
With iPhone owners rushing to get their batteries replaced, wait lists at the Apple Genius Bar have been getting longer and longer. But if you don’t want to wait, you can actually replace the battery yourself.

随着iPhone所有者急于更换电池,Apple Genius Bar的候补名单越来越长。 但是,如果您不想等待,实际上可以自己更换电池。

Long story short, Apple has admitted that your iPhone will actively slow itself down if it has an old, degraded battery. To get back that lost performance, though, users are recommended to replace the battery with a fresh, new one.

长话短说,苹果公司已经承认,如果iPhone电池陈旧,性能下降,它会主动降低速度。 但是,为了恢复失去的性能,建议用户更换新的电池 。

The only problem is that there’s a wait list at pretty much every Apple Store. You could try a local Authorized Service Provider, but there’s still a good chance you’ll be waitlisted there as well. And it might be a while until things settle down.

唯一的问题是,几乎每个Apple Store都有一个等待清单 。 您可以尝试当地的授权服务提供商 ,但是仍然有很大机会在此等待您的到来。 可能需要一段时间才能解决问题。

Some patient iPhone owners might be able wait it out, but if you want your battery replaced right now, your best option is to replace it yourself. It may seem like a daunting task, but it’s more doable than you think, and just as cheap. I personally decided to lose my iPhone-tinkering virginity and try it out on my wife’s iPhone 6. Here are my thoughts on the process.

一些耐心的iPhone所有者可能可以等待,但是如果您现在想更换电池,最好的选择是自己更换电池。 这似乎是一项艰巨的任务,但它比您想象的要可行,而且价格便宜。 我个人决定放弃使用iPhone的童贞,并在妻子的iPhone 6上尝试一下。这是我对此过程的看法。

零件和工具很容易拿到(而且很便宜) (The Parts and Tools Are Easy to Come By (and They’re Cheap))

Obviously, before you replace the battery in your iPhone, you’ll need the proper tools and a new replacement battery. Luckily, iFixit sells battery replacement kits for most iPhones, which include the new replacement battery along with all the tools you’ll need to get the job done.

显然,在更换iPhone中的电池之前,您需要适当的工具和新的更换电池。 幸运的是, iFixit 为大多数iPhone销售电池更换套件 ,其中包括新的更换电池以及完成工作所需的所有工具。

The best part is that these kits aren’t that much more expensive than what Apple charges. The iPhone 6 kit costs around $37 once you factor in shipping charges, while Apple charges $30. Paying seven extra dollars isn’t too shabby in order to avoid a weeks-long wait.

最好的部分是,这些工具包并不比Apple收费的贵很多。 iPhone 6套件的运费约为37美元,而苹果则为30美元。 为了避免等待数周的时间,多付7美元并不算过分。

Plus, iFixit also offers extremely thorough how-to guides on replacing the battery, all the way down to showing close-up photos of the process. So even if you’ve never done something like this before, these guides take you through the process step by step.

此外,iFixit还提供了极为详尽的更换电池的操作指南 ,从一路到显示过程的特写照片。 因此,即使您以前从未做过这样的事情,这些指南也会逐步引导您完成整个过程。

主要是螺丝和连接器 (It’s Mostly Screws and Connectors)

The four display assembly connectors on the iPhone 6.
iPhone 6上的四个显示屏部件连接器。

Don’t get me wrong: the circuitry and assembly inside an iPhone is no joke, and some repairs can be really difficult. But when it comes to replacing the battery, you’ll mostly be dealing with screws and connectors, with a little bit of adhesive. Nothing that you’ll be dealing with is soldered down or permanently connected to anything, so you can put the soldering iron and other heavy-duty tools back in the drawer.

不要误会我的意思:iPhone内的电路和组件绝不是开玩笑,有些维修可能真的很困难。 但是,在更换电池时,大多数情况下,您需要使用一些粘合剂来处理螺丝和连接器。 您无需处理的任何东西都可以焊接或永久连接到任何东西,因此您可以将烙铁和其他重型工具放回抽屉中。

As for the adhesive, the battery is secured using 3M Command Strip-esque adhesive, which can cause headaches if they break as you’re removing them (more on that later). There is also some adhesive around the edge holding down the display assembly on newer iPhones, but a little applied heat to loosen it up makes the job a bit easier.

至于胶粘剂,电池是使用3M Command Strip式胶粘剂固定的,如果在卸下胶粘剂时破裂,可能会引起头痛(稍后会详细介绍)。 边缘上还有一些胶粘剂,可压住新型iPhone的显示屏部件,但施加一点热量使其松开,则使工作变得更加容易。

Other than that, you just have screws holding down the battery connector cover, as well as the display assembly cover. Once those things are removed, you simply pop off the connectors to the display assembly and the battery.

