If you’re a music enthusiast who prefers Ogg file formats, you’ll find that common players like WMP and iTunes don’t play them without some work. Here is an easy way to get Ogg files to play in iTunes.

如果您是喜欢Ogg文件格式的音乐发烧友,那么您会发现WMP和iTunes等常见播放器在没有任何工作的情况下就不会播放。 这是使Ogg文件在iTunes中播放的简单方法。

Some music enthusiasts might have some Ogg music files in their collection and want to play them in iTunes. Unfortunately, by default you won’t be able to play them, but with a simple download we can make iTunes play Ogg Vorbis files.

一些音乐发烧友可能在他们的收藏中有一些Ogg音乐文件,并希望在iTunes中播放它们。 不幸的是,默认情况下您将无法播放它们,但是通过简单的下载,我们可以使iTunes播放Ogg Vorbis文件。

By default iTunes is not capable of playing Ogg files. If you try to add an Ogg file to iTunes it can’t even be added to the Library.

默认情况下,iTunes无法播放Ogg文件。 如果您尝试将Ogg文件添加到iTunes,则甚至无法将其添加到媒体库。

Download and Install XiphQT


Note: Here we are showing the process for iTunes for Windows, but XiphQT is also available for OS X.


To play .ogg files the first thing to do is download and install the XiphQT QuickTime Component for Windows or OS X (link below). Make sure your closed out of iTunes and in Windows go through the wizard and accept the defaults.

要播放.ogg文件,首先要做的是下载并安装Windows或OS X的XiphQT QuickTime组件(下面的链接)。 确保您已关闭iTunes,并且   在Windows中,请通过向导并接受默认设置。

Now startup iTunes and you’ll be able to add your .ogg files and play them in iTunes. Very easy!

现在启动iTunes,您将能够添加.ogg文件并在iTunes中播放它们。 好简单!

If you are a fan of the Ogg file format or have some in your music collection, and want to play the files in iTunes, this method is quick and easy.


Download XiphQT for Windows or OS X

下载适用于Windows或OS X的XiphQT

Learn More About Ogg Vorbis

了解有关Ogg Vorbis的更多信息

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/25333/how-to-play-ogg-music-files-in-itunes-for-windows/


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