Scrum Master 的模拟考试试卷之一, 虽然对考试这种形式深恶痛绝,但是不得不说这个也是检验和深化理解的一种较好方法,从MockTest上找到了3个test,简单逆向分析一下试卷上所谓的最佳实践。

1) Sprint固定长度的好处

What are the advantages of maintaining consistent Sprint length throughout the project?
A: It helps to establish a consistent pattern of delivery
B: It helps the team to objectively measure progress
C: It provide a consistent means of measuring team velocity
D: All of the above

Anser: D
Explanation: The main benefits of maintaining consistent Sprint length throughout the project is to keep a consistent delivery pattern of shippable product increments,
which will show the customer the added business value bit by bit from the project. Helping the team to measure the progress against
what was expected from them in the project beginning helps the team to determine their velocity correctly & accurately

2) 瀑布模型的缺点

What are the disadvantages of the classical waterfall model? (Select the best alternative)A) End-Product has to be fully anticipated beforehand.
B) Some requirements are implemented as defined in the beginning of the project, and yet they are not really needed by the customer.
C) Each phase is strictly separated.(1) A
(2) B
(3) C,B
(4) A, B
(5) A, B, C

Your answer is correct (5)

Explanation: Those are the main pitfalls of the waterfall model that the Agile frameworks & methodologies are implemented to overcome, and Scrum is not an exception.

3) 交付的认可

Which one of the following statements is correct regarding acceptance of any deliverables on a Scrum Project?
A) The team should allow only senior managers to sign off deliverables.
B) The team should get acceptance of project deliverables from the appropriate stakeholders at least at the end of every Sprint.
C) The team should  get acceptance of project deliverables from the users during a UAT phase at the end of the project.
D) Acceptance of any particular deliverable on the project is gained from all stakeholders at the same time.

Your answer is correct answer: B

4) 在sprint中如何重设优先度

If a Sprint plan needs to be reprioritized in a hurry, who should re-prioritize?
A) The developers alone (they know what the customer wants)
B) The Product Owner (the developers would only choose the easy things as top priority)
C) The Project Leader (they can give an independent, pragmatic view)
D) The whole team including Product Owner and developers (together they can consider both business value and practicality)

Your answer is correct D
Explanation: As the team has the practical side of doing things, and all the related issues, and as the product owner has the business value side & the customer/market needs, then both the product owner along with the team has to re-prioritize what is needed to have both visions while discussing.

5) 工件

Which of the following is NOT a typical artifact of the Scrum framework?
A) Product Backlog
B) Sprint Backlog
C) Burn down chart
D) Gantt chart

Your answer is correct D
Explanation: While there is some debate as to whether there are three or four artifacts, a Gantt chart is not a typical Scrum artifact. Most of the leading Scrum guides include the product backlog, sprint backlog, and burn down charts in their lists of artifacts.
有点陈旧了,最新的scrum framework中已经把Burn down chart从标准工件中除去了,不过依然不影响你的做题

6) 核心价值

Why is it important to trust the team?
A) High trust teams do not have to be accountable to each other
B) High trust teams do not require a user representative
C) The Project Manager does not then have to keep a project schedule
D) The presence of trust is positively correlated with the team performance

Your answer is correct D
Explanation: Because trust is one main aspect that the ScrumMaster & the product owner has to have towards the team, as the team decides what they will do & when. Trust is the fruit from the Scrum Values of Courage, focus, Respect, Openness, & commitment

7) PO的责任

Who is responsible for prioritizing the product backlog?
A) Product Owner
B) Project Manager
C) Lead Developer
D) Business Analyst

Your answer is correct A

8) SM的责任

Tracking project impediments in a Scrum project is whoes primary responsibility?
A) Tester
B) ScrumMaster
C) Functional Manager
D) Developer

Your answer is correct:B
Explanation: The ScrumMaster is the issues facilitator in the Scrum framework, he has to remove all impediments for the team to do their jobs effectively & finish all their tasks within the Sprint as they committed.

9) 术语:Tasks

In Scrum framework, what do we call the detailed pieces of work needed to convert a product backlog item into working software?
A) Stories
B) Tasks
C) Scrum bits
D) Use cases

Your answer is correct :B
Explanation: From the Scrum Guide: “Tasks are the detailed pieces of work needed to convert the Product Backlog into working software…. This task list is called the Sprint Backlog.”

