
Let’s say you’re trying to be quiet, browsing the internet at home, work, or a public space. You’re secretly filled with dread that anything you click will open a new tab with an autoplay video or blare an obnoxious audio ad. End that fear forever by keeping all your new tabs muted by default.

假设您正试图保持安静,在家中,工作场所或公共场所浏览互联网。 您暗中感到恐惧,您单击的任何内容都会打开一个带有自动播放视频的新标签,或者夸大令人讨厌的音频广告。 默认情况下,所有新标签都保持静音状态,可以永远消除这种恐惧。

Nobody likes sudden, unexpected noise when browsing, yet content providers seem to keep adding it. Thankfully, browser providers and extension providers have added some easy ways to keep those annoying sites in their place.

没有人喜欢浏览时突然而出人意料的噪音,但是内容提供商似乎一直在添加它。 值得庆幸的是,浏览器提供商和扩展提供商已添加了一些简单的方法来将这些烦人的网站保留在原处。

Here’s how to default all new tabs to be silent, so that your browser doesn’t compete with your music or make it obvious you’re browsing websites at work.


如果您是Chrome用户 (If You’re a Chrome User)

Chrome does have a “blacklist” built-in. If you only want to mute certain sites (like annoying ones with auto-playing videos), you can right-click on the site’s tab, choose “Mute Site”, and never hear from it again.

Chrome浏览器确实内置了“黑名单”。 如果您只想使某些站点静音(例如使用自动播放的视频烦人的站点),则可以右键单击该站点的选项卡,选择“静音站点”,再也听不到它的声音。

But if you want something more powerful—that is, muting all tabs by default and whitelisting them—you can do so starting with version 64, which graduated to the stable build in January.

但是,如果您想要更强大的功能(即默认情况下将所有选项卡静音并列入白名单),则可以从64版开始,该版本已于1月份逐步稳定 。

Click the main menu button (the three vertical dots) in the upper-right corner, then “Settings.” Click the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the screen.

点击右上角的主菜单按钮(三个垂直点),然后点击“设置”。 点击屏幕底部的“高级”按钮。

Under the “Privacy and security” section, click “Content settings.” Click “Sound.”

在“隐私和安全性”部分下,单击“内容设置”。 点击“声音”。

The default setting for “Allow sites to play sound” enables sound from every site on the web, whether you’ve visited it or not. To change this, click or tap the slider—but odds are pretty good that you don’t want to do that. If you do really want to disable all sound, you can add exceptions to this polity by clicking “Add” next to the “Allow” section.

无论您是否访问过,“允许站点播放声音”的默认设置都会启用来自网络上每个站点的声音。 要更改此设置,请单击或点击滑块,但是您不想这样做的可能性很大。 如果您确实要禁用所有声音,则可以通过单击“允许”部分旁边的“添加”为这种政体添加例外。

But most users will probably prefer to keep the main option enabled and add sites to the “Muted” list. Simply type out any URL, then click “Add.”

但是大多数用户可能更喜欢保持main选项启用并将站点添加到“静音”列表中。 只需键入任何URL,然后单击“添加”。

Now whenever you visit that site or open a new tab via a link, all audio (including auto-playing video) will be muted. Enjoy the sound of silence.

现在,无论何时访问该网站或通过链接打开新标签,所有音频(包括自动播放的视频)都将被静音。 享受寂静之声。

如果您是Firefox用户 (If You’re a Firefox User)

At the time of writing, Firefox is on release 58 of the new “Quantum” update. It doesn’t have the same built-in muting options as the latest version of Chrome, but there is an extension you can use that amounts to pretty much the same thing. An older user favorite, Mute Tab, is no longer compatible, but MuteLinks works with the latest versions. Click here to go to the Firefox add-ons page, then click “Add to Firefox,” then “Add” in the pop-up window.

在撰写本文时,Firefox 处于新的“ Quantum”更新的版本58中。 它没有与最新版本的Chrome相同的内置静音选项,但是您可以使用一个扩展名来实现几乎相同的功能。 较早的用户收藏夹,“静音选项卡”不再兼容,但是MuteLinks与最新版本一起使用。 单击此处转到Firefox加载项页面 ,然后单击“添加到Firefox”,然后在弹出窗口中单击“添加”。

Next, click the main menu button, the three horizontal bars, in the upper-right corner of the window. Click “Add-ons.” Under the entry for MuteLinks, click “Options.”

接下来,单击主菜单按钮,即窗口右上角的三个水平条。 点击“附加组件”。 在MuteLinks条目下,单击“选项”。

Scroll down to the section marked “Blacklist sites.” To add a site you want permanently muted, click the blue “+” icon. Then click the pencil icon, and type the URL of the site you’d like to permanently mute.

向下滚动到标记为“黑名单站点”的部分。 要添加您要永久静音的站点,请单击蓝色的“ +”图标。 然后点击铅笔图标,然后输入您要永久静音的网站的网址。

You can add as many sites as you want in this way. Now whenever you visit them from the URL bar or any link, they’ll automatically start muted for any videos or background music.

您可以通过这种方式添加任意数量的站点。 现在,无论何时从URL栏或任何链接访问它们,它们都会自动对所有视频或背景音乐静音。

Alternately, if you’d like every site to start muted except for the ones you frequent most, click the “Mute by default” box. You can add exceptions to your Internet-wide silence by clicking the “+” under “Whitelist sites,” then clicking the pencil icon and adding URLs manually, just like the blacklist.

或者,如果您希望除最常访问的站点之外的每个站点都开始静音,请单击“默认为静音”框。 您可以通过单击“白名单站点”下的“ +”,然后单击铅笔图标并手动添加URL来添加Internet范围内的例外,就像黑名单一样。

It’s actually very nice being able to browse without having to worry that your any link you click will by default be silent. Hopefully this will become a default feature in the near future for all major browsers, but until then, there’s always these options.

能够浏览而不用担心,默认情况下,您单击的任何链接都将保持沉默,这真是太好了。 希望这将在不久的将来成为所有主要浏览器的默认功能,但是直到那时,总会有这些选项。




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