
Earlier this month, we announced our intention to expand our 1,600-hour curriculum to 2,080 hours. That’s right — a whole working year of coding experience.

本月初,我们宣布了将1600小时课程扩展到2080小时的打算。 没错-整个工作年的编码经验。

And now, a few days ahead of our New Year’s Day deadline, we’re ready to ship the new Data Visualization certification component of our curriculum.


This means that today, we’re launching 15 new coding projects. These will give you hundreds of hours of practice with important new technologies like D3.js, React and Sass.

这意味着今天,我们将启动15个新的编码项目。 这些将为您提供数百小时的实践时间,包括D3.js,React和Sass等重要的新技术。

By the time you finish our newly-expanded program, you will have built more than 30 projects, all from nothing more than a blank page, a list of agile user stories, and a fist full of libraries.


Here are the 15 new projects we’re adding to our curriculum.


React和Sass项目 (React and Sass Projects)

We’ve long planned to transition away from Angular and toward React. And since Sass is rapidly emerging as the go-to CSS preprocessor (it’s now included in Bootstrap), we decided to teach it as well.

我们长期以来计划从Angular过渡到React。 而且由于SassSwift地成为了CSS预处理器(现在已包含在Bootstrap中),我们决定也教它。

降价预览器 (Markdown Previewer)

Many developers, when first experimenting with React, choose to build a Markdown previewer. This type of web app does a good job of showing off the power of React’s data binding, so we decided to include it as our first React challenge.

许多开发人员在首次使用React时,都会选择构建Markdown预览器。 这种类型的Web应用程序很好地展示了React数据绑定的强大功能,因此我们决定将其作为我们的第一个React挑战。

Herman Fassett, a developer from Washington, built this demo.

华盛顿的开发人员Herman Fassett构建了此演示。

露营者排行榜 (Camper Leaderboard)

Roel Verbunt from the Netherlands designed this Free Code Camp leaderboard demo, and implemented it in React.

来自荷兰的Roel Verbunt设计了这个Free Code Camp排行榜演示,并在React中实现了它。

食谱盒 (Recipe Box)

Herman Fassett built this minimalist React implementation of Geoff Storbeck and Juan Martínez’s Recipe Box app (which was originally built as a bonus holiday challenge). It involves building a create-read-update-delete (CRUD) app, but with a twist. Instead of using a database, you use the browser’s local storage.

赫尔曼 ·法塞特( Herman Fassett)构建了Geoff Storbeck和JuanMartínez的Recipe Box应用程序 (最初是作为奖励假期挑战而构建的)的极简React实现。 它涉及到构建创建读取更新删除(CRUD)应用程序,但要有所不同。 您无需使用数据库,而可以使用浏览器的本地存储。

康威的人生游戏 (Conway’s Game of Life)

Conway’s Game of Life lends itself well to React’s web-component-based approach.


Philip Michaels designed this challenge and built this demo.

Philip Michaels设计了此挑战并构建了此演示。

Roguelike地牢爬行游戏 (Roguelike Dungeon Crawler Game)

Washington-based developer Logan Tegman designed and implemented this challenge, which is based on a minimalist role playing game genre that’s popular with indie gamers.

位于华盛顿的开发商Logan Tegman设计并实施了这项挑战,该挑战基于极简角色扮演游戏类型,这种类型在独立游戏玩家中很受欢迎。

使用D3.js进行数据可视化 (Data Visualization with D3.js)

More and more web developers are expected to know how to take data and visualize it in intuitive ways. The most popular library for doing this is D3.js. It helps you build eye-popping graphs using JavaScript and JSON — tools our campers already know and love.

期望越来越多的Web开发人员知道如何获取数据并以直观的方式对其进行可视化。 最受欢迎的库是D3.js。 它可以帮助您使用JavaScript和JSON(我们的露营者已经知道并喜欢的工具)构建令人眼花graph乱的图表。

美国国内生产总值条形图 (US Gross Domestic Product Bar Chart)

Suzanne Atkinson and Bruce Young built this basic bar graph challenge that visualizes the growth of the US economy over the past 65 years.

