android 文本后图标

Let’s face it: no matter how good the screens are on our phones and tablets, the text can sometimes be too tiny if you have poor eyesight. The good news is that there are a variety of methods to help you alleviate squinting just to make text (or anything else) more legible.

让我们面对现实:无论我们手机和平板电脑上的屏幕质量如何,如果视力不好,文本有时可能会太小。 好消息是,有多种方法可以帮助您减轻斜视,从而使文本(或其他任何东西)更清晰易读。

Depending on what version of Android you’re using (and what type of phone), it’s possible that you may be able to change just the text size, or even make everything on the screen larger. We’re going to talk about all of those options here—as well as a few other things you can do to make your phone easier to see.

根据您使用的Android版本(以及手机的类型),您可能可以仅更改文本大小,甚至可以放大屏幕上的所有内容。 我们将在这里讨论所有这些选项,以及可以使手机更易于查看的其他一些操作。

Let’s start with the simplest solutions first.


如何在Android上更改字体大小 (How to Change the Font Size on Android)

Changing the font couldn’t be easier on most Android phones. I’m using a Pixel XL running Android 7.1.1 Nougat here, but the process should be identical for all devices. Things may look a little bit different depending on your Android build and phone manufacturer, but otherwise should be similar. For example, Android 7.x includes a preview of what the text will look like, where older versions of the OS simply display the choices with no preview.

在大多数Android手机上,更改字体并非易事。 我在这里使用的是运行Android 7.1.1 Nougat的Pixel XL,但是所有设备的过程都应该相同。 视您的Android版本和手机制造商而定,情况可能会略有不同,但其他方面应该相似。 例如,Android 7.x包含文本外观的预览,而较早版本的OS只是显示选择而没有预览。

Still, you should be able to follow along fairly easily.


First, head into the Settings menu. You can do this by pulling the notification shade down (twice on some devices), then selecting the cog icon.

首先,进入“设置”菜单。 您可以通过下拉通知栏(在某些设备上是两次),然后选择齿轮图标来做到这一点。

From here, scroll down to the “Display” entry and tap it. In this menu, look for the “Font size” option.

从此处向下滚动到“显示”条目,然后点击它。 在此菜单中,查找“字体大小”选项。

The left screenshot shows what this looks like on 7.x, where the right one is Android 6.x. The same options are available, just with and without the preview.

左边的屏幕截图显示了在7.x上的外观,右边的是Android6.x。 可以使用相同的选项,无论是否带有预览。

Again, it’s worth noting that this may look even more different depending on your device. For completeness, here’s a look at this menu on Samsung (left) and LG (right) devices.

同样,值得注意的是,根据您的设备,这看起来可能会更加不同。 为了完整起见,请看一下三星(左)和LG(右)设备上的此菜单。

Once you’ve chosen your font, simply back out of this menu and the changes will stick. Nothing to it.

选择字体后,只需退出此菜单,更改就会保留下来。 没什么

如何在Android Nougat中更改图标和其他元素的大小(How to Change the Size of Icons and Other Elements in Android Nougat)

With Android Nougat, Google incorporated a new feature: the ability to not only change font size, but also other display elements.

Google通过Android Nougat引入了一项新功能:不仅可以更改字体大小,还可以更改其他显示元素。

Essentially, this means everything from the navigation bar to app icons and menus can be made bigger or smaller—think of it like changing the zoom level in Microsoft Windows. For those who want to see more information on the screen, everything can be made smaller. For those who may have limited vision, every element can be made larger, with the largest setting offering a very dramatic change from the stock size.

从本质上讲,这意味着从导航栏到应用程序图标和菜单的所有内容都可以放大或缩小–就像在Microsoft Windows中更改缩放级别一样。 对于那些想在屏幕上查看更多信息的人,可以将所有内容缩小。 对于那些视力有限的人,可以将每个元素都做大一些,最大的设置可以使库存量发生巨大变化。

To access this new feature, the first thing you’ll need to do is get into Android’s settings menu. Pull down the notification shade, then tap the cog icon in the upper right corner.

要使用此新功能,您需要做的第一件事就是进入Android的设置菜单。 下拉通知栏,然后点击右上角的齿轮图标。

From here, scroll down and find the “Display” section. Tap it.

从这里向下滚动并找到“显示”部分。 点一下

Just below the “Font size” setting, there’s an option called “Display size.” This is what you’re looking for.

在“字体大小”设置的下方,有一个名为“显示大小”的选项。 这就是您要寻找的。

After tapping it, there may be a slight delay while the phone loads the Display Size menu, which is broken down into two parts: the Preview window and actually Display Size slider. There are three different views in the Preview Pane: a text message, app icons, and settings menu. These are all dummy windows, of course, and are just there so you can get a better idea of what on-screen elements will look like once the change is activated. Swipe through these previews to cycle through them.

