


    vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& numbers, int target) {int s = 0, e = numbers.size() - 1;while (true) {if (numbers[s] + numbers[e] > target)e--;else if (numbers[s] + numbers[e] < target)s++;else {return vector<int> {s + 1, e + 1};}}}



    vector<int> twoSum(vector<int>& numbers, int target) {auto tail = upper_bound(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), target);auto start = numbers.begin();for (;start != tail;) {int other = target - *start;++start;tail = lower_bound(start, tail, other);if (other == *tail) {vector<int> ret = {start - numbers.begin(), tail - numbers.begin() + 1};return move(ret);}other = target - *tail;--tail;start = lower_bound(start, tail, other);if (other == *start) {vector<int> ret = {start - numbers.begin() + 1, tail - numbers.begin() + 2};return move(ret);}}}




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