I.Multiple Choice

  1. American literature is only more than ____ years old.
    A. 500 B.400 C. 200 D.100
  2. The Puritan values did no include______.
    A. wastefulness B. thrift C. piety D. hard work
  3. The 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment.
    ______was the dominant spirit.
    A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Romanticism D. Realism
  4. Franklin was the epitome of the______.
    A. American Enlightenment B. Sugar Act
    C. Charlist movement D. Romanticism
  5. _____was the most leading spirit of the Transcendentalism.
    A. Franklin B. Hawthorne C. Paine D. Emerson
  6. “Moby Dick was written by_____
    A. Mark Twain B. Thoreau C. Melville D. Whitman
  7. “The Scarlet Letter” is characterized by its______.
    A. symbolism B. rationalism C. Platonism D. classicism
  8. “Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of________.
    A. Henry James B. Jack London C. Mark Twain D. Stephen Crane
  9. Choose the novel written by Henry James
    A. The Golden Bowl B. The Portrait of a Lady
    C. Sister Carrie D. Daisy Miller
  10. Early in the 20th century, _____ published works that would change the nature of American poetry.
    A. Ezra Pound B. T.S. Eliot C. Robert Frost D. both A and B
    11._____ is the founder of “Imagist” movement.
    A. Ezra Pound B. Hemingway C. Robert Frost D. Steinbeck
  11. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by_____
    A. Naturalism B. Transcendentalism C. Local ColorismD. Imagism
  12. ________ is said to be the father of American poetry
    A. T.S. Eliot B. E.D. Robinson
    C. Philip Freneau D. Dreiser
  13. Hawthorne is regarded as a _______.
    A. naturalist B. classicist C. realist D. romanticist
  14. ______ represents the most leading spirit of American Transcendentalism.
    A. Emerson B. Franklin C. Mark Twain D. Whitman
    16.“The Art of Fiction” was written by_____
    A. Longfellow B. Henry James C. Fitzgerald D. Faulkner
  15. Imagination plays the most important part in________.
    A. realism B. romanticism C. naturalism D. classicism
  16. ______ is considered to be the masterpiece of John Steinbeck.
    A. Mending Wall B. Dry September
    C. A Farewell to Arms D. The Grapes of Wrath
  17. Uncle Tom in the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a(n)______
    A. Negro slave B. salesman C. industrialist D. officer
  18. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by______
    A. Naturalism B. Transcendentalism
    C. Local Colorism D. Imagism
  19. “The Great Gatsby” is the masterpiece of_____
    A. Whitman B. Fitzgerald C. Dickinson D. Hemingway
  20. The United States of America was founded in______.
    A. 1776 B. 1876 C. 1789 D.1689
  21. The ancestors of American Indians were______
    A. Asians B. Africans C. Europeans D. Australians
  22. “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” was written by______.
    A. H.B. Stowe B. John Steinbeck C. Hawthorne D. Mark Twain
  23. ______ does not belong to the lost generation.
    A. Dreiser B. T.S. Eliot C. Faulkner D. Hemingway
  24. ______ was well known for his story “Rip Van Winkle.”
    A. Bryant B. Washington Irving C. Allan Poe D. Philip Freneau
  25. “Farewell to Arms” is the master pieced produced by______
    A. Faulkner B. Dreiser C. Hemingway D. Longfellow
  26. It was ______ who wrote the formal declaration of independence.
    A. Thomas Jefferson B. Benjamin Franklin
    C. Washington D. Washington Irving
  27. _____has been exerting a great and enduring influence upon world literature, especially that of France and European symbolism.
    A. Franklin B. Bradstreet
    C. Edgar Allan Poe D. Philip Freneau
  28. The masterpiece of Hawthorne is _________.
    A. The Scarlet Letter B. Sister Carrie
    C. Richard Cory D. A Psalm of Life
  29. Engene O’Neill is a _.
    A. novelist B. poet C. puritan D. dramatist
    32.Hemingway’s style of writing is characterized by
    A. high-sounding words B. simple diction
    C. complicated sentences D. mix metaphor
  30. T.S. Eliot is not only a poet but also a ______.
    A. critic B. statesman C. churchman D. novelists
  31. “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” was written by_____.
