


对于一副图像 I 而言,它只有x,y两个方向,所以其Hessian矩阵是一个二元矩阵,对应的有:



function [Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2D(I,Sigma)
% inputs,
%   I : The image, class preferable double or single
%   Sigma : The sigma of the gaussian kernel used
% outputs,
%   Dxx, Dxy, Dyy: The 2nd derivatives  if nargin < 2, Sigma = 1; end  % Make kernel coordinates
[X,Y]   = ndgrid(-round(Sigma):round(Sigma));  % Build the gaussian 2nd derivatives filters
DGaussxx = 1/(2*pi*Sigma^4) * (X.^2/Sigma^2 - 1) .* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*Sigma^2));
DGaussxy = 1/(2*pi*Sigma^6) * (X .* Y).* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*Sigma^2));
DGaussyy = 1/(2*pi*Sigma^4) * (Y.^2/Sigma^2 - 1) .* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*Sigma^2));  Dxx = imfilter(I,DGaussxx,'conv');
Dxy = imfilter(I,DGaussxy,'conv');
Dyy = imfilter(I,DGaussyy,'conv');  


%% EST hessian
clc;close all;clear all;
I=imread ('D:\fcq_proMatlab\test_image\retina\9.jpg');
[Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2D(I,.3);
subplot(211), imshow(I,[]);title('original image');
subplot(212), imshow(Dxx,[]);title('hessian Dxx image');  



在上面的Hessian程序中,高斯平滑参数σ为标准差,对于血管这种线形结构,当尺度因子 σ 与血管的实际宽度最匹配时,滤波器的输出最大。所以作为空间尺度因子,迭代可以得到不同尺度的输出。局部特性分析的窗口矩形的半宽一般为 3σ。血管直径小于当前尺度相应的窗口矩形的宽和高时,管状血管的 Hessian 矩阵的特征值满足: | λ1| ≈0, |λ1| < < | λ2| 。用λ1和λ2定义R,S特征值:




















