Dora RPC


Dora RPC 是一款基础于Swoole定长包头通讯协议的最精简的RPC, 用于复杂项目前后端分离,分离后项目都通过API工作可更好的跟踪、升级、维护及管理。

问题提交: Issue

For complex projects separation, the project can be better maintained by the API project management.

Dora RPC is an Basic Swoole Fixed Header TCP Proctol tiny RPC

Now support an simple PHP version

If you find something wrong,please submit an issue

add the http protocol and KeepAlive for the other program language









Single API RPC \ Multi API Concurrent RPC

Asynchronous,synchronization no need result, synchronization get result by manual

Please visit Swoole official for further infomation

keep the connection of client after the request finishe

check the guid when the sendrecive

service discovery.

base on Redis. Service discovery for High available


Swoole 1.8.x+

PHP 5.4+

zlib for compress packet


composer require "xcl3721/dora-rpc"




an simple client,it's easy adn simply to implement the multi fake thread,you can speed up you API by this distribute RPC






返回结果是一个数组 分两部分,第一层是通讯状态code,第二层是处理状态 code

a powerful API server

you must extends the swserver and implement dowork function

it's use for decrease the dev cycle

when you setup the redis config the server will register this server to the redis for service discovery

the result will be a two-level arrayfirst is communicate state 'code field' ,second is dowork state



an discovery controller client that:scan all the redis and get the list of available service and general config file to special path

dora-rpc/src/groupclient.php (combined to client.php)


an client for service discovery (monitor general the config from redis) that you can use the config directly


任务下发模式介绍(task deploy mode)

0 sync wait result 同步下发任务阻塞等待结果返回

1 async no need result 下发异步任务,下发成功返回下发成功提示,不等待任务处理结果

2 async get result by getAsyncData function 下发异步任务,下发成功返回下发成功提示,可以在后续调用getAsyncData 获取所有下发的异步结果

TCP客户端(TCP Client)

$config = include("client.conf.php");

//define the mode

$mode = array("type" => 1, "group" => "group1");

$maxrequest = 0;

//new obj

$obj = new \DoraRPC\Client($config);

//change connect mode


for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {

//echo $i . PHP_EOL;


$time = microtime(true);

//single && sync

$ret = $obj->singleAPI("/module_a/abc" . $i, array("mark" => 234, "foo" => $i), \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_WAITRESULT, 1);

var_dump("single sync", $ret);

//single call && async

$ret = $obj->singleAPI("/module_b/abc" . $i, array("yes" => 21321, "foo" => $i), \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_NORESULT, 1);

var_dump("single async", $ret);

//single call && async

$ret = $obj->singleAPI("/module_c/abd" . $i, array("yes" => 233, "foo" => $i), \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_ASYNCRESULT, 1);

var_dump("single async result", $ret);


//multi && sync

$data = array(

"oak" => array("name" => "/module_c/dd" . $i, "param" => array("uid" => "ff")),

"cd" => array("name" => "/module_f/ef" . $i, "param" => array("pathid" => "fds")),


$ret = $obj->multiAPI($data, \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_WAITRESULT, 1);

var_dump("multi sync", $ret);

//multi && async

$data = array(

"oak" => array("name" => "/module_d/oakdf" . $i, "param" => array("dsaf" => "32111321")),

"cd" => array("name" => "/module_e/oakdfff" . $i, "param" => array("codo" => "f11ds")),


$ret = $obj->multiAPI($data, \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_NORESULT, 1);

var_dump("multi async", $ret);

//multi && async

$data = array(

"oak" => array("name" => "/module_a/oakdf" . $i, "param" => array("dsaf" => "11")),

"cd" => array("name" => "/module_b/oakdfff" . $i, "param" => array("codo" => "f11ds")),


$ret = $obj->multiAPI($data, \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_ASYNCRESULT, 1);

var_dump("multi async result", $ret);

//get all the async result

$data = $obj->getAsyncData();

var_dump("allresult", $data);