10) Scrum Framework的优势

What are the advantages of the Scrum Framework?
A) Fine-grained requirements are only defined when they are really needed.
B) All activities to design, build and test a certain functionality are kept together in one phase.
C) Changes are expected and welcomed by Scrum team.
D) All of the given answers
E) None of the given answers>Your answer is correct
Explanation: Fine-grained requirements are only defined when they are really needed, All activities to design, build and test a certain functionality are kept together in one phase and the Changes are expected and welcomed by Scrum team. These are the advantages of Scrum framework

11) SM的职责

When handling team dynamics, what should the ScrumMaster do?
A) Empower the team members, within appropriate limits
B) Encourage an environment of competition and personal advantage
C) Give clear directives to the team about what they should do and how
D) Expect team members to be proactive and each work to their own priorities and objectives

Your answer is correct
Explanation: The ScrumMaster shall empower the team in order to have ultimately a self-organized team. Empowering the team members & the team as a whole is the ScrumMaster responsibility, which leads at the end to a Sprint achieved goal, and Product achieved goal respectively.

12) Scrum Framework的定义项目:组成要素

What is mainly defined by the Scrum Framework?
A) Rules & Roles
B) Document guidelines
C) Artifacts and events
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) A, B, C
(5) A, C

Your answer is correct (5)
Explanation: The Scrum framework mainly defines the Roles of all participants & the Rules for each Role. Also it defines mainly among other things the events & the artifacts that are included & defined in the framework.

13) 3个角色

Which of the following are roles in the Scrum framework? (Select 3 correct answers)
A) ScrumMaster
B) Product Owner
C) Project Owner
D) Team lead
E) Team

Your answer is correct A B E
Explanation: In Scrum, there are three roles: the product owner, the team, and the ScrumMaster.

14) Scrum Framework适用范围

What kind of software development projects can be executed by Scrum Framework?
A) Complete software packages
B) Customer projects
C) All kinds of software development projects
D) Sub-systems, components or parts of bigger systems
E) None of the above

Your answer is correct
Explanation: Scrum framework is not only for specific kind of projects, it can fit for all types of software development projects, and can be used as well with some modifications as a generic project management framework as well.

15) SM的权责

Which of the following is a characteristic of a ScrumMaster?
A) Task focused
B) Process oriented
C) Supportive
D) Disengaged

Your answer is correct: C
Explanation: The ScrumMaster has to be supportive to all the team members in order to give them the needed power & motivation to finalize their tasks correctly & in a timely manner; otherwise they might get demotivated & end up with a lot of deferred backlog tasks to sub-sequent Sprints

16) Scrum Framework的定义项目:组成要素

Which concept of the following is NOT defined in the Scrum Framework?
A) ScrumMaster
B) Project Manager
C) Scrum Product Owner
D) Daily Scrum
E) Scrum Product Burndown

Your answer is correct: B

17) PO的责任

Who should define the business value of a Feature within the Scrum Project?
A) The individual end-users
B) The Product Owner
C) The Business Analyst
D) The Business Sponsor

Your answer is correct: B

18) 实际场景:PO特别忙,抓不住怎么办

What should the developers do if the product owner is repeatedly too busy to be available?A) Continue the work, record the assumptions and ask the customer later for input.
B) Send the customer a written warning that the end product will be completed on time, but may not meet their needs
C) Allow the Business Analyst to take on the role of Proxy Customer Representative
D) Draw the problem to the attention of the ScrumMaster

Your answer is correct:D
Explanation: One of the main ScrumMaster’s Roles & responsibilities is to remove the team’s impediments. In this situation the team has to raise the issue to the ScrumMaster & he will find a solution one way or another to remove such impediment.
实际工作中确实应该会经常碰到类似的问题,以及PO完全不懂业务都有可能,世界这么大,什么样的项目没有呢,做题目的时候想到总会按照Scrum Framework设定好的方向发展的思路就好了,不用太多的折衷,做题的时候是一个非黑即白的情景,无须太过在意。踢给SM

19) Daily scrum的timebox

What is the Maximum time recommended by the Scrum framework that the team spends in the daily scrum (daily standup)?
A) Fifteen minutes
B) Thirty minutes
C) One hour
D) Four hours
E) As long as it takes

Your answer is correct: A
Explanation: A daily Scrum meeting is time boxed at fifteen minutes and terminates at the end of fifteen minutes.

