two image*************************

Mat image_mix = Mat::zeros(image_canny.size(),CV_8UC3);




1)将2中9个步骤重构成一个类 image_process

重构的image_process 具有两个成员变量:原图和结果图,一个成员函数:对图像的车道线识别。另外还有一个构造函数和一个析构函数。具体代码如下:






using namespace std;

using namespace cv;

class image_process {


Mat image_src;

Mat image_dst;

image_process(Mat image);

Mat process();




#include "image_process.h"



using namespace std;

using namespace cv;


image_process::image_process(Mat image):image_src(image){}


Mat image_process::process(){

//*************reading image******************

Mat image;

image = image_src ;


cout <


//***************gray image*******************

Mat image_gray;

cvtColor(image,image_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);

//************gaussian smoothing**************

Mat image_gau;

GaussianBlur(image_gray, image_gau, Size(5,5),0,0);


Mat image_canny;

Canny(image_gau, image_canny,100, 200, 3);

//**************interesting aera*************

Mat dstImg;

Mat mask = Mat::zeros(image_canny.size(), CV_8UC1);

Point PointArray[4];

PointArray[0] = Point(0, mask.rows);

PointArray[1] = Point(400,330);

PointArray[2] = Point(570,330);

PointArray[3] = Point(mask.cols, mask.rows);




vector lines;

int rho = 1;

double theta = CV_PI/180;

int threshold = 30;

int min_line_len = 100;

int max_line_gap = 100;



//***************draw line update********************************

Mat image_draw = Mat::zeros(image_canny.size(),CV_8UC3);

vector right_x, right_y, left_x, left_y;

double slope_right_sum;

double b_right_sum ;

double slope_left_sum ;

double b_left_sum ;

double slope_right_mean;

double slope_left_mean;

double b_right_mean;

double b_left_mean;

vector slope_right, slope_left,b_right, b_left;

for(size_t i= 0;i

Vec4i L;

double slope,b;

L = lines[i];

slope = (L[3]-L[1])*1.0/(L[2]-L[0]);

b = L[1]-L[0]*slope;

if (slope >=0.2){









// left_x.push_back((L[0],L[2]));

// right_y.push_back((L(1),L[3]));



slope_right_sum = accumulate(slope_right.begin(), slope_right.end(),0.0);

b_right_sum = accumulate(b_right.begin(), b_right.end(),0.0);

slope_left_sum = accumulate(slope_left.begin(),slope_left.end(),0.0);

b_left_sum = accumulate(b_left.begin(),b_left.end(),0.0);

slope_right_mean = slope_right_sum/slope_right.size();

slope_left_mean = slope_left_sum/slope_left.size();

b_right_mean = b_right_sum/b_right.size();

b_left_mean = b_left_sum/b_left.size();

cout <

double x1r = 550;

double x2r = 850;

double x1l = 120;

double x2l = 425;

int y1r = slope_right_mean * x1r + b_right_mean;

int y2r = slope_right_mean * x2r + b_right_mean;

int y1l = slope_left_mean * x1l + b_left_mean;

int y2l = slope_left_mean * x2l + b_left_mean;

line(image_draw, Point(x1r,y1r),Point(x2r,y2r),Scalar(0,0,255),5,LINE_AA);

line(image_draw, Point(x1l,y1l),Point(x2l,y2l),Scalar(0,0,255),5,LINE_AA);

//*************mix two image*************************

Mat image_mix = Mat::zeros(image_canny.size(),CV_8UC3);


//**************out put****************************

return image_mix;



image_process::~image_process() {}




#include #include #include#include #include"image_process.h"#includeusing namespace std;

using namespace cv;

int main(){

Mat image;

Mat image_result;

VideoCapture capture("/home/solidYellowLeft.mp4");

Mat frame;

if(!capture.isOpened()) {

cout << "can not open video" << endl;

return -1;




image_process image2(frame);

Mat image_result2;

image_result2 = image2.process();






1.本项目来源于Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer,如有侵权,请联系删除。OpenCV图像Canny边缘检测 - 一样菜 - 博客园​www.cnblogs.com


import math

def grayscale(img):

"""Applies the Grayscale transform

This will return an image with only one color channel

but NOTE: to see the returned image as grayscale

(assuming your grayscaled image is called 'gray')

you should call plt.imshow(gray, cmap='gray')"""

return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

# Or use BGR2GRAY if you read an image with cv2.imread()

# return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

def canny(img, low_threshold, high_threshold):

"""Applies the Canny transform"""

return cv2.Canny(img, low_threshold, high_threshold)

def gaussian_blur(img, kernel_size):

"""Applies a Gaussian Noise kernel"""

return cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (kernel_size, kernel_size), 0)

def region_of_interest(img, vertices):


Applies an image mask.

Only keeps the region of the image defined by the polygon

formed from `vertices`. The rest of the image is set to black.