//compare each request

$time = bcsub(microtime(true), $time, 5);

if ($time > $maxrequest) {

$maxrequest = $time;


echo $i . " cost:" . $time . PHP_EOL;


echo "max:" . $maxrequest . PHP_EOL;

HTTP客户端(Http Client)

http protocol for the other language use performance is common.suggest used tcp client

for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {

$time = microtime(true);

//mutil call sync wait result

$data = array(

"guid" => md5(mt_rand(1000000, 9999999) . mt_rand(1000000, 9999999) . microtime(true)),

"api" => array(

"oak" => array("name" => "/module_d/oakdf", "param" => array("dsaf" => "32111321")),

"cd" => array("name" => "/module_e/oakdfff", "param" => array("codo" => "f11ds")),




$data_string = "params=" . urlencode(json_encode($data));

$ch = curl_init('');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(

'Connection: Keep-Alive',

'Keep-Alive: 300',



$result = curl_exec($ch);

var_dump(json_decode($result, true));

//multi call no wait result

$data = array(

"guid" => md5(mt_rand(1000000, 9999999) . mt_rand(1000000, 9999999) . microtime(true)),

"api" => array(

"oak" => array("name" => "/module_d/oakdf", "param" => array("dsaf" => "32111321")),

"cd" => array("name" => "/module_e/oakdfff", "param" => array("codo" => "f11ds")),




$data_string = "params=" . urlencode(json_encode($data));

$ch = curl_init('');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(

'Connection: Keep-Alive',

'Keep-Alive: 300',



$result = curl_exec($ch);

var_dump(json_decode($result, true));

$time = bcsub(microtime(true), $time, 5);

if ($time > $maxrequest) {

$maxrequest = $time;


echo $i . " cost:" . $time . PHP_EOL;



echo "max:" . $maxrequest . PHP_EOL;


class Server extends DoraRPCServer {

//all of this config for optimize performance


protected $externalConfig = array(

//to improve the accept performance ,suggest the number of cpu X 2


'reactor_num' => 32,

//packet decode process,change by condition


'worker_num' => 40,

//the number of task logical process progcessor run you business code


'task_worker_num' => 20,


function initServer($server){

//the callback of the server init 附加服务初始化

//such as swoole atomic table or buffer 可以放置swoole的计数器,table等


function doWork($param){

//process you logical 业务实际处理代码仍这里

//return the result 使用return返回处理结果

return array("hehe"=>"ohyes");


function initTask($server, $worker_id){

//require_once() 你要加载的处理方法函数等 what's you want load (such as framework init)



$res = new Server();

###客户端监控器(Client Local Monitor)

include "src/Doraconst.php";

include "src/Packet.php";

include "src/Monitor.php";

//redis for service discovery register

//when you on product env please prepare more redis to registe service for high available

$redisconfig = array(

array(//first reporter

"ip" => "",

"port" => "6379",


array(//next reporter

"ip" => "",

"port" => "6379",



//ok start server

$res = new \DoraRPC\Monitor("", 9569, $redisconfig, "./client.conf.php");

//this server will auto get the node server list from redis and general the client config on special path


include以上两个文件,使用命令行启动即可(客户端支持在apache nginx fpm内执行,服务端只支持命令行启动)

php democlient.php

php demoserver.php

错误码及含义(Error Code)

0 Success work

100001 async task success

100002 unknow task type

100003 you must fill the api parameter on you request

100005 Signed check error

100006 Pack decode type wrong

100007 socket error the recive packet length is wrong

100008 the return guid wrong may be the socket trasfer wrong data

100009 the recive wrong or timeout

100010 there is no server can connect

100011 unknow cmd of controlle

100012 Get Async Result Fail: Client Closed.

100099 unknow communicate mode have been set

100100 guid wront please retry..


Mac I7 Intel 2.2Mhz

Vagrant with Vm 1 Core

1G Memory

with example code (loop forever)


Network Cost:0.002~0.004/sec Per Request

CPU 10~25% 以上还有很大优化空间 There is still a lot of optimization space

Optimize performance性能优化

vim demoserver.php

to see $externalConfig var

and swoole offcial document


Server Config Optimize



QQ Group

QQ Group:346840633

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