20) Scrum Framework的定义项目:Event

Which one of the following is NOT traditionally an activity of the Scrum framework?
A) Sprint planning
B) Sprint review
C) Sprint retrospective
D) Daily scrum
E) Weekly inspection

Your answer is correct: E
Explanation: The sprint is the heartbeat of the Scrum cycle. It is bookmarked by sprint planning at the start and by the sprint review and sprint retrospective at the end…. Each day during the sprint the team holds a daily scrum meeting.

21) Product Backlog

Where are the customer requirements stored?
A) In the Product Backlog
B) In the Sprint Backlog
C) In a database
D) In a Scrum Product Requirement Specification
E) Nowhere. The Scrum Product Owner knows them

Your answer is correct: A
Explanation: The product backlog contains all the stories that should be completed during the scrum project, which specifies all the customer requirements. Those requirements are kept stored in the product backlog either those stories completed, in-progress, or not yet implemented.

22) sprint planning meeting的输入输出

What are the two main artifacts of a sprint planning meeting?
A) A sprint goal and a sprint backlog
B) A requirements documents and a Gantt chart
C) A requirements documents and a test plan
D) A test plan and a Gantt chart

Your answer is correct: A
Explanation: An outcome of (sprint planning) is the sprint backlog, or the list of tasks that the team collectively needs to execute in order to turn the items in the selected product backlog into running tested features. During the first half of the sprint planning meeting), a sprint goal is crafted. The sprint goal is an objective that will be met through the implementation of the product backlog.

23) 任务分配方法

How should work be allocated to the team in an Agile project?
A) The Team Leader (ScrumMaster) should allocate specific tasks to individuals
B) Tasks should be randomly allocated to team members, using Planning Poker
C) Team members should self-select tasks appropriate to their skills
D) The most complex tasks should be allocated by the Team Leader (ScrumMaster)

Your answer is correct: C


An effective workshop facilitator will always ...
A) Involve the whole project team in all project workshops
B) Agree the process and participants of the workshop with the workshop owner before the workshop
C) Involve only those team members who will commit to doing further work after theworkshop
D) Act as a proxy for any invited participant who is unable to attend the workshop on the day

Your answer is correct :B
Explanation: This is a key responsibility for the ScrumMaster, as he always facilitate the various Scrum events (meetings), so he has to have and implement this skill.

25) 白板的作用

What is the effect of having a large visible Story board on a wall?
A) It removes the need to create any other reports for management
B) It continuously communicates progress within the team and to other stakeholders
C) It allows the Project Manager to allocate tasks to specific team members
D) It is restrictive, as it does not allow the team to innovate and change

Your answer is correct: B
Explanation: As the Story board states the status of each story, and the progress of each, it gives a great communication tool to all interested parties in the project at a glimpse. It also motivates the team, and lets them know where they are without any waste of time for reporting the various progress.

26) Sprint长度的决定

Which of the following best describes the approach for determining the Sprint length?
A) Sprint should always be 30 days
B) The team determines Sprint length by dividing the total number of story points by the average velocity of the team
C) Sprint should always be two weeks
D) The team should agree on the length of the Sprint, taking the size and complexity of the project into consideration

Your answer is correct: D
Explanation: As a self-organized entity, the team has to decide along with the ScrumMaster & the product Owner, the length of the Sprint that they can finalize the committed work within such Sprint length.

27) Agile宣言

What does NOT belong to the agile manifesto's main pillars?
A) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
B) Working software over comprehensive documentation
C) Processes over people
D) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
E) Responding to change over following a plan

Your answer is correct: C
Explanation: The 4 main pillars of Agile manifesto are:
1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
4. Responding to change over following a plan
So the remaining option is the correct answer which is not an Agile manifesto statement

28) Agile号称不在意层级关系

What is most important in all Scrum projects?
A) Self-organization
B) Clear hierarchies in the company
C) Communication
D) Continuous improvement
(1) A, B, C, D
(2) A, C, D
(3) A, D
(4) A
(5) A, B

Your answer is correct : (2)
Explanation: One of the main benefits of the scrum framework is the multiple communication channels it provides to accomplish the product as required. The self-organized team is committed to the product & the backlog they acquire, and as a fruit of the communication & the self-organized teams is the continuous improvement.