点击后,手机加载“显示尺寸”菜单时可能会稍有延迟,该菜单分为两部分:“预览”窗口和“显示尺寸”滑块。 预览窗格中有三种不同的视图:短信,应用程序图标和设置菜单。 当然,这些都是虚拟窗口,因此您可以更好地了解激活更改后屏幕上的元素的外观。 在这些预览中滑动以循环浏览它们。

You can adjust the display size by using the plus and minus buttons on either side of the slider—there’s only one option smaller than the default setting, but three larger options. Mess with them all, see which one works best for you. The changes happen in real time, so you’ll instantly know how it’s going to look.

您可以通过使用滑块两侧的加号和减号按钮来调整显示尺寸-只有一个选项比默认设置小,但三个选项更大。 将它们全部弄乱,看看哪一种最适合您。 这些更改是实时发生的,因此您将立即知道它的外观。

Once you’ve settled on a size, just hit the back button in the upper-left corner. The new sizing will go into effect immediately without the need for a reboot, and you’re done. If you ever want to change it back, simply jump back into the Display Size menu and tweak away.

确定尺寸后,只需点击左上角的“后退”按钮。 新的大小调整将立即生效,无需重新启动,您已完成。 如果您想改回它,只需跳回“显示大小”菜单并进行调整即可。

或者:使用Android的放大手势 (Alternatively: Use Android’s Magnification Gesture)

If you’re not keen on changing the overall look of fonts and whatnot, there’s another option: Android’s magnifier. This essentially enables zooming almost anywhere in the OS, save for the notification shade and keyboard.

如果您不希望改变字体的整体外观,那么还有另一种选择:Android的放大镜。 从本质上讲,这几乎可以缩放OS中的任何位置,除了通知栏和键盘。

First, navigate to Settings and select “Accessibility.” Scroll down until you see the System section, then tap on “Magnification Gesture.”

首先,导航到“设置”,然后选择“辅助功能”。 向下滚动,直到看到“系统”部分,然后点击“放大手势”。

This allows you to triple-tap the screen and then pan around with two or more fingers. If you want, you can even pinch-zoom anywhere.

这使您可以点按三次屏幕,然后用两个或多个手指平移。 如果需要,您甚至可以在任何地方捏缩放。

Here’s what a portion of the zoomed screen looks like. The orange border indicates that the device is in zoom mode.

这是部分缩放屏幕的样子。 橙色边框表示设备处于缩放模式。

To exit, you triple-tap again. It might take a little practice to get the hang of it. Just remember it’s a triple-tap in quick succession. If you double-tap pause and then tap again or space your taps too far apart, it won’t work.

要退出,请再次点按三次。 要掌握它,可能需要一些练习。 只要记住,这是连续三下三下。 如果您点按两次暂停,然后再次轻按或将水龙头分开得太远,将无法使用。

奖励功能:大文本和高对比度文本 (Bonus Features: Large Text and High Contrast Text)

On devices running Android 6.x (Marshmallow) or older, there’s also a feature called “Large Text.” This is in addition to the font size options we discussed earlier—it’s sort of a redundant feature, which is probably why it was removed in Nougat.

在运行Android 6.x(棉花糖)或更早版本的设备上,还有一个称为“大文本”的功能。 这是我们前面讨论的字体大小选项的补充,它是一种冗余功能,这可能就是为什么在Nougat中将其删除的原因。

Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the two—normal on the left, large on the right.


Turning on large text will pretty much enlarge all the text on the device—home screens, menus, applications—and it doesn’t create undesired or unwanted visual results.


The last feature worth talking about is called “High Contrast Text.” Currently, this option is labeled as “experimental,” so while it’s likely not going to make your system unstable or unusable, you may experience varying and inconsistent results.

值得一提的最后一个功能称为“高对比度文字”。 当前,此选项被标记为“实验性”,因此尽管它可能不会使系统不稳定或无法使用,但您可能会遇到变化且不一致的结果。

High contrast text basically makes things a little bit darker in system menus, on the keyboard, and in certain other situations—like when using a colored background in Google Keep, for example.

高对比度的文本基本上会使系统菜单,键盘和某些其他情况(例如在Google Keep中使用彩色背景时)的颜色变暗。

On the left, we see how things look with normal contrast, and on the right is with high contrast text enabled. It’s an obvious difference and does make things easier to read generally speaking, though it will vary from person to person.

左边是正常对比度的外观,右边是启用高对比度文本的外观。 尽管这会因人而异,但这是一个明显的区别,并且确实使事情在总体上更易于阅读。

Within the Accessibility settings, there are other options you can play with, such as inverting the screen or using TalkBack (for spoken feedback). However, these features we’ve pointed out—magnification and enlarged text, as well as the experimental High Contrast option—are really the least intrusive ways to maintain a clean Android experience.

在“辅助功能”设置中,您可以使用其他选项,例如,翻转屏幕或使用“话语提示”(语音反馈)。 但是,我们指出的这些功能-放大和放大的文本以及实验性的高对比度选项-确实是保持纯净Android体验的最少干扰方式。


android 文本后图标

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