c# uri.host

Uri.FromHex()方法 (Uri.FromHex() Method)

Uri.FromHex() method is a static method that returns an integer that represents a decimal digit of specified hex char.




    int Uri.FromHex (char ch);



  • char ch – represents the specified hex char.

    char ch –表示指定的十六进制字符。

Return value:


The return type of this method is int, it returns an integer that represents a decimal digit of specified hex char.

此方法的返回类型为int ,它返回一个整数,该整数表示指定的十六进制char的十进制数字。

Example to demonstrate example of Uri.FromHex() method


using System;
class UriExample
{//Entry point of Program
static public void Main()
{char ch1 = 'e';
char ch2 = 'g';
int decimalDigit = 0;
if (Uri.IsHexDigit(ch1))
{decimalDigit = Uri.FromHex(ch1);
Console.WriteLine("Hex Digit: {0}, decimal digit: {1}",ch1,decimalDigit);
Console.WriteLine("It is not hex digit");
if (Uri.IsHexDigit(ch2))
{decimalDigit = Uri.FromHex(ch2);
Console.WriteLine("Hex Digit : {0}, decimal digit: {1}", ch2, decimalDigit);
Console.WriteLine("It is not hex digit");



Hex Digit: e, decimal digit: 14
It is not hex digit

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/uri-fromhex-method-with-example.aspx

c# uri.host

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