29) Agile的计划

Which of the following best represents the Agile way in planning?
A) Planning is not part of an Agile approach, because Agile is exploratory
B) Planning should be done in detail at the outset of a project and not revisited
C) Planning should involve the whole team, not just the ScrumMaster
D) Planning should all be done by the Product Owner

Your answer is correct:C
Explanation: As the team is responsible & accountable for the timelines & deliverables they commit to. The team has to be deeply involved in the planning of the project in its various phases.
全员计划的根本原因之一在于需要大家的commitment,说得好听的话就是共同参与,one-team等,黑暗一点的手法就是就是要大家按个手印,虽然你可以不同意,但是一般还有另外一项必杀就是少说服从多数,即使不小心在多数了,还有一个词叫作顾全大局,羞耻心是推动这个世界进步的重要工具。特别看不惯Scrum Framework好像能拯救世界那样,所以即使在推这个的话,还是走心吧,搞那么多花架子,传统项目带不好,换成Agile就能被拯救了么,同心同德的团队才是王道。

30) Sprint定义

Which statement of the following is a best description for sprint?
A) A sprint is a condensed amount of time where a development works as many hours as they need to in order to finish the work assigned to them.
B) A sprint is a pre-specified amount of time in which the development team works at sustain pace to complete a chosen set of work.
C) A sprint is a fixed amount of time set aside for team to run tests and fix any outstanding bugs right before the products ships.
D) A sprint is a pre-specified period of time during which team members choose individual items from the product backlog to work on. As each item is completed. A new item is brought into the sprint.

Your answer is correct :B
Explanation: One of the principles of agile development is “sustainable pace,” and only by working at regular hours at a reasonable level can teams continue (running sprints) indefinitely. Scrum projects make progress in a series of sprints, which are time boxed iterations no more than a month long. Sprints occur one after another, with no time in between sprints.


How the product backlog should be ordered?
A) Chronological
B) Alphabetical
C) Random
D) Priority

Your answer is correct: D
Explanation: At any point, the Product Backlog is the single, definitive view of ‘everything that could be done by the Team ever, in order of priority and The product backlog is prioritized by the product owner so that the team always works on the most valuable features first.

32) SM的职责

Which of the following responsibilities is NOT one of the Scrum Master's
A) Removing impediments
B) Facilitating meetings
C) Reminding the team of the process
D) Assigning tasks to team members
E) Pushing back against products owner request when needed

>Your answer is correct:D
Explanation: From the Scrum Primer: “The ScrumMaster helps the product group learn and apply Scrum to achieve business value. The ScrumMaster does whatever is in their power to help the Team and Product Owner be successful. The ScrumMaster is not the manager of the Team or a project manager; instead, the ScrumMaster serves the Team, protects them from outside interference, and educates and guides the Product Owner and the Team in the skillful use of Scrum.

33) Scrum Framework的定义项目:组成要素

Which of the following main events are defined by Scrum Framework?
A) Sprint Planning Meeting
B) Sprint Retrospective Meeting
C) Sprint Review Meeting
D) Mid-Sprint Status Review Meeting
E) Daily Scrum Meeting
(1) A, B, C, D, E
(2) A, B, C, D
(3) A, B, C, E
(4) A, C, D, E
(5) A, C, E

Your answer is correct: (3)
Explanation: The main meetings (called events, or celebrations, or ceremonies) in the scrum framework are:
1. The Sprint Planning
2. The Daily Stand Up (Daily Scrum)
3. The Sprint review
4. The Sprint retrospective

34) Agile Documentation

Which one of the following is a key feature that you would expect to find in an Agile project?
A) System documentation created at the end of each increment, at the start of the deployment
B) User Stories held in a spreadsheet or specialist database, where full details of user conversations are recorded for future purposes, like handover to maintenance or support
C) User Story cards containing only enough detail for planning and development, which will need to be supplemented by further face-to-face conversations
D) No written documentation, as all good communication is face-to-face

Your answer is correct: C


Who ultimately decides when the team has enough work for the sprint in planning?
A) The ScrumMaster
B) The product owner
C) The team
D) The product owner, ScrumMaster and team vote to determine when the sprint backlog is full

Your answer is correct: C

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