function [outIm,whatScale,Direction] = FrangiFilter2D(I, options)
% This function FRANGIFILTER2D uses the eigenvectors of the Hessian to
% compute the likeliness of an image region to vessels, according
% to the method described by Frangi:2001 (Chapter 2).
% [J,Scale,Direction] = FrangiFilter2D(I, Options)
% inputs,
%   I : The input image (vessel image)
%   Options : Struct with input options,
%       .FrangiScaleRange : The range of sigmas used, default [1 8]
%       .FrangiScaleRatio : Step size between sigmas, default 2
%       .FrangiBetaOne : Frangi correction constant, default 0.5
%       .FrangiBetaTwo : Frangi correction constant, default 15
%       .BlackWhite : Detect black ridges (default) set to true, for
%                       white ridges set to false.
%       .verbose : Show debug information, default true
% outputs,
%   J : The vessel enhanced image (pixel is the maximum found in all scales)
%   Scale : Matrix with the scales on which the maximum intensity
%           of every pixel is found
%   Direction : Matrix with directions (angles) of pixels (from minor eigenvector)
% Written by Marc Schrijver, 2/11/2001
% Re-Written by D.Kroon University of Twente (May 2009)  defaultoptions = struct('FrangiScaleRange', [1 10], 'FrangiScaleRatio', 2, 'FrangiBetaOne', 0.5, 'FrangiBetaTwo', 15, 'verbose',true,'BlackWhite',true);  % Process inputs
if(~exist('options','var')),   options=defaultoptions;
else  tags = fieldnames(defaultoptions);  for i=1:length(tags)  if(~isfield(options,tags{i})),  options.(tags{i})=defaultoptions.(tags{i}); end  end  if(length(tags)~=length(fieldnames(options))),   warning('FrangiFilter2D:unknownoption','unknown options found');  end
end  %sigam范围从FrangiScaleRange(1)到FrangiScaleRange(2),步长为FrangiScaleRatio,具体要结合图像  sigmas=options.FrangiScaleRange(1):options.FrangiScaleRatio:options.FrangiScaleRange(2);
sigmas = sort(sigmas, 'ascend');  beta  = 2*options.FrangiBetaOne^2;
c     = 2*options.FrangiBetaTwo^2;  % Make matrices to store all filterd images
ALLfiltered=zeros([size(I) length(sigmas)]);
ALLangles=zeros([size(I) length(sigmas)]);  % Frangi filter for all sigmas
for i = 1:length(sigmas),  % Show progress  if(options.verbose)  disp(['Current Frangi Filter Sigma: ' num2str(sigmas(i)) ]);  end  % Make 2D hessian  [Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2D(I,sigmas(i));  % Correct for scale  Dxx = (sigmas(i)^2)*Dxx;  Dxy = (sigmas(i)^2)*Dxy;  Dyy = (sigmas(i)^2)*Dyy;  % Calculate (abs sorted) eigenvalues and vectors  [Lambda2,Lambda1,Ix,Iy]=eig2image(Dxx,Dxy,Dyy);  % Compute the direction of the minor eigenvector  angles = atan2(Ix,Iy);  % Compute some similarity measures  Lambda1(Lambda1==0) = eps;  Rb = (Lambda2./Lambda1).^2;  S2 = Lambda1.^2 + Lambda2.^2;  % Compute the output image  Ifiltered = exp(-Rb/beta) .*(ones(size(I))-exp(-S2/c));  % see pp. 45  if(options.BlackWhite)  Ifiltered(Lambda1<0)=0;  else  Ifiltered(Lambda1>0)=0;  end  % store the results in 3D matrices  ALLfiltered(:,:,i) = Ifiltered;  ALLangles(:,:,i) = angles;
end  % Return for every pixel the value of the scale(sigma) with the maximum
% output pixel value
if length(sigmas) > 1,  [outIm,whatScale] = max(ALLfiltered,[],3);  outIm = reshape(outIm,size(I));  if(nargout>1)  whatScale = reshape(whatScale,size(I));  end  if(nargout>2)  Direction = reshape(ALLangles((1:numel(I))'+(whatScale(:)-1)*numel(I)),size(I));  end
else  outIm = reshape(ALLfiltered,size(I));  if(nargout>1)  whatScale = ones(size(I));  end  if(nargout>2)  Direction = reshape(ALLangles,size(I));  end
end  (2)Hessian2D函数
function [Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2D(I,Sigma)
%  This function Hessian2 Filters the image with 2nd derivatives of a
%  Gaussian with parameter Sigma.
% [Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2(I,Sigma);
% inputs,
%   I : The image, class preferable double or single
%   Sigma : The sigma of the gaussian kernel used
% outputs,
%   Dxx, Dxy, Dyy: The 2nd derivatives
% example,
%   I = im2double(imread('moon.tif'));
%   [Dxx,Dxy,Dyy] = Hessian2(I,2);
%   figure, imshow(Dxx,[]);
% Function is written by D.Kroon University of Twente (June 2009)if nargin < 2, Sigma = 1; end% Make kernel coordinates
[X,Y]   = ndgrid(-round(3*Sigma):round(3*Sigma));% Build the gaussian 2nd derivatives filters
DGaussxx = 1/(2*pi*Sigma^4) * (X.^2/Sigma^2 - 1) .* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*Sigma^2));
DGaussxy = 1/(2*pi*Sigma^6) * (X .* Y)           .* exp(-(X.^2 + Y.^2)/(2*Sigma^2));
DGaussyy = DGaussxx';Dxx = imfilter(I,DGaussxx,'conv');
Dxy = imfilter(I,DGaussxy,'conv');
Dyy = imfilter(I,DGaussyy,'conv');
% Dxx = imfilter(I,DGaussxx);
% Dxy = imfilter(I,DGaussxy);
% Dyy = imfilter(I,DGaussyy);
function [Lambda1,Lambda2,Ix,Iy]=eig2image(Dxx,Dxy,Dyy)
% This function eig2image calculates the eigen values from the
% hessian matrix, sorted by abs value. And gives the direction
% of the ridge (eigenvector smallest eigenvalue) .
% [Lambda1,Lambda2,Ix,Iy]=eig2image(Dxx,Dxy,Dyy)
% | Dxx  Dxy |
% |          |
% | Dxy  Dyy |
% Compute the eigenvectors of J, v1 and v2
tmp = sqrt((Dxx - Dyy).^2 + 4*Dxy.^2);
v2x = 2*Dxy; v2y = Dyy - Dxx + tmp;% Normalize
mag = sqrt(v2x.^2 + v2y.^2); i = (mag ~= 0);
v2x(i) = v2x(i)./mag(i);
v2y(i) = v2y(i)./mag(i);% The eigenvectors are orthogonal
v1x = -v2y;
v1y = v2x;% Compute the eigenvalues
mu1 = 0.5*(Dxx + Dyy + tmp);
mu2 = 0.5*(Dxx + Dyy - tmp);% Sort eigen values by absolute value abs(Lambda1)<abs(Lambda2)
check=abs(mu1)>abs(mu2);Lambda1=mu1; Lambda1(check)=mu2(check);
Lambda2=mu2; Lambda2(check)=mu1(check);Ix=v1x; Ix(check)=v2x(check);
Iy=v1y; Iy(check)=v2y(check);


%% TEST Frangi_filter
clc;close all;clear all;
I=imread ('D:\fcq_proMatlab\test_image\retina\13.jpg');
subplot(1,2,1), imshow(I,[]);title('原灰度图');
subplot(1,2,2), imshow(Ivessel,[]);title('Frangi滤波结果')  


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessian_matrix
  • 《Multiscale vessel enhancement filtering》[C]. International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer-assisted Intervention
  • http://blog.csdn.net/u013288466/article/details/73648757
  • 《肺部CT图像血管分割算法与三维可视化的研究》[J].
  • 《基于 Hessian 算子的多尺度视网膜血管增强滤波方法》[J].计算机应用与软件
  • https://blog.csdn.net/dfdfdsfdfdfdf/article/details/81019927
  • https://ww2.mathworks.cn/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24409-hessian-based-frangi-vesselness-filter?requestedDomain=zh


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