
Mealy 状态机



Moore 状态机




Mealy 状态机



The following diagram is a Mealy machine implementation of the 2's complementer. Implement using one-hot encoding.




module top_module (input clk,input areset,input x,output z
); localparam A = 2'b01, B = 2'b10;reg [1:0] state, next_state;always@(*)begincase(state)A: beginif(x) next_state = B; else next_state = A;endB: beginnext_state = B;enddefault: beginnext_state = A;endendcaseendalways@(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif(areset) state <= A;else state <= next_state;endassign z = (state == A)?x:~x;/*reg z_mid;always@(*)begincase(state)A: beginif(x) z_mid = 1;else z_mid = 0;endB: beginif(x) z_mid = 0;else z_mid = 1;enddefault: beginz_mid = 0;endendcaseendassign z = z_mid;*/endmodule

Moore 状态机




You are to design a one-input one-output serial 2's complementer Moore state machine. The input (x) is a series of bits (one per clock cycle) beginning with the least-significant bit of the number, and the output (Z) is the 2's complement of the input. The machine will accept input numbers of arbitrary length. The circuit requires an asynchronous reset. The conversion begins when Reset is released and stops when Reset is asserted.





module top_module (input clk,input areset,input x,output z
); localparam A = 0, B = 1, C = 2, D = 3;reg [1:0] state, next_state;always@(*) begincase(state)A: beginif(x) next_state = B;else next_state = A;endB: beginif(x) next_state = D;else next_state = C;endC: beginif(x) next_state = D;else next_state = C;endD: beginif(x) next_state = D;else next_state = C;enddefault: beginnext_state = A;endendcaseendalways@(posedge clk or posedge areset) beginif(areset) state <= A;else state <= next_state;    endassign z = (state == B || state == C)? 1 : 0;endmodule

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