

Starting SQL*Plus Command-line

The SQL*Plus executable is usually installed in $ORACLE_HOME/bin, which is usually included in your operating system PATH environment variable. You may need to change directory to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory to start SQL*Plus.

In the following examples, you are prompted to enter the database account password.

An example using an Easy Connection identifier to connect to the HR schema in the MYDB database running on mymachine is:

sqlplus hr@\"//mymachine.mydomain:port/MYDB\"

An example using a Net Service Name is:

sqlplus hr@MYDB

Net Service Names can be stored in a number of places, including Oracle Names. See the Net Services Reference Guide for more information.






sqlplus hr@\"//mymachine.mydomain:port/MYDB\" 可以使用网络服务名称: sqlplus hr@MYDB 网络服务名称能存储一个确认点,包括Oracle数据库名。可以查看关于网络服务参考指导的更多信息。 [原文]

If you want to use Net Service Names configured in a local Oracle Net tnsnames.ora file, then set the environment variable TNS_ADMIN to the directory containing the tnsnames.ora file. For example, on UNIX, if your tnsnames.ora file is in /home/user1 and it defines the Net Service Name MYDB2:

TNS_ADMIN=/home/user1 export TNS_ADMIN sqlplus hr@MYDB2

This example assumes the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set, and the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora or ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\tnsnames.ora file defines the Net Service Name MYDB3:

sqlplus hr@MYDB3

The TWO_TASK (on UNIX) or LOCAL (on Windows) environment variable can be set to a connection identifier. This removes the need to explicitly enter the connection identifier whenever a connection is made in SQL*Plus or SQL*Plus Instant Client. This UNIX example connects to the database known as MYDB4:

TNS_ADMIN=/home/user1 export TNS_ADMIN TWO_TASK=MYDB4 export TWO_TASK sqlplus hr




export TNS_ADMIN

sqlplus hr@MYDB2

这个例子指出ORACLE_HOME环境变量已经被设置,并且定义$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora or ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\tnsnames.ora中的网络服务名称为MYDB3:

sqlplus hr@MYDB3



export TNS_ADMIN


export TWO_TASK

sqlplus hr


To start SQL*Plus and connect to the default database

Open a UNIX or a Windows terminal and enter the SQL*Plus command:


When prompted, enter your Oracle Database username and password. If you do not know your Oracle Database username and password, ask your Database Administrator.

Alternatively, enter the SQL*Plus command in the form:

sqlplus username

You are prompted to enter your password.

SQL*Plus starts and connects to the default database.

Now you can start entering and executing SQL, PL/SQL and SQL*Plus statements and commands at the SQL> prompt.

To start SQL*Plus and connect to a database other than the default

Open a UNIX or a Windows terminal and enter the SQL*Plus command:

sqlplus username@connect_identifier

You are prompted to enter your password.



1. 打开UNIX和Windows系统中的终端窗口,输入Sqlplus命令:


2. 当提示符出现,输入Oracle数据库的用户名和密码。如果不确定用户名和密码,请向数据库管理员询问。

3. 也可以在Sqlplus命令行提示符下输入命令:

sqlplus username





sqlplus username@connect_identifier 然后根据提示输入密码即可。 [原文]

Starting SQL*Plus Instant Client

SQL*Plus Instant Client is the SQL*Plus command-line without the need to install Oracle Database. For information about using it, see Starting SQL*Plus Command-line.

Because SQL*Plus Instant Client does not include a database, it is always 'remote' from any database server. To connect to a database you must specify the database using an Oracle Net connection identifier.

If TNS_ADMIN is not set, then an operating system dependent set of directories is examined to find tnsnames.ora. This search path includes looking in the directory specified by the ORACLE_HOME environment variable for network/admin/tnsnames.ora. This is the only reason to set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable for SQL*Plus Instant Client. If ORACLE_HOME is set when running Instant Client applications, it must be set to a directory that exists.







Connecting to a Different Database

From an existing command-line session, enter a CONNECT command in the form:

SQL> connect username@connect_identifier

You are prompted to enter your password.




SQL> connect username@connect_identifier 然后根据提示输入密码。


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