If you are sick of iTunes or Windows Media Player because they’re bulky and won’t play certain formats, then it’s time to look for another player. Today we take a look at Foobar2000 which is light on system resources, extremely configurable, and plays several types of music format.

如果您因为iTunes或Windows Media Player体积大而无法播放某些格式而感到厌倦,那么该找另一台播放器了。 今天,我们来看看Foobar2000,它使用的系统资源很少,可配置性强,可以播放几种类型的音乐格式。



Foobar2000 is a great music player for the geek who wants a light player that they can tweak the heck out of to their liking. The installer is only a 1.6 MB download but packs a lot of power. Features include gapless playback, ReplayGain support, ripping CDs, customizable interface, open component architecture and a lot more. It supports FLAC, MP3, MP4, OGG, WAV, WMA, AIFF, and other music formats.

Foobar2000是极好的音乐播放器,适合极客,他们希望轻便的播放器可以根据自己的喜好进行调整。 该安装程序只有1.6 MB的下载量,但包含很多功能。 功能包括无缝播放,ReplayGain支持,翻录CD,可自定义的界面,开放组件体系结构等等。 它支持FLAC,MP3,MP4,OGG,WAV,WMA,AIFF和其他音乐格式。

Installation is straight-forward following the install wizard and you can go for the standard or portable version.


When you initially set it up or at anytime after you can go through the quick appearance setup feature to change the look and feel how you like it.


The player is easy to navigate and with a component plugin like Columns UI has all of the features you would expect from most players out there today.

该播放器易于导航,并且具有Columns UI之类的组件插件,具有您今天所期望的所有播放器的所有功能。

You can find a bunch of different plugin components that have been created by different developers over the years as the project has grown. There are plugins for appearance, tagging, CD burning, and even an iPod manager. Virtually any function you might want, someone has created a plugin. To use the plugin components, download the zip file and extract the DLL file into the Foobar2000 components folder.

您会发现随着项目的发展,多年来由不同的开发人员创建的许多不同的插件组件。 有用于外观,标记,CD刻录甚至iPod管理器的插件。 实际上,您可能想要的任何功能,都已经有人创建了插件。 要使用插件组件,请下载zip文件并将DLL文件提取到Foobar2000 components文件夹中。

One of the must have components is Columns UI that lets you customize the interface in several ways.

必不可少的组件之一是Columns UI,可让您以多种方式自定义界面。

Depending on the layout you can get tabbed or dropdown playlist features.


It also includes the ability to convert your music files to different formats. Just right click on a song and select Convert.

它还具有将音乐文件转换为不同格式的功能。 只需右键单击一首歌曲,然后选择“转换”即可。

Now you can go through and choose the format you want to convert it to and add select between several settings and effects options.


An EQ is included for you to tweak the sound how you like it, and you can save your own presets.


If you are a Keyboard Ninja you’ll like the customizable shortcuts.


Going through your library is easy with the search feature.


Foobar2000 is a cool player for a music loving computer geek who wants to tweak every aspect of their player. If you’re a fan of foobar2000 or just started using it, leave us a comment and let us about it.

Foobar2000对于喜欢音乐的计算机极客来说是一个很酷的播放器,他想调整其播放器的各个方面。 如果您是foobar2000的粉丝或刚刚开始使用它,请给我们评论并让我们对其进行介绍。

Download foobar2000 for Windows


foobar2000 Plugin Components


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/5686/foobar2000-is-a-fully-customizable-music-player/


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