    A. T.S. Eliot B. O’Neill
    C. Stephen Crane D. Saul Bellow
  32. “The Grape of Wrath” is one of the remarkable novels of_____.
    A. the Civil War B. Depression C. Suppression D. Aggression
  33. Theodore Dreiser showed the_____ tendency in his novels.
    A. Puritanism B. classicism C. romanticism D. naturalism
  34. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leading figure of________.
    A. Transcendentalism B. Romanticism
    C. Rationalism D. Naturalism
  35. “The Sound and the Fury” was the masterpiece of ______
    A. Robert Lee Frost B. T.S. Eliot C. Faulkner D. Steinbeck
  36. Emily Dickinson is an American________.
    A. dramatist B. novelist C. female poet D. male poet
  37. “Th Emily Dickinson is an American ark Twain’s______
    A. materialism B. classicism
    C. socialism D. colorism
  38. “The Portrait of a Lady” is one of best novels of_________.
    A. Henry James B. John Steinbeck
    C. William Faulkner D. Walt Whitman
  39. What Whitman is famous for his_________.
    A. “Leaves of Grass” B. “Mending Wall”
    C. “Richard Cory” D. “The Burial of the Dead”
  40. “Catch-22” is the masterpiece of______
    A. Saul Bellow B. Joseph Heller
    C. Dreiser D. Fitzgerald
  41. The English settlement in America began in_________
    A.1507 B.1607 C.1707 D.1807
  42. The first World War broke out in______.
    A.1614 B.1714 C.1814 D.1914
  43. The jazz age refers to the decade of
    A.1950’s B.1980’s C.1920’s D.1820’s
  44. Franklin was a _____.
    A. Puritan B. romanticist C. classicist D. imagist
  45. “Rip Van Winkle” was written by_______.
    A. Freneau B. Allan Poe C. Washington Irving D. Thomas Jefferson
    49.“The Scarlet Letter” is the masterpiece of______.
    A. Hawthorne B. Emerson C. Bradstreet D. Allan Poe
    50.It was______who wrote “The Age of Reason”
    A. Washington B. Jefferson C. Benjamin Franklin D. Thomas Paine
    51.“Song of Myself” is a ______written by Whitman.
    A. novel B. poem C. drama D. essay
    52.Tom in Beecher Stowe’s novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a _____.
    A. Negro slave B. American Indian C. School master D. industrialist
  46. Mark Twain belongs to the literary school of_____.
    A. transcendentalism B. realism C. romanticism D. naturalism
    54._______is a famous American female poet.
    A. Allan Poe B. Freneau C. Emily Dickinson D. Robinson
  47. “The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn” is the masterpiece of_____.
    A. Mark Twain B. Henry James
    C. Stephen Crane D. Robert Lee Frost
  48. It was____ who wrote the poem “The Road Not Taken.”
    A. Whitman B. Freneau C. Robert Lee Frost D. T.S.Eliot
    Ⅱ Define the literary terms briefly in English
  49. American Transcendentalism
  50. Romanticism
  51. The Puritans
  52. Realism
  53. Enlightenment
  54. Transcendentalism
  55. Enlightenment
    III Explain the following quotations in your own words.
  56. Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed.
  57. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference.
  58. Let us, then, be up and doing, With heart for any fate;Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.
  59. And he was always quietly arrayed, And he was always human when he talked.
  60. Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!_____
  61. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.
  62. But still he fluttered pulses when he said,“Good morning”, and he glittered when he walked.
  63. something there is that doesn’t love a wall,He says again, “Good fences make good neighbors.”
  64. Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreat
  65. But to act, that each tomorrow Find us farther than today
  66. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
    Ⅳ Answer the following questions in English
  67. Why is American literature important for you?
  68. What is the theme of “The Waste Land”?
  69. Whose novel (or which novel) do you enjoy most?Why?
  70. What is the style of Hemingway’s novel?
  71. What is the significance of American literature?
  72. Do you like American literature? Why?
  73. What is the real theme in “Sister Carrie”?
  74. What is the central subject and primary significance of Hawthorne’s major works?
  75. Which American writer do you like best? Why?
  76. What is the theme of “Catch-22”?
  77. What are the features of Emily Dickinson’s poems?
  78. Why should we learn American literature?
  79. Which poem do you enjoy most? Why?

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