
We’ve all downloaded files from the web to our computer. However, if you’d rather download files directly to your Google Drive account, there’s an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to do just that.

我们已经将所有文件从网上下载到了我们的计算机上。 但是,如果您想直接将文件下载到您的Google云端硬盘帐户中,则可以使用Google Chrome浏览器的扩展程序。

Google’s Save to Google Drive extension allows you to save downloaded files directly to your Google Drive account, as well as save webpages to Google Drive as images, HTML files, or even Google documents. If you’re using the Google Drive desktop client for Windows or macOS, you can save downloaded files directly to your local Google Drive folder and they will be uploaded to your Google Drive account automatically. However, using the Google Drive client uses space on your computer, which isn’t ideal if you’re low on space. The Save to Google Drive extension can also be useful If you’re using Ubuntu Linux, which does not have an official Google Drive client.

Google的“ 保存到Google云端硬盘”扩展程序可让您将下载的文件直接保存到您的Google云端硬盘帐户,以及将网页保存为图片,HTML文件甚至Google文档。 如果您在Windows或macOS上使用Google云端硬盘桌面客户端 ,则可以将下载的文件直接保存到本地Google云端硬盘文件夹中,这些文件会自动上传到您的Google云端硬盘帐户中。 但是,使用Google云端硬盘客户端会占用计算机上的空间,如果空间不足,这是不理想的。 如果您使用的Ubuntu Linux没有正式的Google Drive客户端,则“保存到Google Drive”扩展也很有用。

NOTE: The Save to Google Drive extension saves files to the Google account you are signed in to in Chrome. So, switch to the Google Chrome profile that corresponds to the Google Drive account you want to save files to before using this extension.

注意:“保存到Google云端硬盘”扩展程序会将文件保存到您在Chrome中登录的Google帐户中。 因此,在使用此扩展程序之前,请切换到与您要保存文件的Google云端硬盘帐户对应


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