c# uri.host

Uri.HostNameType属性 (Uri.HostNameType Property)

Uri.HostNameType Property is the instance property of Uri class which used to get the type of hostname specified in the given URI. This property returns a string value. This property may generate System.InvalidOperationException exception.

Uri.HostNameType属性是Uri类的实例属性,用于获取给定URI中指定的主机名类型。 此属性返回一个字符串值。 此属性可能会生成System.InvalidOperationException异常。



    public UriHostNameType HostNameType { get; }

Return value:


The return type of this property is UriHostNameType, it returns a member of the UriHostNameType enumeration.

此属性的返回类型为UriHostNameType ,它返回UriHostNameType枚举的成员。

Example to demonstrate example of Uri.HostNameType Property


using System;
class UriExample
{//Entry point of Program
static public void Main()
{Uri domainUri;
Uri newUri;
domainUri = new Uri("https://www.includehelp.com:8082");
newUri = new Uri(domainUri, "CPrograms.html?Top=10");
System.Console.WriteLine("HostName Type: " + newUri.HostNameType);



HostName Type: Dns

In the above program, we created an object of Uri class initialized with the website name with port number and we got the type of hostname from Uri using HostNameType property.


Reference: Uri.HostNameType Property

参考: Uri.HostNameType属性

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/uri-hostnametype-property-with-example.aspx

c# uri.host

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