





HDLBits 系列(30)Serial Receiver





Now that you have a finite state machine that can identify when bytes are correctly received in a serial bitstream, add a datapath that will output the correctly-received data byte. out_byte needs to be valid when done is 1, and is don't-care otherwise.

Note that the serial protocol sends the least significant bit first.



module top_module(input clk,input in,input reset,    // Synchronous resetoutput [7:0] out_byte,output done
); //// Use FSM from Fsm_seriallocalparam START = 0, B1 = 1, B2 = 2, B3 = 3, B4 = 4, B5 = 5, B6 = 6, B7 = 7, B8 = 8, STOP = 9, DONE0 = 10, DONE1 = 11;reg [3:0] state, next_state;always@(*) begincase(state)START: beginif(in == 0) next_state = B1;else next_state = START;endB1: beginnext_state = B2;endB2: beginnext_state = B3;endB3: beginnext_state = B4;endB4: beginnext_state = B5;endB5: beginnext_state = B6;endB6: beginnext_state = B7;endB7: beginnext_state = B8;endB8: beginnext_state = STOP;endSTOP: beginif(in == 0) next_state = DONE1;else next_state = DONE0;endDONE0: beginif(in == 1) next_state = START;else next_state = B1;endDONE1: beginif(in == 0) next_state = DONE1;else next_state = START;enddefault: beginnext_state = START;endendcaseendalways@(posedge clk) beginif(reset) state <= START;else state <= next_state;endassign done = (state == DONE0) ? 1 : 0;// New: Datapath to latch input bits.reg [7:0] out_byte_mid;always@(*) begincase(state)START: begin;endB1: beginout_byte_mid[0] = in;endB2: beginout_byte_mid[1] = in;endB3: beginout_byte_mid[2] = in;endB4: beginout_byte_mid[3] = in;endB5: beginout_byte_mid[4] = in;endB6: beginout_byte_mid[5] = in;endB7: beginout_byte_mid[6] = in;endB8: beginout_byte_mid[7] = in;endSTOP: begin;endDONE0: begin;endDONE1: begin;enddefault: begin;endendcaseendassign out_byte = (done == 1)? out_byte_mid:'bz;endmodule


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