Introduction to Scrum   [Scrum vs Waterfall]


Planà Buid àTestà Review àDeploy


Waterfall typically goes through a lengthy planning process, which could take several months,


fallowed by building the product which again could take many months.


and then testing the product, reviewing, and eventually deploying the product.


At this point, you may end up bringing the wrong product market if market demand or technology has changed since the original plan was developed.


There are several problems with this method.


First of all, the planning must be completed before any work begins,


and in most cases, the planning has done without entirely understanding the project, once development is being done.


否则,研发人员就会因为不明白产品规划而受到批评. 【测试不过打回给研发】

Oftentimes things get sent back to the planning phase, and the project either needs starts over, or the developers are just criticized for not understand the plan.



This cycle can happen many times when development is done building the product, it gets thrown over the fence to test,


where, when problems are encountered, it bounces back to development and sometimes back to planning.


The same issues occur in the next few steps with lots of back stepping in doing over,



Planà Buildà Testà Review

This can lead lag times and many months to several years in order to get a product out the door.

当我们用Scrum 来实施敏捷开发时就大不相同了,整个项目会被分解成不同的小部分。

With Scrum, an implementation of agile, the process is broken up into smaller pieces.


First, we do just enough planning to get started with building the minimal feature set.


We build what was planned.


Next, we test and review that small feature set and get it ready to ship


When that cycle is complete, we end up with a potentially shippable product,


This process usually occurs in a time period of one to three weeks.


This is then repeated time and time again, reducing the time from planning to development to testing, each time through the planning process.


We’re doing just enough planning to complete the next incremental release,


you end up with several incremental releases called Sprints,


A Sprint usually takes from one to three weeks and you just keep repeating the Sprints until your products is feature complete.


Sometimes you may end up shaping your product after the second Sprint, or the third or the fourth or even further.


But you eventually end up with a shipping product.

3 Roles : Product Owner  Scrum Master


In Scrum, there are three key roles that are needed for the framework to work well.


First, the product owner, this is the first person responsible for defining the features that are needed in the product, the product owner has the bright ideas that turning to products.

Scrum Master 是整个团队的负责人,负责帮助团队尽可能完成工作

The Scrum Master is a servant leader to the team, responsible for protecting the team and the process,


Responsible for protecting the team and the process。


The team can be made up of developments, testers, writers and any one else that helps in building the product.


Team members often play multiple roles. Some days developers may end up doing test or testers may end up writing.


Either way, the team works to get the product done.

3 Artifacts: product backlog, User stories, Burndown charts


There are three artifacts are documents that are used in Scrum.


First, the product backlog


This is where product owner create a prioritized list of features known as user stories that could go into the product.


This list evolves and changes priori with every Sprint.


User stories are a way of describing a feature set that follows the as a user I need something so that reason format,

as a __

I need__

So that__

产品经理通过用户故事来了解需求的细节,为Scrum 团队合理定制任务优先级

this way of phrasing a user story allows the product owner to specify the right amount of details for the team to estimate the size of the task,


the highest priority user stories go into the Sprint backlog, these get estimated for size and are committed to for the next Sprint.


Burndown charts, show the progress during a Sprint on the completion of tasks in the Sprint backlog.


This chart should approach zero points as the work is being completed.

3 Ceremonies


There are three ceremonies that make up Scrum, think of these as meetings or discussions

Sprint计划会议,是产品经理,Scrum Master和开发团队碰头的会议,用户讨论用户故事并估算任务量。

Sprint planning is where the product owner, Scrum Master team meet to discuss the user stories and estimate the relative sizes.


The daily Scrum is a brief standup meeting where the team discusses where they have completed since the previous meeting what they’re working on and anything that might be blocked or need help.

Sprint 临近尾声时,我们会进行Sprint回顾会议,

The Sprint review and retrospective occurs at the end of the Sprint.


This is where the team demonstrates to completed work to the product owner,


and then the team discusses what they can to improve the process going forward.


Let’s bring it all together and take a look at the Scrum work flow.


Start with the product backlog and features that could go into  the product,


the product owner prioritizes the list and brings the top items to the team

第二阶段,召开Sprint 规划会议,研发团队、产品经理和Scrum Master讨论用户故事优先项

Sprint planning is where the team, product owner and Scrum Master discussed the top priority user stories,


determining what can go into the next Sprint.


The output from Sprint planning meeting is the Sprint backlog/


This is a list of user stories that have been committed to for the next Sprint,


the entire team and product owner have a solid understanding of what each of the user stories involves, based on the discussions from the Sprint planning meetings


The Sprint is a one to three week time box where the work committed to in the Sprint  backlog has worked on through to completion


During the Sprint, the daily Scrum occurs as a standup meeting where the team discusses what they have completed and what they are working on, as well as any blocked items.


The outcome of the Sprint is a potentially shippable product.

Potentially shippable means that the product owner can decide if it is ready to ship,


or if there are any additional features needed before its ships.


At the end of the Sprint, a Sprint review and Sprint retrospective meeting occurs.


The Sprint review is where the team show cases their work to the product owner,

and the retrospective is where the team works on what they can do to improve their process


Repeat this work flow for each Sprint

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