苏珊娜·阿特金森 ( Suzanne Atkinson)和布鲁斯·杨 ( Bruce Young)建立了这个基本的条形图挑战,将过去65年中美国经济的增长形象化。

循环和掺杂散点图 (Cycling and Doping Scatterplot Graph)

Suzanne Atkinson, a physician and triathlon coach from Pittsburgh, created this doping-scandal-themed scatterplot visualization challenge.

匹兹堡的医师和铁人三项教练Suzanne Atkinson提出了以兴奋剂丑闻为主题的散点图可视化挑战。

气候变化热图 (Climate Change Heat Map)

Bruce Young, a developer from Hudson, Florida, designed this challenge where you build a literal heat map of the increase in global temperature over the last 250 years.

来自佛罗里达州哈德逊市的开发商Bruce Young设计了此挑战,在此挑战中,您可以建立过去250年全球气温升高的字面热图。

露营者新闻力导向图 (Camper News Force-Directed Graph)

Bruce Young also designed this challenge, where you visualize the relationship between people posting on Camper News and the domains of the stories they post.

布鲁斯·杨(Bruce Young)也设计了这一挑战,您可以在此可视化在“ 露营者新闻”上发布的人员与他们发布的故事域之间的关系。

陨石打击世界地图 (Meteorite Strike World Map)

For Columbus-based developer Geoff Storbeck’s challenge, you’ll plot meteorite strikes across a world map.

对于基于哥伦布的开发商Geoff Storbeck的挑战,您将在世界地图上绘制陨石打击。

API /微服务项目 (API/Microservice Projects)

We’re also adding five new API/Microservice challenges to our Back End Developer Certification. These new challenges rely on returning JSON instead of HTML, and are stepping stone to our much harder Dynamic Web App challenges.

我们还在后端开发人员认证中增加了五个新的API /微服务挑战。 这些新挑战依赖于返回JSON而不是HTML,并且为我们更加艰巨的Dynamic Web App挑战奠定了基础。

As with our new React and D3 challenges, these were designed by campers.


George Stepanek is a developer from Aukland. He designed a request header parser challenge, a file metadata checker challenge, and a Google image search abstraction layer challenge that features logging and pagination.

George Stepanek是来自Aukland的开发人员。 他设计了一个请求标头解析器挑战,一个文件元数据检查器挑战以及一个具有日志记录和分页功能的Google图像搜索抽象层挑战。

Herman Fassett designed both our new Unix Timestamp Microservice challenge and our URL Shortener Microservice challenge.

Herman Fassett设计了我们新的Unix Timestamp Microservice挑战和URL Shortener Microservice挑战。

The campers who designed and built these new challenges did so on nights and weekends over the course the past few weeks, learning these technologies as they built.

在过去的几周中 ,设计和建造这些新挑战的营员们在晚上和周末都这样做了 ,他们在学习过程中学习了这些技术。

Thus, we believe that our time estimates (400 hours for the React/Sass and D3 challenges, and 100 hours for the API/Microservice challenges) are reasonable for campers whose only prior web development experience is completing our Front End Development certification.

因此,我们相信我们的时间估算(React / Sass和D3挑战为400小时,API /微服务挑战为100小时)对于仅具有先前Web开发经验才能完成我们的前端开发认证的营员来说是合理的。

This said, we now have dozens of researchers and data scientists poring over our open data, and I’m confident that in the coming months they’ll confirm how realistic these estimates are.

这就是说,我们现在有数十名研究人员和数据科学家在研究我们的开放数据 ,我相信在未来的几个月中,他们将证实这些估计的可行性。

Our philosophy at Free Code Camp has always been that learning to code is hard. And the best way to learn to code is to challenge yourself with a rigorous curriculum, knowing that — with the help of a supportive community — you will eventually succeed.

我们在Free Code Camp的理念一直是学习编码很难 。 学习编码的最好方法是通过严格的课程挑战自己,知道在支持社区的帮助下,您最终将获得成功。

Come succeed at learning to code with our open source community.

快来与我们的开源社区一起学习编码 。

If you liked this, click the? below. Follow me and Free Code Camp for more articles on technology.

如果您喜欢这个,请点击? 下面。 关注我和免费代码营,获取更多有关技术的文章。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-hour-of-code-times-2-080-67dda26be3af/


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