c# uri.host

Uri.IsHexEncoding()方法 (Uri.IsHexEncoding() Method)

Uri.IsHexEncoding() method is a static method or Uri class. Which is used to return that given string is hex-encoded or not? If the given string is hex coded then it returns true otherwise it returns false.

Uri.IsHexEncoding()方法是静态方法或Uri类。 哪个用于返回给定字符串是否为十六进制编码的? 如果给定的字符串是十六进制编码的,则返回true,否则返回false



    bool Uri.IsHexEncoding(string str, int index);



  • string str – represents the string to be checked for hex encoding.

    string str –表示要检查的十六进制编码字符串。

  • int index – represents the index for given string.

    int index –表示给定字符串的索引。

Return value:


The return type of this method is boolean, it returns true if given string is hex-encoded otherwise returns false.

此方法的返回类型是布尔值 ,如果给定的字符串是十六进制编码,否则返回false返回true。

Example to demonstrate example of Uri.IsHexEncoding() method


using System;
class UriExample
{//Entry point of Program
static public void Main()
{string str1 = "%75";
string str2 = "75";
if (Uri.IsHexEncoding(str1, 0))
Console.WriteLine("Given string is hex-encoded");
Console.WriteLine("Given string is not hex-encoded");
if (Uri.IsHexEncoding(str2, 0))
Console.WriteLine("Given string is hex-encoded");
Console.WriteLine("Given string is not hex-encoded");



Given string is hex-encoded
Given string is not hex-encoded

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/uri-ishexencoding-method-with-example.aspx

c# uri.host

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