
Let’s be honest here: GIFs and emoji are the new form of communication. As silly as they may seem, they somehow add an additional layer to the way we interact with friends and family over text or instant messages, which can otherwise come off as dry. While emoji has long been a part of Google Keyboard, Google added a way to search them—as well as GIF integration—into the new Gboard update.

坦白地说:GIF和表情符号是一种新的交流形式。 尽管看起来很愚蠢,但它们却以某种方式为我们通过文本或即时消息与朋友和家人互动的方式增加了一层,否则可能会枯燥无味。 尽管表情符号长期以来一直是Google键盘的一部分,但Google在新的Gboard更新中添加了一种搜索方式以及GIF集成。

I’d be lying if I said I haven’t spent an unreasonable amount of time looking for a specific emoji, only to scroll past it at least 17 times. Or replied to a friend’s snarky comment with an equally snarky GIF, which would’ve been a whole lot easier had I not needed to jump onto the web, find said GIF, save it, then send it over to the friend. Honestly, I could’ve easily missed the moment if I hadn’t spent the last six years of my life working on the web, which basically means finding GIFs at lightning speed is part of my job.

如果我说我没有花费大量的时间寻找特定的表情符号,而只是滚动浏览了至少17次,那我会撒谎。 或用同样的GIF回复朋友的comment讽评论,如果我不需要跳到网络上,找到说的GIF,保存它, 然后将其发送给朋友,这将变得非常容易。 老实说,如果我没有花最后的六年时间在网络上工作,那我很容易错过这一刻,这基本上意味着以闪电般的速度找到GIF是我的工作之一。

But life just got easier. Because now I can search for emoji and GIFs directly from Gboard. And it’s super easy.

但是生活变得更加轻松。 因为现在我可以直接从Gboard搜索表情符号和GIF 。 而且超级简单。

Basically, if you’re using the newest version of Google Keyboard—which is now called Gboard—then the emoji keyboard got a bit of a makeover. When you tap on the little face to jump into the emoji, there’s a new option at the top: Search Emoji. This is awesome, because if you know what the emoji you want looks like, you can just start typing the description to pull up anything that may work there. It’s fast and easy. I like it.

基本上,如果您使用的是最新版本的Google键盘 (现在称为Gboard),则表情符号键盘会有所改头。 当您点按小脸以跳入表情符号时,顶部会出现一个新选项: 搜索表情符号 。 这真棒,因为如果您知道所需表情符号的样子,就可以开始键入说明以提取可能在其中起作用的所有内容。 快速简便。 我喜欢。

You can also take your talk-with-pictures-instead-of-words game a step further, because at the bottom of the emoji keyboard there’s a GIF button. Tap that guy to bring up a list of available GIFs—there are suggestions all along the bottom, beneath the GIFs themselves.

您还可以将图片聊天而不是文字游戏更进一步,因为表情符号键盘的底部有一个GIF按钮。 轻按那个人以显示可用的GIF列表-底部的GIF本身下方都会有建议。

If you’re looking for something in particular, though, there’s also a search option here, just above all the GIFs. Tap that, then start searching. It’ll look through popular services like Giphy, Imgur, and even Tumblr, displaying all the options right there in the keyboard section. When you find the perfect animation, tapping it will push it into the message box—you can either send it immediately or add some text.

不过,如果您要寻找特别的东西,那么在所有GIF上方,还有一个搜索选项。 点按它,然后开始搜索。 它会浏览Giphy,Imgur甚至Tumblr等热门服务,并在键盘部分显示所有选项。 找到理想的动画后,点击它会将其推入消息框中,您可以立即发送它或添加一些文本。

And that’s really all there is to it: nothing to enable, nothing to tweak. It just works, but still stays out of the way if it’s something you may not want to use. But honestly, why wouldn’t you?

这实际上就是它的全部:无需启用,无需调整。 它只是可以工作,但如果您不想使用它,仍然可以避免。 但老实说,你为什么不呢?




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