chrome 插件火狐安装

Firefox is a great browser, but if you’ve ever eyed all those great Chrome extensions, you may have been tempted to switch. You don’t have to. Chrome Store Foxified is a Firefox extension that lets you install extensions from the Chrome Web Store.

Firefox是一个很棒的浏览器,但是如果您曾经浏览过所有这些很棒的Chrome扩展程序,则可能会想切换。 不用了Chrome Store Foxified是Firefox扩展程序,可让您从Chrome网上应用店安装扩展程序。

Update: As of 2018, the Chrome Store Foxified extension’s developer is no longer supporting this extension. Unfortunately, it’s no longer available for download.

更新:从2018年开始,Chrome Store Foxified扩展程序的开发人员不再支持该扩展程序。 不幸的是,它不再可供下载。

Opera extensions work too! This is possible in part because of Firefox Quantum, which made Firefox extensions more like Chrome extensions. But that only makes it easier for developers to port an extension from one platform to another—this tool makes it easy for users. We tried this out, and it’s not perfect: OneNote installed, for example, but didn’t really work. For simple extensions that do one thing, however, this is worth giving a shot, if only as a stopgap.

Opera扩展程序也可以! 之所以能够这样做,部分原因在于Firefox Quantum使得Firefox扩展更像Chrome扩展。 但这只会使开发人员更轻松地将扩展从一个平台移植到另一个平台,此工具使用户更容易。 我们对此进行了尝试,但这并不完美:例如,已安装OneNote,但实际上并没有运行。 但是,对于只做一件事的简单扩展,这只是一个权宜之计,值得一试。

设置Chrome Store Foxified (Set Up Chrome Store Foxified)

To get started, head to the Chrome Store Foxified page and click the “Add To Firefox” button.


Run through the confirmation dialogs, and you’ll eventually see this screen:


You’re just about ready! Before you start installing Chrome or Opera extensions, however, head to and make sure you’re signed in:

您即将准备好! 但是,在开始安装Chrome或Opera扩展之前,请转到addons.mozilla.com并确保您已登录:

Log in with your Firefox account (or create one if you haven’t already). This is necessary before you can install anything from the Chrome Web Store.

使用Firefox帐户登录(如果尚未登录,请创建一个)。 必须先进行此操作,然后才能从Chrome网上应用店安装任何内容。

在Firefox中安装Chrome加载项 (Install Chrome Add-ons In Firefox)

When you’ve got the Chrome Store Foxified extension installed and you’re signed in with your Firefox account, head to the Chrome Web Store and start installing things. I tried this out using Millienials to Snake People, and an “Add to Firefox” button was waiting for me.

安装好Chrome Store Foxified扩展程序并使用Firefox帐户登录后,转到Chrome Web Store并开始安装。 我使用Millienials来“ Snake People ”进行了尝试,并且“添加到Firefox”按钮正在等待我。

Hit that button and you’ll see a few prompts, but eventually you’ll be asked if you want to install it. Even the permissions are accurate.

点击该按钮,您将看到一些提示,但最终会询问您是否要安装它。 甚至权限都是准确的。

Just like that, you’ve installed a Chrome extension in Firefox. Mine is working just great:

就像这样,您已经在Firefox中安装了Chrome扩展程序。 我的工作非常好:

I tried this with Refined Twitter as well, and it also worked just fine.


Most Chrome extensions eventually make their way to the Firefox ecosystem, and it’s probably better to install the native version when available. If you don’t want to wait for that, however, this method gives you a stopgap solution for extensions that are currently Chrome-only. Just be sure to check for a Firefox version later on.

大多数Chrome扩展程序最终都会进入Firefox生态系统,最好在可用时安装本机版本。 但是,如果您不想等待,则此方法为您提供了目前仅适用于Chrome的扩展程序的权宜之计。 请确保稍后再检查Firefox版本。


chrome 插件火狐安装

chrome 插件火狐安装_如何在Firefox中安装任何Chrome扩展程序相关推荐

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