除此之外,您只需要按住电池连接器盖和显示屏部件盖的螺钉即可。 卸下这些东西后,您只需弹出显示部件和电池的连接器。

一些步骤可能很棘手 (Some Steps Can Be Tricky)

Screws and connectors are easy, but as I mentioned above, some steps (like the adhesive) can be a bit rocky.


First, if you have an iPhone 7 or newer, you’ll need to apply some heat around the edge of the phone to soften up the adhesive that glues the screen to the rest of the phone, but don’t worry—the iFixit guide shows you how to do this. As for the iPhone 6s, it has a small amount of adhesive around the edge, but not enough to require heat (although it wouldn’t hurt). The iPhone 6 and older don’t have any adhesive around the edge.

首先,如果您使用的是iPhone 7或更高版本,则需要在手机边缘处加热一些以软化将屏幕粘在手机其余部分上的粘合剂,但请不要担心-iFixit指南向您展示如何执行此操作。 至于iPhone 6s,它在边缘处有少量粘合剂,但不足以加热(尽管不会受伤)。 iPhone 6和更早版本的边缘没有粘合剂。

Starting with the iPhone 7, Apple began waterproofing its iPhones by upgrading the adhesive seal around the edge. Once you break that seal, you’ll still be able to reassemble the iPhone without a problem, but the seal around the edge will no longer be watertight. Thankfully, you can buy new adhesive from iFixit and replace the seal if you want to keep the waterproofing, but it’s not required by any means, and there’s no guarantee like you’d get from official Apple service.

从iPhone 7开始,Apple开始通过升级边缘的粘合密封来为iPhone防水。 一旦打破密封,您仍然可以重新组装iPhone,而不会出现问题,但是边缘周围的密封将不再是水密的。 值得庆幸的是,如果您想保持防水性能,可以从iFixit购买新的粘合剂并更换密封条 ,但这绝不是必需的,并且不能保证您可以从Apple官方服务中获得担保。

As for the adhesive holding the battery down, there are tabs at the bottom that you slowly pull on to remove the adhesive strips, just like you would when removing a 3M Command Strip. The only problem is that they’re extremely thin and prone to breaking off, especially when they get snagged on a nearby piece of metal.

至于将电池压下的粘合剂,您可以在底部慢慢拉动卡舌以移除粘合剂条,就像移除3M命令条时一样。 唯一的问题是它们非常薄并且容易折断,特别是当它们卡在附近的一块金属上时。

When that happens, you have to resort to heating up the back side of the device to soften up the adhesive and then slowly pry the battery off, making sure not to bend it too much—lithium-ion batteries are fairly dangerous, since they contain harmful chemicals and can possibly light on fire if punctured or damaged in any way.

发生这种情况时,您必须采取措施加热设备的背面以软化粘合剂,然后缓慢撬起电池,确保不要将其弯曲得太厉害-锂离子电池非常危险 ,因为其中包含有害化学物质,如果被刺破或以任何方式损坏,可能会着火。

Don’t let that scare you, though, as a little bending is fine and you can severely decrease any risks by completely discharging the battery before you bust open your iPhone. Just be sure to take your time and try not to go all Bruce Lee on the battery when trying to remove it.

但是,不要让它吓到您,因为稍微弯曲就可以了,在您打开iPhone之前,可以通过完全放电将电池完全放电,从而大大降低任何风险。 只要确保花点时间,并在尝试取出电池时尽量不要将李小龙的电池全部拿走。

花时间,做研究,并按照指示去做 (Take Your Time, Do Your Research, and Just Follow Directions)

Replacing the battery in your iPhone definitely isn’t easy, but it’s certainly doable. And it definitely doesn’t require a certified professional with years of experience.

更换iPhone中的电池绝对不是一件容易的事,但这确实是可行的。 而且它绝对不需要具有多年经验的认证专家。

As long as you take your time, do your research (like reading through the guides and watching the accompanied videos), and just follow directions, you can replace the battery in your iPhone without a problem. And of course, a little bit of determination goes a long way.

只要您花时间进行研究(例如通读指南和观看随附的视频),并按照说明进行操作,就可以毫无问题地更换iPhone中的电池。 当然,一点点的决心会走很长的路。

After you successfully do it once, it gets easier the next time. Soon you’ll be replacing all your friends’ and family’s iPhone batteries and may even become your town’s local hero.

成功完成一次之后,下一次它将变得更加容易。 很快,您将更换所有朋友和家人的iPhone电池,甚至可能成为您镇上的当地英雄。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/340270/how-difficult-is-it-to-replace-an-iphone-battery/



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