#defining a blank mask to start with

mask = np.zeros_like(img)

#defining a 3 channel or 1 channel color to fill the mask with depending on the input image

if len(img.shape) > 2:

channel_count = img.shape[2] # i.e. 3 or 4 depending on your image

ignore_mask_color = (255,) * channel_count


ignore_mask_color = 255

#filling pixels inside the polygon defined by "vertices" with the fill color

cv2.fillPoly(mask, vertices, ignore_mask_color)

#returning the image only where mask pixels are nonzero

masked_image = cv2.bitwise_and(img, mask)

return masked_image

def draw_lines(img, lines, color=[255, 0, 0], thickness=8):


NOTE: this is the function you might want to use as a starting point once you want to

average/extrapolate the line segments you detect to map out the full

extent of the lane (going from the result shown in raw-lines-example.mp4

to that shown in P1_example.mp4).

Think about things like separating line segments by their

slope ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1)) to decide which segments are part of the left

line vs. the right line. Then, you can average the position of each of

the lines and extrapolate to the top and bottom of the lane.

This function draws `lines` with `color` and `thickness`.

Lines are drawn on the image inplace (mutates the image).

If you want to make the lines semi-transparent, think about combining

this function with the weighted_img() function below


# for line in lines:

# for x1,y1,x2,y2 in line:

# cv2.line(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), color, thickness)

right_x =[]

right_y =[]

left_x =[]

left_y =[]

left_slope =[]

right_slope =[]

for line in lines:

for x1, y1, x2, y2 in line:

slope = ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))

if slope >=0.2:


right_x.extend((x1, x2))

right_y.extend((y1, y2))

elif slope <= -0.2:


left_x.extend((x1, x2))

left_y.extend((y1, y2))

right_fit= np.polyfit(right_x, right_y, 1)

right_line = np.poly1d(right_fit)

x1R = 550

y1R = int(right_line(x1R))

x2R = 850

y2R = int(right_line(x2R))

cv2.line(img, (x1R, y1R), (x2R, y2R), color, thickness)

left_fit= np.polyfit(left_x, left_y, 1)

left_line = np.poly1d(left_fit)

x1L = 120

y1L = int(left_line(x1L))

x2L = 425

y2L = int(left_line(x2L))

cv2.line(img, (x1L, y1L), (x2L, y2L), color, thickness)

def hough_lines(img, rho, theta, threshold, min_line_len, max_line_gap):


`img` should be the output of a Canny transform.

Returns an image with hough lines drawn.


lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(img, rho, theta, threshold, np.array([]), minLineLength=min_line_len, maxLineGap=max_line_gap)

line_img = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)

draw_lines(line_img, lines)

return line_img

# Python 3 has support for cool math symbols.

def weighted_img(img, initial_img, α=0.8, β=1., λ=0.):


`img` is the output of the hough_lines(), An image with lines drawn on it.

Should be a blank image (all black) with lines drawn on it.

`initial_img` should be the image before any processing.

The result image is computed as follows:

initial_img * α + img * β + λ

NOTE: initial_img and img must be the same shape!


return cv2.addWeighted(initial_img, α, img, β, λ)

def pipeline(input_image):

image = input_image

import os



# Gaussian smoothing

kernel_size = 5


# Canny

low_threshold = 100

high_threshold =200

edges=canny(gau, low_threshold, high_threshold)

imshape = image.shape

vertices = np.array([[(0,imshape[0]),(400, 330), (570, 330), (imshape[1],imshape[0])]], dtype=np.int32)

region=region_of_interest(edges, vertices)

rho = 1 # distance resolution in pixels of the Hough grid

theta = np.pi/180 # angular resolution in radians of the Hough grid

threshold = 30 # minimum number of votes (intersections in Hough grid cell)

min_line_len = 20 #minimum number of pixels making up a line

max_line_gap = 20

line_img=hough_lines(region, rho, theta, threshold, min_line_len, max_line_gap)

line_last=weighted_img(line_img, image, α=0.8, β=1., λ=0.)

return line_last

from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip

from IPython.display import HTML

def process_image(image):

# NOTE: The output you return should be a color image (3 channel) for processing video below

# TODO: put your pipeline here,

# you should return the final output (image where lines are drawn on lanes)

result = pipeline(image)

return result

white_output = 'test_videos_output/solidWhiteRight.mp4'

## To speed up the testing process you may want to try your pipeline on a shorter subclip of the video

## To do so add .subclip(start_second,end_second) to the end of the line below

## Where start_second and end_second are integer values representing the start and end of the subclip

## You may also uncomment the following line for a subclip of the first 5 seconds

#clip1 = VideoFileClip("test_videos/solidWhiteRight.mp4").subclip(0,5)

clip1 = VideoFileClip("test_videos/solidWhiteRight.mp4")

white_clip = clip1.fl_image(process_image) #NOTE: this function expects color images!!

%time white_clip.write_videofile(white_output, audio=False)


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