CVE- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures 通用漏洞披露

CVE 的英文全称是“Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures”通用漏洞披露。CVE就好像是一个字典表,为广泛认同的信息安全漏洞给出一个公共的名称。

CWE-Common Weakness Enumeration



**What is CWE? **

Targeted at both the development community and the community of security practitioners, Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE™) is a formal list or dictionary of common software and hardware weaknesses that can occur in architecture, design, code, or implementation that can lead to exploitable security vulnerabilities. CWE was created to serve as a common language for describing security weaknesses; serve as a standard measuring stick for security tools targeting these weaknesses; and provide a common baseline standard for weakness identification, mitigation, and prevention efforts.


The main goal of the CWE initiative is to stop vulnerabilities at the source by educating software and hardware acquirers, architects, designers, and programmers on how to eliminate the most common mistakes before a product is delivered. CWE serves as a resource for programmers as they write code, for architects as they design new software, for hardware engineers as they create physical components, and supports educators in teaching security as part of the curriculum for software and hardware engineering, computer science, and management information systems; CWE ultimately helps them prevent the kinds of security vulnerabilities that have plagued the software and hardware industries and put enterprises at risk. CWE continues to evolve as a collaborative community effort to populate a publicly available repository of software and hardware errors in code, design, architecture, and implementation for developers and security practitioners that can also be utilized by tool vendors for tagging what their tool’s report and claim to cover.


Weakness 弱点

"弱点 "是指软件和硬件设计、架构、代码或实施中的缺陷、故障、漏洞和其他错误,如果不加以解决,可能导致系统和网络以及硬件容易受到攻击。

“Weaknesses” are flaws, faults, bugs, and other errors in software and hardware design, architecture, code, or implementation that if left unaddressed could result in systems and networks, and hardware being vulnerable to attack.

Weaknesses Examples:

  • Software — buffer overflows, format strings, etc.; structure and validity problems; common special element manipulations; channel and path errors; handler errors; user interface errors; pathname traversal and equivalence errors; authentication errors; resource management errors; insufficient verification of data; code evaluation and injection; and randomness and predictability.
  • Hardware — core and compute issues typically associated with CPUs, Graphics, Vision, AI, FPGA, and uControllers; privilege separation and access control issues related to identity and policy, shared resources, locking controls, registers, and other features and mechanisms; and power, clock, and reset concerns related to voltage, electrical current, temperature, clock control, and state saving/restoring.




What is the difference between a vulnerability and a weakness?

Weaknesses are errors that can lead to vulnerabilities. A software vulnerability, such as those enumerated on the CVE List, is a mistake in software that can be directly used by a hacker to gain access to a system or network. A hardware vulnerability is a mistake in hardware or its firmware that can be used by a hacker to gain remote or physical access to a system.



What is the relationship between CWE and CVE?

MITRE began working on the issue of categorizing software weaknesses as early 1999 when it launched the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE®) List. As part of building CVE, MITRE’s CVE Team developed a preliminary classification and categorization of vulnerabilities, attacks, faults, and other concepts beginning in 2005 to help define common software weaknesses. However, while sufficient for CVE those groupings were too rough to be used to identify and categorize the functionality offered within the offerings of the code security assessment industry. The CWE List was created in 2006 to better address those additional needs.


[1] CVE- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

[2] CWE-Common Weakness Enumeration

[3] 一文带你快速理解CVE是什么意思?从CVE ID分配到CVE漏洞处理.

[4] 安全测试之CVE、CWE、CVSS - 测试之心的文章 - 知乎.


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