c# uri.host

Uri.Equality()运算符 (Uri.Equality() Operator)

Uri.Equality() Operator is overloaded which is used to compare two Uri objects. It returns true if two Uri objects contain the same Uri otherwise it returns false.

Uri.Equality()运算符已重载,该运算符用于比较两个Uri对象。 如果两个开放的对象包含相同的URI否则返回false返回true。



    bool operator == (Uri uri1, Uri uri2);



  • Uri uri1 – represents the first Uri to be compared.

    Uri uri1 –表示要比较的第一个Uri。

  • Uri uri2 – represents the second Uri to be compared.

    Uri uri2 –表示要比较的第二个Uri。

Return value:


The return type of this method is Boolean, it returns true if the Uri instances are the same; otherwise, false.

此方法的返回类型为Boolean ,如果Uri实例相同,则返回true;否则,返回true 。 否则为false

Example to demonstrate example of Uri.Equality() Operator


using System;
class UriExample
{//Entry point of Program
static public void Main()
{// Create some Uri objects
Uri uri1 = new Uri("https://www.includehelp.com/");
Uri uri2 = new Uri("https://www.includehelp.com/");
Uri uri3 = new Uri("https://www.includehelp.com/index.html");
if (uri1 == uri2)
Console.WriteLine("uri1 and uri2 are equal");
Console.WriteLine("uri1 and uri2 are not equal");
if (uri1 == uri3)
Console.WriteLine("uri1 and uri3 are equal");
Console.WriteLine("uri1 and uri3 are not equal");



uri1 and uri2 are equal
uri1 and uri3 are not equal

Reference: Uri.Equality(Uri, Uri) Operator

参考: Uri.Equality(Uri,Uri)运算符

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/uri-equality-operator-with-example.aspx

c# uri.host

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